Friday, April 26, 2024

Che (Earnest) Guevara

1. Born on Argentina in 1928 and died in 1967, aged only 39.
2. He came from an ordinary family.
3. A Bohemian who was ahead of time.
4. He was asthmatic but he overcame his asthma with his tenacity.
5. He took part in sports including horse racing.
6. He gave up studying medicine to take up a voyage by bike in Latin America.
7. Having discovered the Spanish destruction of Latin America he became angry with Spanish.
8. Similarly having discovered how American treated Latin Americans as subhuman he was very angry with Americans.
9. He had several bike accidents and returned to Argentina and finished his medical education.
10. He went to Guatemala and saw how American Banana Planters using mercenaries exploit the human labour in a country which had a Communist Party.
He was frustrated that he could not organize opposition.
11. He was sought after by C.I.A and he hid in Argentine Embassy and fled to Mexico where he met Fidel Castro expelled from Cuba.
12. He and Fidel Castro were bold enough to confront with the powerful American Army in Cuba with only 82 other similar minded revolutionaries.
13. This group was shipwrecked on their way to Mexico and moored to a wrong harbour.
He had a choice of taking his medical aid or body armor and he de to become a full time revolutionary.
14. Fought the Batista Army successfully.
15. American disaster and also called Bay of Pigs invasion.
16. Cuban missile crisis.
17. Rift with Fidel Castro.
18. Revolution in Congo which did not have real enemy (Belgians were cruel people).
19. Went to Bolivia and he was betrayed by both C. I.A. and Bolivian Army.
20. Who killed Che is still a mystery!
21. He was betrayed but his iconic image remains as a true revolutionary in the minds of all oppressed souls on this planet earth who could not rise above adversity.