Friday, March 29, 2013

Arjuna, IPL, Dirty Indian Politics and Keeping Spirits High

Arjuna, IPL, Dirty Indian Politics and Keeping Spirits High
Well said Arjuna (I think Arjuna is a God in heaven) it is the god’s wisdom you have even though we as Buddhists do not go behind gods (bribe even gods like our politicians in high office and Indians who play cricket) for favours.

“All or none response” as in Science is the only option left for cricket.

IPL has taken cricket to very low level, even CEO.s of the ICC (British-it is happening in Football in UK) can be bribed now.
I have a good suggestion with Australian mentality.
All our players should go there and play only one over and come back home by the return flight.
This is to test the Indian Security Situation (ISS) and International Security Setup and then we can label State or the Country as a pariah state as far as Security is concerned.

In Indian politics it is tail wagging the (dog's) head. 
We will see very interesting politics, come next elections!

How to Play the Dirty Cricket.
The Australian Way.
The Baller should ball six under-arm balls and call it off for the TV and Media in India.
We will applaud it and Indian can or should HOOT.
The batman should duck and evade and should not use (Tony Lock's method of defending) the bat to play, at all cost and record the worse performance in a 20/20 outing and gracefully retire.

LBW should be gracefully accepted.
In any case. Indian punters have their leg before the ball/s.
It is called L.B.B.
One should not confuse this with Body/Boru/Bodu Balawegaya in Sri-Lanka.

It is of the same spiritual spirit of Indian influence where tail always wags the head of the institution / State or the Constitution.
We will applaud it and Indian can or should HOOT.
Cricket administration both in India and Sri-Lanka has gone to dogs and that is how I would play cricket in the month of April which is our New Year.
We should buy some Gal, Pol or Rata Arrackku (arrack) instead of air tickets to India and enjoy our favorite pastime with the Body or Bodu Balawegaya's Blessing.
Recent confiscation of spirits imported under the pretext of chemical use is what is actually happening in this country.
This industry had a Moral Boost from Chandrika administration and GL and Mahindha Chinthanaya is taking the baton forward with renewed vigour.
Thank YOU.
That is how we keep our spirits high in spite of rising cost of living.
Read my article on “The Alcohol the Miracle Cure” and follow its scientific and medical evaluation.

