Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Twitter News-02
The mother elephant will mete out the elephant justice.
Twitter News-01
Thinking afterward
This is very relevant today with flash floods in different parts of the world.
He thinks the rivers and sea are dumping places for his economic activity.
He does not care for the river basin or its management and install industries upstream and discharge all the waste to the river and its basin around.
This is seen in India, China, USA and all European countries.
It is true of Sri-Lanka too.
From the time of Portuguese this has been happening in this land. They started with a port called Colombo and the Kalani river is the most polluted of all.
Then he invents filters and the like to purify water.
We might even invent nanotechnology but is it worth if we continue to pollute our soil and water?
We have water cutting ceremony every year and it is time to rethink and revisit our heritage.
Pure drinking water we had 100 years ago.The need to purify was not matter of concern.
More development more pollution that is the equation which we cannot understand with the big brains we have.
We need not have to filter if we do not pollute it in the first place.
Is there a single river or stream in this country which hails for over 40 rivers and streams that we can sip some water for thirst without any treatment?
If we cannot drink it does not matter.
We can filter or boil it.
What about the animals who try to live with us.
Can a stray dog drink a bit of pristine water on a Poya Day!
When we see the sorry stage of our stray dogs I begin to wonder is it a Buddhist country in practice anymore?
We had Kings who cared for animals but can we say the same thing about the elected elite!
That is my message for the first Poya Day. of year 2011.