Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sajith Premadasa, his Patience is Commendable

Biggest Casualty of Ceylon if we give overall power to JVP/NPP is spontaneous Ceylonese humour.
Ceylonese will stop laughing. One has to take permission from JVP/NPP to make a healthy crack or a cartoon.
Sunil (Aiyah) Perera songs and Desmond Silva Baila will be banned.
Raja Sabawa comedy or any new acts won't see the light of the day.
Please think about it.
Laughter is the best Medicine (not Politics).

First thing first, my gut feeling is, NPP/JVP is very amateurish in it's approach to Governance. 
They will be ruthless to adverse comments by opposition and average voter, in less than a year.
That is my prediction.

That is their nature and waiting without commenting on their amateurish Governance, and saying give them a chance is Not Politically Correct, in my opinion.

Voter won't get a second chance with JVP and they will be really bossy.

This piece is about Sajith Premadsa.

I have looked at the abuse Sajith had taken over the last 2 years. 
I think nobody has taken that amount subtle and grave abuse in my living memory.

He is not like his father

If anybody, used the same tactic of abuse against, Senior Premadasa one would end up in Mahaweli and the crocodiles would witness, it first hand.

I have witnessed first hand DJVP abuse in 1888/89 and also in 1971 in the University. 
Let me start with 1971 as a raw Medical student in the University.
I did like Che Guerra, fire brand medical guy, and sported his beard as a mark of respect not as political ideology (tender and not politically mature, then).
Of course, Ho Chi Min was a hero then and Buddhist monk setting fire to protest American  Bombs (agent Orange) is still vivid in my mind.

1. Army Team came into round up JVP guys.
They came straight to my room 11 in Arunachalum (remember we respected Tamil figure heads in our Universality and guys enter university now, not knowing who is Nicholas Artigala) Hall to arrest me on a tip given by JVP to the Army.
They had planted all the improvised explosive on the ceiling on my side of the room/bed. 
I knew nothing about them.
For my luck the Lieutenant Laxman (he ended up as a brigadier, surname is withheld) was from my school.
He asked me to name the JVP activists.
I said I do not know, even if I knew I would not volunteer that information.
I may have to give up my medical career.
Can you understand my plight after you leave the premises.
I said all this in English with determination.
He left and we used to have a beer at Army Mess in Kandy, until he was transferred. 
I did not meet him afterwards.
2. One of my good friends (Arts Faculty) neck was slit and put to the Alwis Pond in front of Arunachalam Hall in 1988. 
3. I immediately resigned from the University, and joined IMMI in Digana.
IMMI was much worse.
86 guys from NPP invaded my privacy at 11PM and took all our Identity Cards. 
I had diplomatic immunity and I told them so but they did not care. 
I packed my family home immediately, lived there dangerously, until IMMI was transferred to Galadari Hotel.
There was a Army Unit between Digana and Kandy and they were digging the road to prevent jeeps moving across, I managed to negotiate half dug road, driving my car alone around half past 11PM with inside lights on. 
Fortunately, it had diplomatic emblem (I did not remove it) still attached belonging to French Embassy.
Army would fire at any vehicle moving at night.
I could not sell it and it ended up on a Tree Top for children to play. 
Last time when I checked it squirrels had their nests build.
I lost my job and went to New Zealand, never to return but did change my mind and joined the University again.

There were many more incidents, including blowing up the Power Generators three times supplying our locality.
I have no intention to expose them here.
I was instrumental in getting Kerosene Oil Power Generators to Hospital and Pharmacies (and later to households) to save milk and medicines.
I collected all the Milk packets and dished them out to the needy and I did not see any politicians dishing out provision free when the need was dire.

It is all dead past for me.

Coming to Sajith he has a big mouth but having stationed in England and seen how British (not the current Labour Activist in UK) people behave, he has cultivated some sense of responsibility when raw abuse is meted out to him.

He had shown this as the Opposition Leader in the parliament.

Rouge politicians coming from Rajapaksa Era see this as a weakness but I see it as a good omen for our future politics.

Do not give any seat to SLPP rogues and their proxy Dilith Jayaweera.

"Setta Pochchi" for Ranjan Ramanayake.

I wish him that he (Sajith) gets a working majority to outsmart NPP/JVP.

One has to say this now.
I am a posthumous or after the fact pathologist.
I have changed this attitude, today.
Politics is current
No point doing this after the election.
I am not carrying a brief for him.
I am recording the relevant facts.

I would not worry to analyze after the election.

It becomes dead past to me.

I have worked for long time in UK.
I have worked in New Zealand.
I am currently in Australia.
I have seen election in UK when minor's strike was at its peak.
I was Labour Activist then. 
I voted for Labour in New Zealand.

I do not think I would vote in Australia but be neutral in my twilight years.

If you are a Buddhist at least appreciate what he (Sajith)  does to the poor people.

Give what you have is what Buddha taught.
Give the abuse back to those who abuse YOU.

In that sense he is a practicing Buddhist.

I think Ranil Wickramasinghe is behind this abuse. 
He probably is paying these guys to abuse him simply due to jealousy. 
He has killed young guys in Batalanda. 
He is inhuman inside even though he shows a gentleman like outside look.
He is called "Sutra Puncha".
In practice Ranil is not a Buddhist but an Alien.

I am going to keep this until the election day.

Be mindful when casting the Vote.
Do not go for propaganda.

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