It is available somewhere in the web but I have removed it from the Sri-Lankan Server, keeping the Bodu Balawegaya activists actively looking for it and trying harder to destroy my academic work, writing and thinking.
Those guys have nothing else to do than destroying our ancient image of tolerance and coexistence. 
It is no different to Indian politics but at a time where there is no free elections for decades to come, unlike in India.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dream 34
This was unusually short but scary dream.
I was woken up late afternoon at 3 P.M. by the dog barking, for me to open the door for my wife who had gone to see her doctor.
The flu that was going around in our house was not a total disaster as far as I was concerned. I was getting a big dose of dreams but unfortunately, I can remember only a few.
The plight or the outcome of the above dream could have been the same if the dog did not intervene in the thick of it, which is not his habit anyway.
I was the master of ceremony at a wedding reception. I was (unfortunately) invited to be one of the witnesses of the registration of the marriage.
I have the habit of refusing to do that (I wish I could have the option to refuse my actual ceremony, now that I am already writing a book on Myth, Mirage and Marriage for young ones who may or may not embark on this feat on an Airbus in Sri-Lankan Airspace. It looks like all Sri-Lankan flights are like Wedding on high space or stratosphere anyway.)
I cannot remember whether I was appearing for the bride or the bridegroom.
It does not matter.
I am going to send  this to Maha the, Greatest and I will get those minor details which I cannot remember from him, in the body of the interpretation.
I will be brief here since the interpretation from Maha was very, very long and interesting.
As as usual I was on site, on time and it did not look like a Airbus but a Skyscraper of many flights and almost touching the stratosphere and I was feeling dizzy having reached the dizzy heights.
I went to the toilet in case I throw my breakfast on the dancing floor and had a very light touch up of my personality and got seated on an easy chair with panoramic view (of all the invitees entering) of the lobby.
The idea was to take cover if any of my doctor friends or enemies (mainly politicians in low offices since they are jealous I occupy one of their tasks; for me it is no different whether I am signing a birth certificate, death certificate or a report of an untreatable cancer) would join the party.
I was an early bird and little while later the registrar came with a commando outfit giving him protection.
I thought to myself, this must be wedding of a son or daughter of a commanding officer.
Then an Imam came with his retinue which looked liked a guerrilla outfit and took up the position covering him from all directions.
He had a book which looked like Kuran in his hand.
The outfit had something like machetes or similar ancient battle outfits
I was not sure whether they were protecting the Kuran, the Imam or both.
I had a second look to see whether he was our veteran Fousi but he did not look liked him.
Little later an old Pusari came in with an outfit which looked no different from LTTE commando outfit in combat.
They were holding a banana leaf over his head and I could not see his face.
By this time I was feeling the thump in my heart wondering whether I landed on the wrong footage.
Then, in a little while  a personality who looked liked the Pope came in and he had Royal Air Force cover.
He was the only one who came in with his own seat which looked like an inclined flat boat with  three rockets like structures in front.
The bottom had a hovercraft type of cushion and it looked amazingly modern outfit, fit for a modern Pope.
The air force was in full attention not at ease.
Then a tiny chap came in with a huge elephantine wardrobe squarish, suitable for a library and it had four locks on all four sides but the guy did not have the keys in his hand but a remote control to control the wheels and a something similar to a tablet computer console.
Then, after some delay a Buddhist monk came in with a laptop in his hand and with no escort.
He also had a remote control which he pointed to the huge wardrobe and opened and closed each one of the locks as if he was checking integrity by a remote control and took up a high seat.
The look of him was very reassuring and I felt the pump in my heart easing off almost to a stall or standstill.
With all this entrees almost 50% of the floor was occupied and little by little invitees arrived filling the vacant seats.
Then of course before I could witness the arrival of the bride and the bridegroom, I was woken up and missed the full scenario.
I have to sent this to Maha for him to fill in the blanks in my memory and the appropriate interpretation and to reveal the missing second half of the dream.
As usual the Maha, the Greatest of all Gods responded almost instantly.
Why are you still sweating?
I said I had a thump in the heart which eased off with the arrival of the monk but with the global warming in full flight, the sweat does not dry up easily.
I asked him was it a funeral or a wedding.
A wedding, my boy.
I was there to witness the registration, was n’t it?
I was there to see that the proceeding went on smoothly.
I was on official duty.
Sort of.
I had to be there to examine the putative couple for their correct sex.
No, why, Maha asked.
Now these guys wear Unisex Jeans, sometime it is difficult to say one is a boy or a girl.
Not like good old days.
Why on hell I was there?
It looked like hell anyway.
You were there to take blood samples.
To check the bride pregnant or not?
Urine sample would do it, know and a technician can do that without a doctor.
Why me?
You know this story is futuristic like all your previous ones.
There is a new wedding protocol.
By testing Blood?
I don’‘t get you.
It is called an ethnicity test.
Each ethnic group has to have a blood test and depending on the result the wedding ceremony takes its course.
That is why all the dignitaries are there.
When one announces the result there is the very drawn out deliberation to fit the guy and the girl into the ethnic protocol.
This is Greek to me.
Can you tell me you are pure Sinhala.
No sir.
Not a Tamil or Muslim.
You don’t have Caucasian blood?
We are a mixed race Sir, one cannot say by a blood test that on is Sinhala or Tamil and only by registration, descent and convention we are grouped to an ethnic group Sir.
That is the point.
Now learned geneticist had worked out a formula for the race in Sri-Lankan.
It goes like this.
1. A Muslim  = 80% Sinhala blood + 10 Tamil blood + 10% Arabian or Caucasian
2. A Tamil     = 60% Tamil blood + 30% Sinhala blood + 10 Arabic or Caucasian
3. A Sinhala man or woman = 30% Sinhala + 30 Tamil + 30 Muslim + 10 unknown, perhaps Caucasian in origin.
4. A Burgher man or woman = 85% Sinhala + 5% Tamil + 5% Muslim + 5% Caucasian
You mean to say Burghers (85%) and Muslim (80%) have more Sinhala blood.
Yes they are, they did not bring females when they settled first and they had several wives (5 for Muslims and 100 for Caucasians) and their male genes were diluted by 70% to almost 90%.
That is a scientifically establish fact, now.
What all this got to do with my participation at the wedding ceremony.
The result is anybody’s guess at the time of registration.
You have to look at the blood result and make a value judgment.
It is easy know?
One looks at the above formula and decide and a clerical staff can do that know?
Why a doctor involved? 
Wait a minute.
That is a working formula to guide a doctor but not foolproof or full proof and nobody tested from the time of the testing began had fitted exactly into any of the four categories and almost 99% were borderline cases.
Just, touch and go!
It is hair splitting and sometimes brain splitting exercise.
You know the little guy who came in.
He is a statistician.
He does some statistics and fit the guy or girl in the best fit Bell’s Curve and then decide how much skewed and on the skew score decides his or her ethnic group.
Sometimes they have to average the two scores, like the Z-Score average made by the Department of Education and then the panel sit together and decide how much Muslim, how much Sinhala, Tamil or Burgher traditions are to be enacted and incorporated in the ceremony.
Then, the Buddhist monk will decide in which book it should be registered.
Why is that?
The panel is the best for that decision, know.
When this ceremony is being held, the percentage of Buddhists have fallen to the lowest.
His duty is to increase the number of Sinhala Buddhists, so that ethnic harmony is maintained and a steady stream of guys and girls are allowed to enter the Sasana.
I do not understand.
The percentage dropped since most of the Buddhists have left the home front and joined the Sasana, like the Gautama Buddha and attained Nibbana, the Supreme.
The rest learned various foreign languages and went abroad on propagating Buddhism in the West and never returned to the motherland like an average Sri-Lankan.
 The Sinhala Buddhist population went down drastically due to their own good nature and goodwill.
The real threat is to the Buddha Sasana,
Buddhists monk cannot reverse his decision enter the lay life and procreate.
You meant to say making young ones to become a monks is a bad idea.
Not at all, since majority will attain Nibbana in one go, it is good for Buddhism.
It may be bad for heaven but on earth, by using the above formula and the panel discussion a certain quota is vested on Sinhala Buddha Sasana.
But, I thought, the Buddha Sasana is for everybody and their is no race attached to it.
That never works on earth or Sri-lanka, one has to have a political strategy, just to preserve pure Theravada or any Vada that may arise on earth.
Good Bye.
See you soon with another dream.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Inaction, procrastination and stupidity are no resolution to a problem of high magnitude but a political stance of a corrupt administration when mismanagement of economy is evident and political will is lacking in moving forward in both vision and  intellectual capacity.
It is like the depressive stagnation of an engine where wheels are not oiled properly.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kalama Sutta

