Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Catching an Eagle in Flight

It is very difficult to catch an eagle in a film.

It is very difficult, especially when there are clouds.

Moment it spots a human being or a crow it floats above the clouds.

I believe it can see through the clouds.

It is very clever and makes a queer sound and turn around  abruptly at 90% degrees to confuse the target.

Not only vision it uses sound to lure the prey.

Today I tried half an hour to spot it in the sky (not to film it) but it evaded  me in style.

There is a nasty teen in my neighbourhood.

He had a whistle and imitated it's sound.

I gave up and it vanished.

Reason of its surveillance is to see any prey in a nearby coconut tree.

This coconut tree was felled and the guy who did it pruned the coconut leaves first.

I am pretty sure a grey with young squirrels was in it's sight.

May be a few giant multipedes were there,too.

While I was trying to spot it a giant butterfly  landed on a violet flower of one of my water plants.

It was huge and very beautiful.

Pitch black, with white spots and  a tinge of blue at the edges.

A very beautiful specimen and it vanished in a flash.

I know it will come back but I won't try catching it on my camera.

It's beauty is firmly registered in my brain

Friday, September 17, 2021

New Kid in Town

New Kid (Bird) in Town
I never so this bird again.
It is not actually biped kid in town but a pair of birds, I had never seen in my life.

The pair in my assessment getting ready to breed somewhere in our neighbourhood but by felling few trees for a guy to park his Old Hiace has made a mockery of tree  planting campaign of Ra Ja Raja, in this country.

Ra Ja Regime felled eight jack trees in one year  before 2005, and he has gone to Italy to get jack fruit "madulu" in cans on a loan from Italy.

This bird the female is smaller than the Mynah with a short tail and short break and snout.

Its appetite was voracious and swallowed at least five seeds in no time like our squirrels (the difference the squirrel take the outer shell and drops the seeds and vandalize the place).

Then it decided to groom it's feathers and have a sun bath.

Mind you it came last after other birds.

Big surprise was a pair of cranes (who come for water crabs) landed with a thud and gobbled lot of seeds.

Even the Kingfisher did come for a sun bath but never venture into fruits or seeds.

The Kerala the one which has the colour of a parrot but ugly beak like of s kingfisher was absent for long time.

A pair visited after a long time.
It is secretive and avoid all human contact.

Even two pairs of Ceylon oriole did visit today.

It is most likely heavy rain elsewhere and scarcity of food that made them to visit the palm seeds.

I am pretty sure this palm not a local one has tasty seed coating.

Attracting cranes was a mystery.

King fisher never comes to the tree but his nest dug in a mud wall nearby (cleared up  for the water pumping plant of the teacher training college).

The land is gone into wilderness and there are few but tall mulberry trees, there.

It gobbles the left over chicken bones and marrow of our Christian neighbours.

There are no crabs and the well where crabs were hiding was filled up for a Hiace parking.

My estimate is the palm bunch has about 400 seeds and it will last only a week with this food scarcity for birds with the inclement weather.

The Mulberry tree has no fruits at all.

I am praying for sunshine so that my aches and pains in the back would disappear with blood flowing to my aching spine.

Coming to the new kid the male bird who was huge waited for at least half an hour till the female had its share.

This male dominant Muslim religion and Thaliban should learn, a great lesson, if they watch this pair of birds (five times a day) before their prayers.

This applies to Japanese patriarchs, too.

Male was huge bigger than a Mynah and Babbler.

He had only a few seeds, less than five and that is why I maintain that the lady bird is getting ready for laying eggs.

Where they make their nest, I won't check.

By default they cannot breed on our garden and the young brood will be finished by one cobra or a rat snake.

We do not have rattle snakes in our neighbourhood.

The male Chameleon was spotted today and they come annually for breeding.

They dig holes in the soil and I think they dig holes in my pots made soft by watering.

I rarely see a young one.

I think the ghekos kill them.

skunk also come for breeding  on the roof of our annex not occupied for 5 years.

With Coronavirus no visitors allowed.

They have released large number  of criminals and I decided to pit a padlock for the gate.

Pretty crimes are mounting at a very alarming rate.

Tribute to Sir Clive Sinclair

Sir Clive is only a decade ahead of me.
He was the one who made me to dive and drive into computer science and electronics.

AMSTRAD computer also came around at that time but I did not fancy both of them but hooked to American Atari ( or did it come from British Hong Kong) in no time.
Many moons later in New Zealand I bought a Atari Console for my kids and I still have it in its original box ( of course it is in the attic).

I do not know how I migrated to Linux with 4MB RAM.

Sinclair has only few KB of memory and how they cramped up that memory was to record games in audio cassettes.

I tried to make a address book and it took so many hours and I gave that to one of my friends who was a mathematician (who is no more) so that his only son learns computing.

After the father's death he went into a core but never successful in academics.
I now know Linux is the only operating system that can add power to low memory from fridge to freezer to baby dolls.
That is why it is successful.

It has 28 million lines in its Kernel 15 and STEAM Dock and Drive will be soon on the market.

My ultimate aim was to make few Linux games.

Linux was devoid of games of top class then until Steam application came into existence to emulate Windows games and it is now called I think Proton.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

R.I.P. to R.I.I.

Yes Recovery Is Impossible for Our Economy.

Rest In Piece for those who advocate Printing Money to overcome our Cash Flow Deficit.

I am digitally and virtually dead till I get my foreign assets frozen by CB Governor and Acting Finance Minister.

My worry is FM is trying to artificially bring down Rupee Depreciation but on the long run I will gain since Rupee will go down rapidly and uncontrollably when artificial framework start cracking.

Food prices in the coming weeks before and after the budget will indicate where we are heading.


We take a loan to settle a loan.

The second loan is at a higher rate.

We are economically *Down the Pallan*.

In Linux of Course R.I.P is a distribution to recover lost Data.

In Linux one never lose Data anyway.

In economy we deliberately erase data to avoid persecution.

New Governors job is to erase the data and muddy the water and take all the irregular emoluments (the post is vested with) for which he does not deserve a red cent and he will elope blaming the Coronavirus.

The Coronavirus is there to take these fraudulent guys to the grave.

The vaccination may mitigate it temporarily.

The recovery is impossible with makeshift cash flow adjustments but the economic downturn Coronavirus has brought in will last more than 20 years and then only will some signs of recovery will surface.

The Coronavirus in my estimate peter out in about 20 years.

These pseudo-experts will escape like rats when the "economy ship" starts sinking.

Make hay when the sun shines is their Moto!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Joplin Open Source Note

My First Joplin Note

This is open source application I found in Endless OS.
Pretty Good.

First successful attempt of using open source note uploaded to my blog post.
Other Note applications Freezes when uploaded.
No asking of money or subscription.