Saturday, February 3, 2024

How to Identify a Screw Jack?

Since this site for Linux and Most Linux guys are not sex maniacs but average guys or citizenry, I have added a bit of spice to get more page hits.

It may not work, though!

I have avoided all the medical guys who were Screw Jacks in our time and guys who were impotent but were interested in pornography.

I should state that one girl who was three years junior to us who used to borrow Kinsey Report (we had one copy in our library) on regular 48 hour interval and we figured out the candidate from the records. 

Unfortunately we lost the copy.

We do not know who stole it.

Fortunately we were seniors and many of us had a glance of it.

Then there was a senior guy (try avoiding giving hints) who I found naked in his department in broad day light.

I reported it (there was another drunkard in Dental Faculty who was found naked and we summarily discharged him).

Then there was another guy who was found naked in Reference Section of the Library who ended up as the dean of the faculty.

All these guys are dead and I have no regrets in exposing them in my retirement (23 years of no medical exposure).

There is a lot these type of guys among medical graduates, and their attraction to medicine is probably due to this trait.

How to Identify a Screw Jack? 

The answer is is very simple .

Look at at our Education Ministers past and present, all of them are / were some form of maniacs garbed in Parliamentary attire. 

Below there is the Kinsey Report and I have highlighted one minister who had venereal disease and he was a Muslim.  

I have edited a bit with liberal intent, since Election Campaign is well ahead (since it is not declared, I would be vocal now).

This piece is bit of satire added to it's content.

Features are;

1. One who does not wash his or her hands regularly or rarely.

My guess work is that they fear the pheromone of the last episode will attract another vulnerable candidate. 

There is no scientific evidence but only my Gut Feeling. 

2. The guys who use mouth washes.

3. Guys who use regular deodorants and body sprays.

4. Guys who bathe daily come winter or summer. 

These are the guys who suspect his her girls friend or wife would smell the last episode.

Being myself a active medical guy, I never touched my kids until I had a decent bath to prevent them getting nasty hospital infections.

I know my kids hated that but now they are adults and they have figured out my daily protocols.

5. They also pretend to be Meditation Masters to lure vulnerable. 

Just read about the Indian Guru who is now in prison in United States.

5. I think that is enough as a base but only addition is the TV talk Show Guys and Monks and Priests.

The woman in HIRU TV is a classic example.

I hope SuGa is not branded as one of them coming from Australasian background.

Australians are ace homosexuals just like the British and since I am holidaying in Australia I will leave it at that.

I do not know what is the sexual orientation of Chinese except the hard core prostitutes, now in Ceylon. 

I do not go to Chinese restaurants in Australia by default.


The Kinsey Scale and Report

Rating Scale of 7 with one X category (docile)

0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual

2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual

4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual

5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual

6 Exclusively homosexual

X - category

No socio-sexual contacts or reactions

Kinsey and his colleagues (fearing backlash from undesirables, including priests and politicians not scientists) were very clever not to identify categories but put the sexual orientation in a continuum.

This clearly is not scientific in a clinical setting.

This has caused problems for an average clinician.

Often indirect questions or indirect tests are done to avoid embarrassment to both parties.
In an open an promiscuous society, as of today, this has to change at least for scientific reasons.
An adult mature clinician should be able ask a direct question and keep it in his/her (no need for recording it for posterity but he/she should be able give a percentage in a particular set up, say priests / politicians, for proper assessment of a clinical problem, say AIDS) head, as long as a particular patient is under him or her.

It is no point only the cardinal (party leader) or the head priest (school principle) is aware of the situation.

Often these guys and girls are in education or in political hierarchy and these facts are hidden from the average young parents with kids.

As a clinician, if I am asked a question by a mother or father I should be able to tell 10 percent (it is much, much more in reality) of adult priests or teachers are that way oriented (for clarity) and leave the parent to take adequate precaution and or attention.

Because I am not in patient care currently (voluntary decision) I will bare few Ceylonese facts.

We had a higher education minister with venereal disease.
I have avoided the time period and you are free to guess.
There were over 16 (most likely more) principals or his or her close assistant in a particular dense region (I worked in the border region, this is Gampaha District) who were preying kids.

They had the backing of the then female President.

I have had examined the victims but all the parents were against reporting the incidences.
Ten Kilometers from where I worked there was a place run by a Swedish Guy who was an ace pedophile.
We alerted the police, thinking his passport would be impounded but he went scot free, thanks to a prominent female politician.

Yesterday, by bizarre coincidence, I witnessed an accident.
My gut feeling was that this particular kid, under ten was a victim.
I avoided eye contact and vanished in a flash. 

The adult guy was a Buddhist priest!

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