This is a reproduction of one chapter in "Rebirth Revisited"
Kalama Sutta
The Story
The people of the small town Kalama complained to Buddha that they were confused by contradictions they discovered in what they heard from various teachers who praised their own doctrines. They asked Buddha, who was staying in the town then, who to believe out of all those who, like himself, passed through their town.
"Venerable Sir, some recluses and Brahamins visited this town and praised only their own doctrines, but condemned and despised those of others. And it is common that they do so.
Sir, who among them told the truth and who told the falsehood?"
Buddha advised them, saying, "Kalama people, it is proper for you to doubt and to have perplexity when doubt has arisen in a doubtful matter."
He then, went on to instruct that it is wise to make a proper examination before committing to a doctrine or any teaching.
He said that it should be applied to his own teachings as well.
In Pali, Buddha's reply is recorded thus;
1. Ma anussavena.
Do not believe something, just because of its repeated hearing and passed down and retold for many generations.
2. Ma paramparaya.
Do not believe something merely because it has become a traditional practice of many generations.
3. Ma itikiraya.
Do not be led by rumour, hearsay or common opinion.
4. Ma Pitakasampadanena.
Do not be led by because it is in the scriptures.
5. Ma takkahetu.
Do not be led by mere logic or surmise.
6. Ma nayahetu.
Do not believe something merely because it accords with the axiom of one’s philosophy.
7. Ma akaraparivitakkena.
Do not believe something because it appeals to specious reasoning or  "common sense".
8. Ma ditthinijjhanakkhantiya.
Do not believe something just because of the bias towards the idea or notion.
9. Ma bhabbarupataya.
Do not believe something because the speaker´s seeming ability and seeming trustworthiness.
10. Ma samano no garu ti.
Do not be led by upon the consideration that he is your teacher.
Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "This is  unwholesome, this is blameworthy, this is condemned or censured by the wise, these things when accepted and practised lead to poverty and harm and suffering," then you should give them up.
Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "These things are wholesome, blameless, praised by the wise; when adopted and carried out they lead to well-being, prosperity and happiness," then you should accept and practise them."
The Pali text runs like this: "Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."
1. Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (repeated hearing).
2. Do not accept anything by mere tradition.
3. Do not accept anything on account of rumour.
4. Do not accept anything just because it accords with the scriptures.
5. Do not accept anything by mere superficial supposition or surmise.
6. Do not accept anything by mere axiom (inference).
7. Do not accept anything by merely by specious reasoning.
8. Do not accept anything merely because of the bias towards the already held notion.
9. Do not accept anything merely because the seeming ability of the individual or the preacher.
10. Do not accept anything upon consideration that the ascetic is a respected teacher.  
But when you know for yourselves ¨these things are bad, these things are blameable, these things are censured by the wise, undertaken and observed these things lead to harm and ill¨, abandon them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My recommendation of Sleep and Dream habits for Married Couples.

