Thursday, October 3, 2024

Running Parallels with Ranjan Ramanayake and Julian Assange and Media Freedom

This a very difficult preposition.
Julian Assange was a professional journalist from Australia. 
According to him CIA tried to assassinate him. 
He was exposing War crimes, torture and political crimes of USA.
He was not a politician but a computer and technical guy with a very small team to work with.
He was in prison for 14 years of his 52 years of life.

He is back in Australia but I do not know whether he is a now free citizen.

Ranjan Ramanayake was an innocent Raw Guy who was popular and a down to earth actor. 
That saved his life.
The those who were in power tried to kill him in the prison and prison inmates were protective of him.
He used a simple technique of recording all the conversations from priests to politicians to lawyers to judges.
Little by little these conversations are coming out or rather filtering out.
He is reprimanded and his citizen rights are taken over by the so called transparent legal system.
He was out from prison under 2 years but he cannot be a politician for another 40 years.
By that time he is 100 years old.

This is how democracy works locally and globally.

The real journalists have to shut up and guys with black money own the media in Ceylon.