Tuesday, August 3, 2021

My 5 S Principle of Paradox

1. Uncertainty and Doubt

2. Speculation Up, Down or Stable stick market principles

3. Panic Mode with Coronavirus and Job losses

4. Buying and Selling to make a fast buck

5. Eventual Collapse

The Coronavirus has brought the reality in life and science or economics could not foresee or predict.

Stock market principles are not scientific.

I am not defending science and there is a recent trend where scientists duplicate studies and manipulate data sets to point to a wrong direction of study flow.

Many scientists can be dishonest by nature and set their mental biases on the greater public who are gullible by nature.

6. Then after a long pause incomplete Recovery sets in.

In Sigalovada Sutta 25% for one's use, 50% for business and 25% for saving or future use.

In modern times it goes as 50,30 and 20.
50 for business, 30 for personal use and 20 for future use.

In reality of life today 75% for use and 25% for settling the loans and banking rates are low that one cannot make a living on savings.
The pension scheme is the only security even though the amount is small and going down rapidly due to Rupee depreciation.