My recommendation of Sleep and Dream habits for Married Couples.
This applies only to married couples.
The young lovers should do whatever dreaming they do at lib and they should not read this article which is very obnoxious when infatuated.
I’ll try to be as brief as possible since married people have no time for heavy reading but reflex action only.
My advice to a young couple on sleep and never on dreams (since they are in a dream world which is going to end soon after the honeymoon) in good old days was one should match a couple with synchronized sleep.
Night sleeper who gets up early, late or indifferent.
Day time napper or of 8 hour 10 or 6 hour sleeper.
Idea was when two of them sleep which is synchronized, they get up together and the home and office work is synchronized.
The advantage is only to the employer and not to the married couple any way.
That is my new finding not disclosed elsewhere.
The old advice do not stand to reality of married life.
One should have two erratic sleepers so that when one dreams other one is up and doing home or office chores.
Married life is 24/7 schedule and never 9 to 5. 
One has to be working while the other is having nap unlike in office life where everybody has to work whether enough work is there or not.

My recent but not published or disclosed data suggest the only time married people have a respite is in their real dream world.

So enjoy them even they are bitter to the opposite sex. 

After all they are dreams.
Have you ever seen a couple who relate their dreams when woken up to the opposite spouse.
In my experience never.
The realty is that the dream is heavily edited to satisfy the opposite spouse.
Usually all the dreams are if not majority are obnoxious ones which even in realty extend from blue murder or downright slanderous.

If they truly relate these dreams the marriage won’t last even  three months.

Most of the breakup are due to recurrent incidences of these obnoxious dreams.
One should never go to hypnotherapist for help and they (are the worse) will record them and use them to blackmail when his/her income is dwindling or volunteer to supply the information secretly to the defense lawyer of the other side for inappropriate black income.

This specially happens in Sri-Lanka. 
If these dreams recur it is alright to go to a divorce lawyer but never to a hypnotherapist.

Who knows one may take undue advantage.

One has to bear them, bite the teeth and boldly take them in, one go at a time, like a true and mature married man or woman.
One should not give this information to doctors since they will give you a sleeping pill and inadvertently stop the only entertainment one has at his/her leisure time activity.

That is simply disaster.

If you want to prolong and succeed in marriage one has to edit every dream to suit the partner and occasionally relate them saying,
I had a lovely dream about You KNOW with all the blah blah.

This has worked for me and I do not know about my wife.
All bad dreams are censored by default.

Now I write about dreams, nobody trust my dreams except Maha Brahma who never dreams in real life.
His hobby is to listen to my ones and interpret them with wisdom.
If you have any bad dream about your spouse (not your secret lover) please post them under comments.
I may consider sending them to Maha’s perusal and interpretation.
I assure you he never keeps any record of them since I am the virtual registrar. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dream 33

