Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Manjaro is a user friendly Arch based Linux distribution that offers a simplified installation process, rolling release model and access to the Arch User Repository (AUR). I do not like its dependency checking when a new applications are installed. It takes lot of Internet time installing applications and with a slow Internet speed, it just hangs up. It supports multiple desktop environments, including Xfce, KDE, and Gnome. There are lot of Arch based Linux distributions with missing components that include a functional desktop environment when booted first time round and on this regard Manjaro is the one                    I recommend in spite of internal disputes that delays its release cycle.

It’s image size is 3.5GB.

Manjaro comes with both a CLI and a graphical installer. The rolling release model means that users do not need to upgrade/reinstall the whole system to keep it all up to date inline with the latest release. Package management is handled by Pacman via both the terminal command line and via front end GUI package manager tools like the pre-installed Pamac. It can be configured as either a stable default system or bleeding edge rolling installation, in line with Arch.

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