Sunday, April 28, 2024

Concord Disaster and Why one should carry less luggage when flying?

The French Concord which flu 29 years successfully was terminated by simple lapses on part of the crew and the passengers.

Passengers on their part loaded unnecessary luggage.

The crew did not record the fuel load correctly on the take off.

Thirdly the ground maintenance staff did not examine every piece of landing gear.

The tires take an enormous load and pressure during take off and landing and simple mistakes summate to rupture any tire.

Burning that followed were due to other reasons.

When an aircraft is big and heavy it needs more fuel and more thrust at take off.

It had four engines and two failed at take off.

So French trying to outsmart America had to bite the dust.

I prefer flying on a smaller aircraft with low fuel consumption.

Better still they could have built several more airplanes instead of one behemoth.

Reason for this piece is to highlight 5S principle in any engineering or service concept.

Violating any of those principles especially the fourth the "Routine Standards" is blatant disregard for safety.

A woman from Ceylon wanted to bring 14KG of rice from Ceylon to Australia on a Sri-Lankan Flight. 
I am not sure whether she was allowed or not.
I have decided not to fly on Sri-Lankan Airline for good!

The entire aircraft was dirty to say the least.

I had a birds eye view of their procedure while waiting to board and it was less than ideal.

If they provided a good cup of Ceylon Tea, I would have not written this.

I am writing this for them to revisit the broader strategy and cut the ground staff drastically  and train the remaining staff to high standards.

I can remember doing a 5S course with some pilots long time ago.

Perhaps they have retired and the next generation of pilots and other servicemen and women are poorly trained.

I do not mind a plane getting late but if any airline that (including private airlines) sacrifices safety to maintain timly schedule is bound to fail.

This is errors are common in America,too.

I do not know about British but going by the reports, no better.

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