Dream 33
This one is relatively new.
I was down with flu and I had hundreds of dreams but unfortunately this is one of the few I can remember.
The fever was mild but the relative humidity (my hydrometer reading over 80% - without rain) was very high to drive me mad with discomfort.
When the relative humidity is high one does not perspire as much as when it is low and if one has fever on top of it, the discomfort is magnified many a times.
I am not saying it is good for dreaming.
Quite the opposite.
One gets up every few minutes, even before the full dream is over and one remembers bits and pieces of jumbled dreams.
That make me remember them since getting back to sleep again is an ordeal due to the discomfort that the warm ambiance causes.
I am one who loves warm atmosphere but not with very high humidity.
I cannot believe how the cricketers in the Asian subcontinent cope with this humidity, leave alone Europeans.
It is strange some part of New Zealand known for heavy rain is having droughts.
I believe the global warming is taking it shape whether we like it or not.
Sorry for the preamble.
The Dream
I was on my way to a village in a very remote place.
I came across a steep hill on the other side which appeared to be a cliff.
The foot path up was on rock which appeared slippery due to rain water dripping down.
On the bottom of the hill there were few onlookers looking up in amazement to see a young mother climbing the cliff with two children one in her hand.
In a glace without any hesitation (dressed in footwear not suitable for slippery rock and a heavy James Bond case in hand) I moved up in case, if the mother needed help, that I could volunteer.
I suppose I wanted play James Bond in this remote village.
Very ambitious intent.
In couple of fast steps I reached up to where the woman has just got the older child barely off the difficult part the hill and was about to push herself up balancing her child in her hand.
I asked her whether I could help her.
But annoyed, in a loud voice she said NO.
By this time I was balancing on one foot not able to go forward or stop myself slipping down.
I had only one option slip down ungracefully to the loud laughter of the onlookers.
I may have dropped my suitcase too but woke up with shame.
I was very happy it was a dream.
I immediately sat in front of my computer and emailed it to Maha, the Greatest of all Gods.
He replied in kind with his new global, no battery Tablet, which is supposed to be bigger than the New Airport in Sri-Lanka.
I thanked him profusely for his support that the inauguration went on smoothly with his divine help.
He said he loves anything airborne, even a weather balloon and Airbus was his high priority for Sri-Lanka.
He also said he would standby with all his might for a few more.
Then I asked him what about the carbon footprint.
Don’t be ridiculous how can a few airbuses will change the world?
That was unexpected not knowing what to say, I retorted, what about the collapse of our economy and debt crisis.
I thought they were play tools like in heaven and did not cost like a Heavenly Jelly Bean.
It is quite the contrary Sir.
I am sorry
I did not know that.
I am not an economist and we do not have a treasury or finance minister in heaven, he said.
What about the cash in heaven.
There is no cash here but eternal goodwill.
Is that so?
So rich people will have no chance of buying a ticket to heaven.
NOWAY as long as I am the BOSS.

Did you really dream it?
You were very stupid know.
I was incapacitated Sir.
I came down to my bottom dollar of EGO and down to earth instantaneously, Sir.
Well good then.
This interpretation is in three parts.
Will you wait for a while.
Part I
You did not know that woman was devil.
Wanamohinie has only one child, I am told.
She is worse.
She will destroy your image first.
Then she will destroy your stature.
Thirdly she will eat you up live.
That is why you terminated the dream.
Part II
Any sensible person in this world should not volunteer any help in Sri-Lanka even in a village, and UNOs not excluded.
If you tried to do that she would drop the child in her hand.
The onlookers will kill you and this devil woman would not sweat a bit for her catch.
But this is a Buddhist country know?
How can that happen?
Don’t you know some of the guys supporting Bodu Balawageya are devil’s incarnations?
Those fellows will even represent as lawyers for the devil in defense of their case.
I was dumbfounded.
Part III
The wise decision would have been for you to wait at the bottom till this woman safely crossed over to the other side.
But she would not cross but would linger and the onlookers will choose you to help her.
But none of this happened and she did crossed to the other side, know.
That is because while you slipped down you dropped the bag with dollars.
The onlookers killed each other for the few dollars.
She went to call the other guys / girls for the feast.
Maha disappeared quickly saying ”Devils always win on earth specially in Sri-Lanka”

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Time for me to take the stock of Linux Activity

Time for me to take the stock of Linux Activity 
It was more than three years that I constantly investigated the Linux World of Freedom.
There were many frustrations when I could not download, Puppy Linux even in the in the University Setup which was less than 100 MB.
Running the first Puppy Linux was the height of satisfaction.
I still carry that trait and it is still my favorite distribution.
When I first ran it from a USB Stick, it was the glory of discovering the the freedom.
Getting first Linux distribution which was Redhat Linux running in my 4MB inbuilt graphic card on P2 Machine was never a failed exercise.
Real reason for my enthusiasm I should bare it now.
I wanted to have a little workshop for School Children in Kandy and it was total disaster not because I was ill prepared.
Microsoft bribed the guys organizing (with alcohol and money) the function and prevented me from having an audience.
I am one who never take  anything lying down in this country.
For that matter any where in the globe.

It was a simple innocent exercise. 
Never thought it will blossom to this extent. 
I investigated and found the guys (who had left school just 17 plus or 18 plus not able to get into the University).

