In Defense of Bab Lazar
I am a Truth Hunter not a speculator as in the stock market.
According to Buddhist literature there are over 36 types of beings in this Universe.
So the possibility of Aliens is more than 1 in statistics.
My Summary
1. 1945 Nuclear Test and Big Explosion.
Any Nuclear Explosion has catastrophic effects on the whole Universe.
Unlike the postulated spontaneous nuclear explosion at the beginning of our Universe, any man made Fission (Fusion is a later development) has deleterious effect on other life in existence in our Universe.
It sounds like that Nuclear Rules are laid down by a "Galactic Code" long before humans ventured into fission and fusion experiments.
Fission is bombardment of atoms in a Particle Accelerator while Fusion is where two atoms are joined together by artificial means.
It was a Russian physicist in 1964 (Nicolai Kardasheve), who postulated that at least 4 Galactic Civilizations can exist in the Universe, depending on the level of Energy Exploitation.
There were multiple incursions of UFOs on Nuclear Facilities turning them off and turning them on.
That was a statement to say aliens were aware of them and can disable them if any Nuclear Launch is envisaged, against an adversary country, namely Russia.
These incursions to restricted areas with nuclear weapon technology were happening from 1940s to present day without any restrictions and the Governments having these facilities cannot do a thing to stop them happening (interfering).
These UFOs fly with impunity and it is hard to lock-in to or disable.
The Pantex Nuclear Arms facility incursion Jelly Fish like UAP (incident was adequately recorded with photographic images) which evaded the detection system of the facility.
Then again in 2015, a Diamond shaped UAP with a rounded top has had a reconnaissance flyby without detection, again.
Supposed to have been followed up in air by air crafts of the facility but the UAP had evaded and disappeared instantly.
2. It took 2 years for the so-called beings from ? zeta reticularis to come here to investigate.
That all depended on the distance from us to them and the general speed of their vehicles.
3. They are not interested in Radio messages as in SETI investigations.
4. Their visit "Exited" the Other Beings of the Universe, may be up to 15 according to John Lear.
5. Battle of Wills ensued that determined the extend to which the information was exchanged between us and them.
J Rod supposed to be the mediator.
6. In April 1964, after the first formal interstellar agreement was made it all became quiver and but shrouded in mystery.
To what restrictions we are subjected to and what freedom we can exercise as human is unknown.
7. Majestic or M.J. 12 or their direct descendants have the keys to this mystery.
I would not go beyond those points of view mentioned above.
Being a man with scientific mind, I raise my hat off to those brave inquisitive men and women who dared to raise questions and wanted to take away, the veil of secrecy surrounding, old and new discoveries.
I Thank all those including John Lear, Bob Lazar, Art Bell and George Knapp for keeping the interest live, to this day.
Steven Greer has no place in my records and he looks like a C.I.A. guy who wants to muddy the water.
This is an extract from George Knapp's and Art Bell's Radio Talk Show Conversations.
He used the pseudonym Dennis which pissed off his contractor at a Los Alamo in his interview with George Knapp who was Channel 8 heavy duty investigative reporter.
The secrecy imposed upon him has created suspicion among his friends and I believe he had no social life left, except his own work.
His entire career and his personality had been destroyed by design and hence he had to relate this story to John Lear who was a war time pilot with many records behind his name.
John Lear and Bob Lazar together made a remarkable exposure.
We should be thankful to them, if the story related is TRUE.
I have no problem with Governments keeping secrecy over issues related to security matters.
Something substantial like alien crafts did not have any concern for security but declaration of this event would have gained credibility and trust with them which they have already lost due to decades of veiled secrecy.
The general public and world at large are bitter about the whole situation.
Theorizing to use these technologies for developing Weapons of Mass Destruction for global domination by a particular country is untenable, to say the least.
Mass Global Destruction was one possibility at the hands of a few crafty but unreasonable individuals with military background.
Military should be for the sake of protecting citizens.
It is not for their own Grand Military Industrial Conglomerate.
Half truths is worse than big lies.
Going back to Bob Lazar story;
There were 9 alien crafts of different designs in their possession which they tried to reverse engineer.
One of the crafts was in pristine working condition but it did not have the fuel, which is Moscovian or Element 115.
How they obtained them was a mystery.
It was suggested that the X-Ray scaler guns were used to interfere with the power and gravity propulsion or some magnetic field interference was used which disrupted the navigational mechanisms, thereby crash landing.
Hard to believe that they were downed by lightning.
John Lear was the one who raised the red flag of alien crafts been flown out of Area 51 to begin with.
Bob Lazar did not believe in aliens, to begin with.
He was a skeptic.
He had a Decommissioned Missile Silo in New Mexico for his own technical work, most likely HiFi Nuclear Stuff.
Nuclear labs were supposed to be there in this region.
SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactical) Team visiting him and reprimanding him on legal grounds, not to declare certain things was inevitable.
He was trying to develop his own Research Laboratory.
