Sunday, May 2, 2021

Buddha,Buddha Sassana Pocchi and Buddha Sassana Paddikkama or Spittoon

Let me start with Apoptosis to begin with.

When a leaf comes to the end of its working period, it falls off under the tree and disappears into elements and startimg again the cycle again.

This cell cycle is finite (unlike Samsara) and only 50 cycles.

But it goes on almost endlessly in the living plants.

The cycle repeats not with the same pipal tree (Bo tree is essentially a parasitic tree that won't let any other tree goes under it but a Na tree can be a parasite on a parasite) but a different tree which has left a seed or sapling nearby, waiting for an opportunity to arise.
Plant ecosystem is a grandiose being.
It inhabit this planet in spite of the global warming scenario and constantly changing and adapting.

It needs four elements, the earth, the water (the most important), the air and the heat (not fire) or the energy.

The energy element is the driving force where it constantly fire the engine that starts from our sun's sunstroms.

Energy does not remain static but changes to another subtle form constantly.

Now Buddha is gone but he has left a theme of four elements.

The cause of sufferings due to constant change.
The path to end of suffering
And "the end of suffering" is to end the 50 cell cycles of an animal being (not plant beings).

I have named most of my plant pots with a name.

One of them is named Buddha Sassana Pocchi or pot with a reason.

I have replanted a single paddy seed in a Pocchi or POT, of a special kind of paddy seed, as a part of my unique seed paddy experiment.

It is looked after with some reverence, hence the attached name.

My effort is to find a paddy seed that resist high temperatures and grow like a grass seed with minimal of support and without a muddy field but on a terrestrial point.

If I am successful in this task or endeavour before I kick the bucket, with end of my 50th cell cycle, it will appear in a book form.

Now the This Buddha Sassana Pocchi is the Dhamma that Buddha had left for us to fathom, for endless life cycles or Samsara.

It has four elements and nothing more.

The Paddikkama or the Spittoon is the The numerous TV channels in Ceylon, that dish out various form of concocted new elements beyond the original forms addressed by Buddha himself.

These Channels make money by buying donations from New Guys/Girls who enwrapped their claims to Dhamma ecstasy.

It is a money spinner for guys who bought these bandwidths damn cheap, 2 decades ago.

They are dispensing their own copyrighted messages.

These guys built up, 'not so credible images* for them to Travel to America to dish out their editions of pseudo-dhamma for money (means air ticket, the temple-like hotels and the food to go with) ad nauseatum!

The gullible American guys and girls take these sermons without any caution but with utmost respect.

That is where the problems rise.
Critical analysis is not forthcoming from American new converts.

In my opinion yhey are to be discarded like spit or sputum, now that Coranavirus is rollicking in USA.

The Paddicuma or Spittoom is the right receptacle for these bogus claims of Dhamma.

There is no other choise.

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