Unfortunately. those guys published their intention in the web and what I did to them is only a tiny history now and no need to say anything more.
I am still thankful to Microsoft for doing that.
Microsoft inadvertently charged my inner brain faculties

If they did not do that my enthusiasm would have petered out in no time.
I had finished my research work in the University and I was looking for something new.
This was a great opportunity and I took Linux head on and later having mastered Linux I took, Microsoft in any position they attack me.
Only once they could do that this time from India and I was up to it in hours and traced the guy to India with open challenge.
He never appeared again on my back.
Guy did not know that I had several computers monitoring which Microsoft could not monitor since all the operating system were pirated ones in Sri-Lanka, to my credit.
Thank god for the piracy of Sri-Lankans.
They had no hold and I started talking of Copy Right Law in my city.

To my happiness over twenty in the city (everybody except me had pirated copies then, I had Windows 95) were prosecuted for violating Sinhala Songs and Films.
That did them too and some lost their businesses.
Unfortunately, to this day, it is still going on, even in temples and nobody was prosecuted after that incident (since then to my knowledge).
I did venture into Colombo and got a few guys involved in Linux and I used to get my Linux CDs from (DVD were not on the market then) Singapore until one, day I went to Singapore and downloaded my first 20 Linux distributions including Linpus Linux from Taiwan.

Nobody in Singapore knew about Linux then, I believe. 
I was there for only two weeks and I came home with a Router (Wireless) and made sure I downloaded one distribution a day.
Writing about Linux was also an accident and the University guys (not academics) were on strike and I had all day from 7 to 5 pm in my office to publish in the web.
Fortunately, I was involved with a British Institute which struck a code not violating Copy Right Law and we were getting young (not University  undergraduates) ones to write to improve English.
This site was attacked by somebody for political reasons and knowing Sri-Lankan politics when I detected the first intrusion, I dissociated with them for a long period of time until recently.

I deleted all my politically sensitive (not Linux) items when they started running again.
Enough of dirty politics in the World Wide Web and thanks to Linux I was able to register my presence in the web with many free web sites.
Now I am going to severe some of those connections by April only due to rising Electricity Bill.
Nothing Else.
So it is time for me to thank all those who were inspirational to say the least in the Linux community, including Peter Parfitt.

I have no antipathy with Microsoft now but I have a hearty laugh when one is struggling with Windows with a toned down hype.
Because of this reason, not looking at Microsoft Updates my email is never cluttered and delete them at the first glance by reflex action.
Now let me thank all the guys who developed little utilities.

To begin to hate all the web browsers except perhaps Iceweasel. 
Simply because some of isos were severed in the last few minutes and having to download from the beginning.

Browsers good at eavesdropping on you but never help you from to begin an activity that was terminated by faulty Telecom connection or server not ready with a file.
1. I love K-torrent and it had done the donkey work.
2. I love www.linuxtracker.og which was hacked several times by the undesirables.

Thank god my electricity bill was manageable, then.
3. Then Distromania site for storing old copies of Linux. 

It went defunct for some time and they are back again.
4. Thank for all the Linux forums who would have a line or two at their web sites to help my searches.
5. Then Linux page 1.
6. Then the
7. Not forgetting the Live CD list. 

From that site I managed to download Linux in Singapore.
8. Linux Freedom for having sample of most of the Linux Distributions.
9. Let me say I hate writers who writes, 10 best distributions which distort the facts often with a Virtual Machines.

Linux counter is trying to rectify this anomaly.
10 Then to my amazement only 32 Sri-Lankan guys were using Linux.
Even in South Africa where Ubuntu originated there were very few using Linux.
11. That made me to do some research and one of my dear friend’s son in UK (on my invitation) has already completed his masters (Linux penetration).

I provided him with all the useful information.
I am currently doing some local research in the University and that will take some time before my retirement.
So I will take a break and I want the young guys to follow my footsteps.
I will be reading the Linux magazine and they are also doing a very good global promotion.
It is well set and my absence wan’t be felt much.
There will be a book on Quality Concepts too.
If I missed anybody that is not an oversight but my gray matter failing in old age.
12. The work horse for me was K3B.
With out which over 1000 CD/DVD sessions (on Nero would have been a disaster) would not have come without a scratch.

I may say with conviction, less than 10 CD/DVDs failed due to faulty manufacture of the CD/DVD.
That is the strength of the Linux utilities.

13. UnetbootIn is my love and I have about 20 USB sticks for demonstration and I now  use SD Cards with Androids, hitting the market and Raspberry Pi is doing the rounds in UK where I started my computing work, first and not in USA.
Fortunately USA, guys and girls outnumber my Sri-Lankan counterparts.
And thanks to all of them who visit my site!