Hydrogen Fuel system was one of them.
Fuel cell running on hydrogen was one of his many designs.
Hydrogen can be produced by simple electrolysis.
Theoretically and probably practically Bob was using Solar panels for electrical power generation.
Hydrogen fuel for his car which ran on normal gasoline, was his improvisation.
In other words hybrid car.
This would naturally will upset the gasoline giants and they become natural enemies of Bob Lazar.
General public will never see what Bob Lazar was using.
Hydrogen bound to a solid metal Hydride which releases hydrogen when heated was his design.
Art Bell
Radio talk show presenter.
George Knapp
Is thorough bred investigative journalist who met John Lear almost by accident.
Gereme Corbell
Alien craft enthusiast.
William (Bill) Cooper was not a crazy guy but a man with common sense. He had an unpleasant death related to Tax Evasion.
He revealed lot of things which the Bilderbergs and New World Order guys did not want to be exposed.
He was an Air Force man who went to Naval Academy.
In 1966 he had seen an alien craft.
In 1976 he had seen classified documents which he was deliberately exposed.
He was physically assaulted by the big guys as a form of threat.
For some other reason or to protect himself he went public.
He wrote books publishing already available public documents.
He states do not believe what I say but do your own research to your own satisfaction.
I do not believe all what he states in his YouTube presentation which is freely available.
Most of what he says stand to reason.
Being a service guy he was very brave to come out clean.
Big guns do not like this type of guys.
His revelation of Kennedy assassination tipped the balance against him.
Secret Societies and Free Masons is not an illusion but an established society of the New World Order.
He defended himself and shot a Law Enforcing Officer which ended his life.
Similar to what what happened to Linux Guy
Ian Murdock who had an altercation with police. He was shit dead. No questions asked.
Bill Cooper seem like a deeply religious guy.
Unlike many Americans he is against any War and sending Americans in foreign Wars.
One World Order and Blilderbergs
He also stays that all Media are run by five corporations own by the Trilateral Commission and One World Order.
By year 2030 everything would be monitored by a CHIP owned by the AI.
There is no cash but digital transactions. Every moment of ones life is monitored.
I think Bill Cooper saw this in advance and he was eliminated by an unrelated episode.
I do not have anything to hide but equally I am against any organiz byation including my Bank monitoring my private activities. I prefer cash transaction and for larger deals to write a cheque.
The good old trusted method.
Digital Transactions happen in nano seconds.
I can remember British Miners Leader Arthur Scargill transferring his Union Money to a third country probably to a Latin American country, fearing Mrs. Thather taking over the money by an Act of Parliament. All these were to scuttle the Freedom for any individual to be associated with a Union of their creation.
Private Companies and Corporation do not like the workers to possess Rights.
Coming back to Trilateral Commission, it is a shadowy organization created by conglomerate of big (global) banks to have global control of Economy and Capital.
This Group supposed to be looking after the interest of USA and countries of the EU.
They do not keep records of the meetings.
Media are not allowed.
Everything in Top Secrecy.
They also called Illuminati.
Members are sworn to silence.
Surveillance State and Absolute Control.
1. One Currency
2. Compliant Media
3. Subservient Clientale
Brexit and Coronavirus pandemic followed the Blilderbergs meeting.
All the rich guys including Bill Gates meet in these meetings.
I even do not hesitate to propose coronavirus pandemic was man made to control global population expansion.
When Concrete or Scientists evidence is not available I prefer the label Conspiracy until facts are revealed for general public consumption.
Global Warming and carbon taxes are their creation. I tend to believe CO2 is adequately mopped up by Antarctic Ice, in addition to chlorophyll.
This warming is actually realated to "Solar Flares". I have discussed this elsewhere in this blog site.
In 2008 before the stock market collapse Blilderbergs met and manipulated the cash flow.
Cryptocurrency emerged as a safety valve and these Blilderberg guys do not like decentralized economy.
They want full control.
Emergence of AI technology should be taken along with these financial manipulations.
Unity Currency is with a Digital Card is proposed by these guys so that every purchase by every individual is monitored.
Strangely China is also developing similar strategy. The leadership does not want to lose their grip on average citizen. So aevrage citizen is kept relatively happy.
Tik Tok should be viewed in that line of thinking.
Subtle Control instead or direct and brutal.
Digital Profiles are monitored to see whether an individual is a risk to the Unity System and if it so that individual is taken out of the Grand Loop and left high and dry.
It is a very Sinister Program in it's Core.
This is called Algorithmic Association in computer terminology.
It is not YOU but the AI decides the outcome.
Simply even Education System is not sparred.
Relatively unknown people are propelled to position of importance (I would not name all of them here) and they are under the direct control of Blilderbergs.
Obama is a Blilderberg guy from the very beginning. Blilderbergs infiltrate the political party system and reside within. Ukraine War and money siphoned to Military Industrial Complex.
M.I.C is an invention by the Blilderbergs.
