Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Che Guevara, the Real Revolutionary with a Beard

Che Guevara was born to a rich family but died as a hero to the oppressed.

He was assassinated in Bolivia by a singal soldier. Shots were fired to the lower body to show as he was killed in the battle and left to die (long term chronic asthma probably did the rest).
When his body was exhausted with six of his comrades it was found his arms were cut.

Later they were taken to Cuba for proper burial with state honours.

He died for the poor. the hungry and the diseased.

He was clever and never fought in battle without a gun in hand. He ridiculed the guys who went empty handed against a ruling junta.
He said it is counterproductive and result in either arrest or killed in battle.
When odds are heavy he preferred escaping from the battlefield..

That is what Russians do in Ukraine battle.

He carried his medicine in a pocket in his leg.

He emphasized the importance of the survival kit which CIA probably learned from him (to use in Afghanistan).

Swiss krist knife probably a byproduct of his safety tools.

He was 20 years senior to me and his Revolution started before I was born.

I can remember copying his photo with a pencil on the wall (side of my bed) at Arunachallum Hall. This was painted over by the university authorities during our vacation.

I also had wall hanging depicting a Vietnam peasant in a paddy field.
During this period North Vietnamese fought valiantly against US carpet bombing and  the use of agent orange over plush vegetation.

Battle of Tom King was a CIA conspirasy.

It was natural for me to become anti CIA not antiamerican.

CIA planned his assassination in Congo / Angola but failed.

His march to Havana (Castro arrived 12 days later) made him the real revolutionary force, against the capitalists of CIA/USA combo.

He was taken a prisoner.
Russia was instrumental in his release from Cuba.

This was the time when Russia had missiles stationed in Cuba (1962).

He was follower of Karl Marx political philosophy and the liberation of the working the class.
He followed Leninism but Lenin deplored killing but Stalin was like Che.

He worked in a labour colony and organized them within, in Latin America.

He was an intellectual.

He finished his 6 year course in medicine in half of that time.

He gave up practise of medicine to work and die for his comrades and fellow beings.

He excelled in sports, athletics, swimming and rugger but he had to give up rugger due to chronic asthma.

He was keen in music and produced revolutionary musical themes.

He organized a radio station for communication surveillance and he did know what the CIA tactics were and escaped assassination attempts twice.

His struggle was global and he did not remain in Argentina.

Che Guevara Beard
I use grow a beard in my first year as protest against the strict protocol of the medical faculty.
Che died in 1967 in October and I entered the university in October 1968. We sat the A Level examination in 1967 and it was a fashion for us to emulate him as a young radical. If I remember right another guy wore a beard since he failed the examination, twice. I was severely reprimanded by a senior medical guy who came from my village. He was one of  my brother's classmates.
I told him growing my beard is my business and he never said anything to me in his final year.
Of course I cut it during Viva Vose.
When the Army sent the gulag to the university I immediately cut my beard. I was asked to do so by a JVP guy who was my friend.

I continued to grow my beard in the university as a seconded officer but my professor never said anything.

The facial hair grows at 0.3 to 0.5 a day and it grows one third to one half inch a month. Its growth depends on genetics, nutritional status and perhaps the age (before puberty) and the type of testosterone. T and DHT.

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