Thursday, July 15, 2021

Mud Dabber Homes

I thought of ending my two year nature surveillance today and watch TV for a change.

Look.what I have found.

I bought a TV for WiFi connectivity.

What is called a smart TV.

It was shop soiled Samsung on a discount price and returned it back, the day after.

It did not have a stand.

Gentle breeze from the veranda toppled it over. a Sony to replace it full price with a stand.

I covered it with one of my sarongs which I did not wear.

I hate wearing sarongs and my wife too, hates sarong and it was a bit of a tease for her.

She put another quality cover over it and like girl's squirt, it was 6 inches short.

For added protection, I put the sarong over it.

Some time back, I noticed a hut of a mud dabber on the sarong and the insect never came out.

And there was another mud hut and that insect's malt was empty.

I did not bargain that my sarong was the living.quarters for a few years for the mud dabber.

Only today, when I looked at the opposite site of the sarong, I noticed that there was a bigger living conduit (for my nature pursuits) under my sarong.

Incidentally, the mud dabber used to make huts on the coconut railing but I noticed they had not visited for some years.

They probably are attracted by the smart TV advertisements.

I think the magnetic field of the TV has caused navigational problems and they have used, the non magnetic fabric part a safe dwelling.

How to entice Children to Gardening by Mini Garden Concept

I must start with saying, that I never practice what I preach here in day to day clinical practice.

I mean mini garden concept.

I was too busy.

They were too sick, it is often, a life and death scenario and every minute, every  hour counts.

We were the generation that developed continuous monitoring systems and CPAP technology, and talked about the value of surface tension reducing molecules which keep the alveoli open for ventilation.

We did not talk about nano molecules and nanotechnology then but we knew only 15 to 20 nano molecules can reach the tertiary bronchioles.

That is the the size of the Coronavirus and they can reach there with only a light sneeze and a facemask never protects such tiny viruses entering the terminal.bronchioses which collapse leading to atelectasis (due to lack of surface tension reducing tiny mucous secretary molecules).

These molecular production pathways are inhibited by cigarettes and that is why I stopped my chain smoking at the age of 34 (an hour before boarding a plane to London.via Switzerland).

The age of onset of old age was believed to be 35 but now it has come down to 30, in current cell cycle terminology.

We were the generation that introduced vapour and nebulizers to suit the alveolar physiology of the lung which is an incredible organ of evolution.

The above is to shut the mouth of pompous medical men of today who totally depend on technology and without common sense.

By the way, the physiologists and clinicians who gave expert evidence in police officers conviction are classic examples, not practising what they teach.

Oxygen is a poison above 23 to 28% and initiate free radical and interleukin production that damage the lung.

Sorry for the medical diversion and this is my last piece here for a long long time.

I thought the mini garden concept would fit or foot the bill to end the grand confabulations.

Thanks Google for your support.

I embraced mini garden concept to minimize the clutter in the rooftop garden.

The trays used for making crepe rubber from rubber latex is my tiny dimension.

The Buddha Sasana (used for offering milk rice Dhana to Buddha) pots are too small and fragile.

When kids were small, I made an elaborate mini garden with a bowl of water (Israel technology in a mini version) at a higher elevation, connected with a saline tube- hidden under the soil-feeding the mini tray with assortment of plants. 

Getting the right chemistry and microflora was difficult (the concept of fish urine technology of my current lilies plant cultivation was not developed then) but after a trial and error period,, it worked.

With children growing up and me getting in Linux and Computer Technology, I gave it up at that level.

Now, that I discarded my computers and retired I have gone back to that concept again.

Most of the steps in out back access is relatively a mini garden,now.

They rainy weather has its own contribution.

The tiny plants I tried to grow with much struggle are on most of the footsteps.

The crepe rubber tray without much a do and me doing nothing at all, have gathered its own community of plants.

My only contribution is chlorine free water from the spare water tank reserved for fish tanks.

My obsession was ferns growing on the tray which was unsuccessful.

There are a number of exotic ferns growing on their own without any support.

Nature has its own ways to entice you.

Now I have graduated to raise orchid's (the most difficult) under the shade of two tiny cocoa plants.

Few moons ago returning from Colombo our way back at Mawanella I found a tiny rotten cocoa pod.

Out of about 30 seeds only two plants have grown successfully,  keeping the natures principle (only 1% germinate).

I do not think it will ever bear fruits.

The trunk is very thin but it supports my tiny collection of orchids, growing in the wild (no chemical support), as it were.

Only seed I.have not tried is rubber seed but we have an India rubber tree right in front of our house growing in a wild corner.

My final attempt is to induce the Vanilla (a giant orchid) and the Wesak orchid to bloom one day (without artificial.chemicals I hate).

Nature willing of course.

Kandyan Dancers are about to bloom.

Another orchid had a tiny bunch of flowers (I bought from a street vendor who sells the plants with big flowers, chemically treated of course).