Thursday, November 2, 2023

Most Corrupt White House in American History

President Biden will be credited with the most corrupt Whitehouse in American history.

He was corrupt long before becoming the president.

Corruption is the family trait and runs in his genes.

If I am given a blood sample of President Biden, I will run it parallel with our former Ceylon President and identify the specific genomic code without the help of the former CDC chairperson, in a matter of 30 minutes, provided I am given a Baby Polymerase Chain Reaction Machine (also called DNA Sequencer), on lone.

I will return PCR machine back intact after running a few cycles and I will destroy all the remnant primer sequences, for good.

These Gene Sequences should be preserved for posterity in Antarctica on Russian's  Vostok Station.

I can trust Russians and I do not trust the American research workers in Antarctica after the CDC Saga.

If for any reason (both Republicans and Democrats are genetically corrupt), the American Electoral System fail to find a corrupt president and elect a genuine honest man, in his first Whitehouse Medical Examination, the examiner should inject the corrupt modified gene (genetically invigorated by both American and Ceylonese blood) as a precaution to continue the age all tradition of lies and corruptions.

They come in with a promise to end all wars but continue to have a big budget for all the ongoing wars.

Israel War is the latest manifestation.

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