Trilateral Commission
Dystopian Reality.
Unity Coin rules the World.
Those not within the system marginalized and deprived basic Human Rights.
New World Order.
Harmony Chip is introduced (implanted);as a Medical Device but in fact is a Surveillance Chip.
Chips guys are docile, malleable and indoctrinated.
Those who opposed chips are labelled as paranoid guys or conspiracy theorists.
Country borders disappear and small country like Ceylon lose its sovereignity to big brothers who become the true controllers of our destiny.
Ranil Wickramasinghe out of power has taken over the responsibity of becoming the liasence to the New World Order.
His new book should be read with the background I have laid open.
In India they have already introduced a card like this and similar card under N.P.P leadership would be issued soon.
No Democracy.
No Human Rights.
No Freedom of Association (Unions)
No Elections
These corporate Guys fear the very instruments that prevented the global catastrophe in the past.
Chipped and the Outcasts
Chips are forced as a convenience but one is monitored 24/7.
Outcasts cannot enter even the Subway.
Cryptocurrency is rejected by design and Unity Currency prompted.
AI algorithms rule the world.
Globalization is mouth watering keyword.
More importantly Religion was an antithesis to Global Governance.
Most religions provided a Safety Net for the needy. With religions providing some cushioning single Global Dominance is under threat.
Some not so long ago bustling parts of certain cities have become ghost cities.
This had already happened in United Kingdom.
But Surveillance Robots are in the sky surveying every second of existence.
Keyword is the Final Reset.
It looks like this scenario was tested in Ceylon as a Test Case.
It was called the System Change.
Dissent and opposition were violently controlled.
They were called the paranoid conspiracists.
Social Credits has to be maintained.
Drop in Credit Rating make one vulnerability to Authoritarian Rule.
Democracy was a bane for Global Council.
Global Council
Council of Foreign Relations (C.F.R.)
Trilateral Commission
Jimmy Carter and J.F.K. Kennedy were eliminated because they were resisted to this organization knowingly or Unknowingly.
Bob Lazar
Main subject of this piece.
John Lear
Research collaborator.
Colonel Colonel Phil Corso
He is the guy who saw alien craft and the alien bodies.
Foreign Technology Division in 1961.
Seeded companies to Reverse Engineer and make derivatives.
Integrated Circuits
Night Vision Goggles
Capacitors and probably transistors
They were Unable to reverse Engineer
Anti-gravity and Propulsion Technology after years of Research Work.
Or may be that the Black Project guys have them in operation in secrecy.
This is what the compartmentalization does to Collaborative Research.
Where the money goes or siphoned we do not know.
I think Manufactured War is another strategy to funnel money for black projects.
Robert Bigelow
He was a guy who wanted to design a Giant Airship but later became a stock market investor when the space enthusiasm vane off, following coronavirus pandemic.
Bigelow project was to make some headway but it did not materialize.
Lesser Marchell has stated in secret to his son that the weather balloon story was a coverup story and was not true.
Stanton Terry Friedman
Nuclear Physicist Canadian American who was probably a de-bunker.
W. Glen Dennis who was a first hand contact with the base Nurse who disappeared.
He was a mortician.
He was a postmortem specialist who knew how to preserve bodies in vats after treating them with formalin.
He described (second hand knowledge) the physical appearance of the aliens (supposed to be 3 bodies but only one was better preserved).
Major Jesse Marcel was the military coverup guy with a balloon story.
Modern Story goes back to Roswell Crash in 1947.
But alien contact were known from 1930 to early 1940 but they were rudimentary episodes and with no crashes.
But there are recorded of incidents in Indian and Chinese history going back to 5000 years.
Referring to VIMANAS.
Besides Sumerian hieroglyphics show guys in space suits and images of something akin to spaceships.
According to Colonel Philip Corso Sumerians knew about aliens and they were abducted by these aliens.
They considered them as Gods from Heaven.
Mother ship had the real aliens away from human contact and the guys who came down were slaves or biological entities (EBENS) doing their work.
X-Rays were detrimental to the navigation of their crafts.
MJ-12 is in charge of these investigations and coverups.
Need to know or Right to know principle applies.
There are supposed to be 16 levels of secrecy but it could very well be 32.
Each level is compartmentalized so that one group does not know another's activity.
According to John Lear's research;
There were 10 to 15 alien crafts of which 3 were fully functional.
In addition there were 30 to 50 alien bodies in cryogenic vessels.
They come from at least 5 to 18 civilizations.
90% of them are hostile with different set of morals from us, the humans.
We do not know their objectives.
Cattle mutilations were their their experimental mode and their Laser incisions were very thin at nano level going between cells without destroying them.
Official communication, according to Lear, between aliens and humans happened in April, 1964.
Until Bob Lazar in 1980s there was a tight lid on the already known information.
Probably for harvesting purposes.
This does not look like one single Roswell incident.
Some vessels were dug up probably from archeological sites.
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