Monday, October 7, 2024

Political Point of View for the Average Citizen

"Political Point of View" for the Average Citizen
This piece is briefly for the "non political"  average citizen.
Generally they are stupid, emotional and have a very short memory.
If one surveys the last 50 years of Ceylon, one instantly gets the true picture.

1. In politics one who lies, the most will come to power.

In that sense, NPP by not saying the absolute truth of our plight, including the economy, they indirectly are the major contributor to the current lying strategy. 

Even then, they won only 42% of the vote.
We do not know who is backing them financially, most likely business guys with vested  interests.
The party strategy is to not to divulge who is behind them financially.

2. In  politics of Ceylon, one who makes the broadest alliance wins at the parliamentary elections.
This is true for ages.

Everybody is keeping the secret alliances close to the heart, until the nominations are formalized and the final list is forwarded.

There was hot bargaining, especially the Muslim alliances.
One who goes alone will never get the 2/3rd majority.
It is an illusion.
Even getting 113 is dicey, going alone.
3. This time round, when the final count is declared every citizen will get the surprise of his or her life.

Do not gamble other than a bottle of Arrack which one can share with the loser, at the end of the battle.
 4. Politics is very divisive and that is what the Britishers did to us.

India and RAW is currently doing that to us. 
If we believe Indians (that includes cricket) we are doomed. 

India has millions starving and they are ready to help US.
Answer me the Question.

5. We can believe only Japanese in the current world.

Beware Norwegians. 

6. Russia is a different kettle of fish.

NATO guys are wetting their pants every time President Putin opens his mouth.
Ukraine is in crumbles which the West is hiding.
7. Dollar will crumble after the US Election.

Do not expect USA to help us.

8. Recovery is painful and that is why Sajith wants to stay in opposition.

That is a fact.

In less than 2 years NPP would realize  the Ground Reality and then it is too late for all of us.

9. The rats tend to jump out of a sinking ship.

We are a sinking ship.
Those who remain in the parliament has nowhere to go.

10. This is why I said (removed that piece 48 hours before the election was declared and I did not keep a copy), one who comes to power now are the stupidest of all.
Young guys who enter politics have no future.
That is why YOUNG should not enter politics now and lose whatever their parents have saved for them.

These is no investment plan left for them.
Doom and Gloom.
That is the reality.

I am not pessimistic but stating the facts on the ground.

11. Ranil thinks that he can come back and recover for a second time when NPP fails. His design is to help Anura to stiffle Sajith's success in election. It is pretty obvious.

There is no second time in Ceylon for Ranil. Like P. Nanayakkara he should retire. 
He is spent cash jusk like Chandrika.

12. I have reverted to my writing phase.
I won't be able sell my books with the current economic downturn.

Blogging would be at a minimum to get out of the perennial boredom.

There is still 100 hits a day, mostly for the past pieces, over 3000.
It is less than 0.033% of the total and is statistically insignificant.
Like books of Maxim Gorky's "War and Peace" my books would remain as historical pieces which nobody would read.

I am yet to find a copy of Das Capital of Carl Marx.

 Books I am currently working are;
One is on Linux-finished.
One on Vegetarian Saga- finished.
One is on Philosophy or its Betrayal- Editing.
Another one on Russia Betrayed- Editing. 

Last one is on Dogs-not yet started.

The book on Mosquitoes is withheld for the time being.

I have stopped learning French and abandoned visiting Paris for Good. 
My wish now is to visit Russia when Ukraine war is finished.
I hate this Zelensky guy who is an International Political Joker. 
He should be sent to prison for blowing up the Russian Gas Pipe with the help of his party members.
This is the CIA cover up story released even before the event (accorring).

I am made to understand CIA/MI5 combo had planned it. British and American Naval vessels were in the vicinity of the putative accident.

They were wrongly identified as whales.

Going by Macron, French are the stupidest on this planet closely followed by the British Monarch.

Hang the "French Culture" which has no current relevance.

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