Sunday, May 2, 2021

USB Booting Linux

Please go to source forge and  download Multisystem DVD and boot multiple Linux distribution in your USB.

It prepares it's files in a flash.

Most Linux distribution except Debian support this utility.
For Debian way out is to use Peppermint or PCLinux and use USB image creator.

USB capacity should be minimum 8GiB.

Currently I am using my laptop to download  BSD and Knoppix V9 English version.

Dongle or Tingle takes over 6 hours to download Knoppix V9.

It is amazingly fast in Ceylon.
It is on French but press F2 to get English as instructions for preparing the USB.
I usually go to sleep but with thunderstorms blackouts are real possibility.
Unlike the PC the battery save my time.

I paid over Rs.5000/= for Dialog and it's Broadband WiFi is never an activated and I have gone to Hutch.

I believe (I may be wrong)Indian AirTel gives it bandwidth to Hutch to cover Ceylon.

So if MobiTel and Dialog cannot provide which service somebody else fills the space.

Read my article on space dimension here and it is all physics which these money guys and girls will not understand.

They are now fighting for space or airspace now.

Money is the reason!

There were few lines on Linux by few guys who use Linux rarely or experimentally.

This comes from a guy who used Puppy Linux from a USB stick of only 100 MiB many moons ago.

The addiction that it caused me was total and I have not yet recovered.

For some good reason Debian my favourite Linux Distribution does not support USB in general.

Linux guys are hard+born and do not want to stay on 10 or so commands and Vim VimP are for hard-born guys not the light hearted.

I started with Knoppix CD and it was used initially by some dental practitioners to keep their patient data (I have a copy of that CD in my archive but never used it. I am a medical guy who worked in the Dental Faculty and helped in developing the Linux Samba Network instead of Windows) compact.

Last Linux from Karl Knopp that comes from Germany is 9 and it is in German and I am waiting for its English Edition.

This Coranavirus in Germany, I believe hampered English translation.

By the way, Knoppix 8.6 in We English is fine for me.

It's beauty is, it detects 32 bits and 64 bit machines automatically.

Coming to Puppy that comes from Australia, I call him Barry Cooler (forgets his name visit my pieces on puppy Linux in here) who is a dog lover.

His name is Barry Kauler (2003 to 2013).

He retired in 2013 and Wof Wof came into existence.

It was in 32 bits and was a small and there was a BionicPup developed by a follower.

Ultimately it came in 64 bit.
They are Ubuntu based.

All are pretty good.

I have not used Ubuntu (Debian derivative) for sometime and it had good USB support.

Peppermint is light and cool.

I have have thrown away Red hat and Fedora hat for good due to their commercial bent.

Same is true for Sussie but was a great KDE desktop.

But Debian's KDE plasma is elegant and consumes less memory.

But Linux 5 kernel from Linus will rule the globe when it finally comes out.

Because of my heavy work commitments I gave up following latest except Debian, Knoppix and Puppy.

Thanks to all the guys who use Linux and all the developers who put many human hours.
I am bit like Star of PCLinux who retired after 64 bit came in (he did not want to spend his free time on developing Kernel for UEFI support of Microsoft OEM guys) but I persevered with new machines.

I not going to buy a fancy new machine and kernel 5 developments.

Just leave it to Linus in America.

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