Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Copper Craftman

I am not referring to the human kind.

This is a fly that comes at four year intervals.

It must be coming from far away and may have had three stations of stay where copper crafting or copper ornaments are evident.

It lands on a hanging Indian ornament and builds a nest for less than 10 members.

They come indoors during rainy.season and  leave with sunny weather.

I thought they gone extinct.

Once they have finished there will be a photograph with new offspring.

I have a photograph of them as a front.cover of one of my.books.

Go to Amazon and browse.

You.have to.search for my name but I.remain.anonymous and no.AilBaba type advertisements here.

Next bunch of Paddy Grass

Name of this variety unknown.

Paddy Pod

Madathuwal Variety