Sunday, December 22, 2024

Killing the "Big Bang"

 Friday, January 22, 2016

Killing the "Big Bang"

Elliptical galaxies
Elliptical galaxies are the most abundant type of galaxies found in the universe.
They make up to 60% of all the galaxies.
They are the oldest.
However, because of their age and dim qualities, they are frequently outshone by younger, brighter collection of stars.
Elliptical galaxies lack the swirling arms of their more well known siblings, spiral galaxies.
Instead, they bear the rounded shape of an ellipse.

Spiral galaxies

Spiral galaxies take their name from the winding spiral shape they demonstrate.
30 percent of the galaxies in the universe observed by scientists are spiral galaxies.
These twisted collections of stars and gas often have beautiful shapes and are made up of hot young stars.
Most spiral galaxies contain a central bulge surrounded by a flat rotating disk of stars. Made up of older, dimmer stars, the bulge in the center is thought to contain a massive black hole.
The dim light from the older stars can make the bulge difficult to pinpoint, and there are some spirals that lack this characteristic.

Starburst or Irregular Galaxies

They do not fit either category described above.
They about 10 percent are irregular galaxies.They are probably the youngest galaxies as shown by intense activity and new star formation.
Astronomers have found evidence of disk of gas between the stars and they are the source of new star formation.

Galaxy Merger

The galaxies merge with each other due to their massive gravitational forces. They are referred to as the car crash victims of the universe.
The resulting galaxy merger is violent and dramatic and change the structure and shape of clashing galaxies.

Dark matter within galaxies

There is dark matter amidst the stars in these galaxies and the exact amount of it is not estimated. Now is the time for me to expand on my hypothesis further in reference to globular or elliptical galaxies and starburst galaxies.

In my opinion dark mater does not sit idle.
Apart from giving the geometrical shape and stability, they are in the process of transformation.
The spiral galaxies have been used by me to explain the dark mater becoming matter by random events.
It is the matter of pulling apart a string of dark matter from a saturated or solo dark matter hovering at the periphery of a galaxy containing right amount of the dark matter, probably slightly in excess of the wondering solo dark matter, that trigger the formation of matter real as opposed to invisible dark matter.
This triggers an event similar to Big Bang but in a smaller scale and dimension (mind you this is my alternative theory to counteract the Big Bang).
The dark matter and its force goes into reverse gear and start producing matter in series of step quite invincible to the observer. It just mergers into the background of the galaxy without a big bang.
New stars forming in the spirals which are blue in colour is the end result.
Here the gravitational forces of the matter (the galaxy) is in fine tune with the dark forces and dark matter.
There are no shooting or exploding stars but it is a maternity home for new stars in formation and trying to defy the gravitational forces in spirals.
The dark matter occupying the space let this happen gently and it gives the property of expansion in space to operate in tandem with new star formation.

In this scenario Starburst formation is the most likely at an earlier stage of formation giving rise to spiral formation at a later stage and still later when the gravitational forces far exceeds the expansion allowed by dark forces elliptical galaxies form.
In fact elliptical galaxies are the antithesis to dark matter transforming to matter.
Deep in the globular galaxies matter into another dimension by forming black holes by shear effect of gravity. The globular galaxies may have trace amount of dark mater in its periphery but nothing substantial deep in its center.
Its center is occupied by black hole which are invisible both due to warping of time and space dimensions and the interference of the light emanating from the globular cluster of stars in the outer perimeter.

So my theory in evolution has a place for dark holes too.
In my theory there is no divine intervention but matter and dark matter in transformation not in chaos but in random fashion.
Matter and dark mater are two sides of the coin with opposing properties.
One is visible the other is invisible.

Our obsession to mater visible has made us to ignore something as substantial, may be 10 to 100 times more than the matter real.
Our obsession has a blinding effect.
It is a continuum like, the physical properties of energy we measure in physics but in a different dimension merging imperceptibly in all dimensions as shown in the formation of galaxies.

Its wonder is, it needs different type of quantum physics to grasp it.
I call it “the humble pie effect” of not knowing the alternative physics.

My bone of contention is Big Bang has no explanation for enormity of dark matter and also dark holes.
Posted by Asoka at 12:45 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Limits of our measurements IN SPACE
Limits of our measurements IN SPACE

Good example to use the analogy of compound microscope to view particles smaller than the wavelength of the light.
It fails so we have to use electron microscope, thin slides and negative images to visualize smaller molecules in viruses. 

This can be stretch beyond the particle size of atomic levels, using suitable electromagnetic fields to guide a particle smaller than electron to measure subatomic particles in real time instead of using destructive particle collusion in a particle accelerator.
Telescope also has the similar limitation.
Some of its limitations were overcome by bypassing the interference zone in our outer atmosphere.

This limitation applies to light traveling from distant galaxies.
It has the limitation which the "Big Bang Theory is engulf in.

Time Zero had to coined to begin the concept and Time Zone had to be designed to declare the outer limit of our universe.
What ever the measurement instruments of matter we will use we have a hazy zone and limitations.
That handicap should not used to get us trapped in what is called the confirmation bias in philosophy.

We get trapped and engulfed by the same old theory.
This is the very reason I am attacking the “Big Bang Theory’ from inside and outside.
We are becoming comfortable with the confirmation bias and that retard the formation and testing of new theories.

What about the things that cannot be measured?
Should we surrender our thoughts in suspense or let our imagination run riot.
In that sense dark matter is a solid case in point to ponder.

Fact that we cannot see dark matter should be the driving force for deeper investigation.

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