Friday, August 1, 2014

8. Small is beautiful

8. Small is beautiful

This country is going through what I called the
Mega Mania Memorabilia Syndrome or the 3 M Syndrome. 

It reminds me of a famous American company who markets little medical equipment and utilities including steristrips and steritapes (sterile material that could be taken from a pack and use directly (wrapped cleanly) without any fear of contamination) which I used to bring from abroad and introduce them here some years back.

One cannot find them, even in a good pharmacy in this country now.

In actual fact one cannot find a sterilized dab (swab) of cotton wool leave alone a sanitary towel (sterilization can be easily accomplished by UV light) for females for a reasonable price. 

This company in addition to doing small things right produce an array of stethoscopes for doctors. 
I should remind you doctors are minority in any country but doing small things right this company makes healthy profit year round.

We can presently do the proper sterilization only in a major hospital and send the packs to the periphery in unhygienic condition and by the time it reaches the user it probably needs re-sterilization.

Come this country we cannot find any good product (except coconut coir) with coconuts or rubber (it used to be Ceyesta, the combination of coconut coir and rubber that was almost number one in the world) but - fiesta should be its revival name for researching back to the roots of our inventions in the past.

We seem to be not doing small; things right.

When we fell a tree 4 trees should be planted to take its place.

What we do is we fell 10,000 trees a day and plant one tree a day on a tree planting day and never look after the sapling till next important birthday to come and clean the same pot hole and replant another.

This is country known for looking after a Bo Tree for over 2500 years ( in the last 100 years by putting milk on a Poya day we destroy the roots of that Bo Tree very well looked after for 2500 years) and cannot care for a sapling for one year and that is also left to school children on a particular day not on a daily basis like when we were kids. 

We used to grow with the trees and that metaphor was with us in our entire life that is why I am still a naturalist and an environmentalist to the bone marrow of my thinking. 

It is not like that in our children and politicians.

They are good at rhetoric!

I can go on and on but suffice is to say we have to do small things right before we think of Mega Mania.

We must stop becoming 3 Ms but look at how the 3M company come to stay and remain there, ever since.

It may be one's spouse or head master or the all powerful boss at work place but the companion /worker/cohort should shed his or her fear of the boss and do little thing to make the others life happy.

Equally the all powerful boss should stop dishing out rhetoric and do at least little thing to make one's subordinate happy.

This is what we call in business management keep one's internal customers happy, then the external customers get a good deal for money.

This is a country where in the private sector did not increase the minimum wage for over a decade under the pretext of on going war.

We talk of sympathy and empathy but it is all bunkum!


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