Saturday, March 1, 2025
Ultimate Stupid Mistake with TRUE OS
Desktops becoming Fatty and eating up resources at boot time
Desktops becoming Fatty and eating up resources at boot time
From its origin Linux was developed by developers for the developers.
Its architecture and file hierarchy is archaic and resistant to change.
I have been using it long enough, it is stable, robust and I do not need to worry about it except running it 24 /7 schedule in spite of electricity bills going up to get its maximum.
Since I am doing regular download of Linux distributions for testing (a hobby of some sort) this rigmarole is OK.
All the CRON jobs are (regular maintenance) done for me and I do not need to worry about configuring it to suit my needs.
Since I am not a Server Master but only a Desktops User (perhaps as workstation) how the developer can figure out what I do with my computer in the 24 hour schedule is something I ponder.
I would like the computer to be my slave rather than it masters things for me.
1.That is one of the weaknesses.
Linux is a work horse but my horse is very finicky in its behaviour what he eats and what schedule he follows .
He follows the developers schedule and not my finicky behaviour schedule.
One can say in that case you configure it yourself.
That is a good argument but with file architecture being streamlined, rigid and resistant to change, one cannot change a cabinet and put it in an less obtrusive place for me. If I do that whole file system crashes and even with the root permission when the system boots next time it goes back to its preferred protocol.
I need to know like a developer every bit of file structure and of scheduling routine.
I love to do that but I am a professional in another field not computer field.
My field needs and structures are completely different form automatic response of a computer.
2. My needs are customer based.
That is the second nuance.
The file hierarchy and resources are good for a Server but not an ordinary human being like me.
I do not want to go to the loo exactly at the same time and same place and void exact amount of void.
In other words I need some personality to my voiding or consumption habits that vary from day to day.
Not the way the developer voids and eats.
The file hierarchy is stable and is not customizable.
3. The sames goes with programs.
I cannot change a system program and go for a more flexible program.
In that case I have to go for a different distribution or for a different desktop (Gnome or KDE or LXDE).
I cannot interchange desktop experience. It can be done with debian by installing warious window mangers.
It can be done by installing Gnome and KDE versions in the same computer separately but one can use only one session at a time.
They do not speak to each others library systems and GTKs are different.
That is the third.
4. The real disadvantage is its package management system.
One has to be satisfied with one grand package version and and cannot go back to old or new one without radical change to the system and install procedure. One has to wait for the rolling system or to a new radically changed system.
For example I have been using Redhat for years (not really I cut my teeth with it and changed with Fedora evolution and migrated to PCLinux) and the company changes its protocol from Fedora 13 to 14 with sea of changes (like Microsoft) and file formats.
The other distributions resident in the same computer cannot mount them or effect changes to the files in the home partitions. This is ridiculous change for the user who had being doing something as a routine is changed without his feed back.
It is a corporate decision not a community decision or request.
I am not resistant to change. I am for it but uses are not scape goats or made vulnerable like what Microsoft or Apple does to its customer base.
This is the change that make Microsoft user looking for other avenues like Linux.
If Linux distributions also on commercial bent use that strategy it will certainly misfire.
GoBo Linux had been trying to address this issue by radically changing the file architecture and ability to use old and new in versions (say OpenOffice and LibreOffice libraries are organized in a structurally different architecture with sharing (common) and not sharing independent (Java Suite).
This can be done but this distribution has not received the backing of the rest of the community. In fact I have been waiting for its new release over last three years and it does not seem to be coming. It is long overdue.
I hope LibreOffice coming it to its existence they should attempt to reorganize the library system (at archive level and user level) and make innovations.
It is hard work but worth a try.
Then we can have long term (LTS) support for 10-15 years instead of the present 3 to 5 years instead.
5. Other nuance is the release cycles. It is at its extreme from months to years to decades. There is no agreed protocol and they have this rolling system also. It is OK for distro-hoppers but not for old people like us. I of course hopped distributions at a regular interval and I have 5 to 8 distributions in my laptop, that does not mean that I use them regularly.
They are for a particular purpose.
I keep GoBo Linux and Yoper because of their original approach and I love their changes and that gives me some opportunity for research material to engage in.
Then I can give perhaps some visionary advice.
GoBo thinks of the file architecture and its rearrangement.
YOPER thinks of truncating file extensions and throughput.
Linux is a visionary approach.
It needs new vision and dimensions for the current century.
Live CDs was a vision (demo to begin with) but now it is a universal approach.
Try it before you use it.
Then speed of booting is another vision.
6. With big hard disk coming we must make not 15 to 60 partitions but 1000 or more partitions.
Linux can handle it but not Microsoft. The number of partition a distribution uses (the minimum and the maximum) changes constantly.
7. Hardware compatibility is a major issue. This is not due to the fault of Linux. It is the manufacturers and vendors ploy to support one particular operating system over the other. It is time we should have legislature to regularize this at least in the European community if not America and UK.
8. Cloud Computing is taking a corporate stand now with Google taking a bigger bite. Linux User must be ready for dual purpose. One is browsing, the other is using Linux utilities like Gimp, Sribus and Inkcape and Blender for personal use. We must not let these excellent utilities disappear with Cloud Computing.
9. There are over 300 very good distributions and reviewers review only a few and the reviews are also not balanced, They do not do it at a research level. They do it at the level of blogging not professional to say the least. Gut feeling like in politics and daily papers.
Review means reviews (pros and cons and neutrals) and not shoddy hasty writing. There is professionality attached to this word.
Nothing more nothing less.
10. Last but not least. many distributions do not have a multilanguage capability. Only recently Sinhala has two distributions supporting it. This is essential for children programs doudoulinusx is attempting it.
Others should follow.
11. The lack of commercial software or similar equivalents applications(Flash, Java) is another handicap.
There are many other minor matters but this is to highlight no operating system is perfect. We only have to know the good and the bad and drop all the ugly ones.
Simplified Psychoanalysis
Simplified Psychoanalysis
This modification I inherit from one of my class mates who returned from a long stay abroad with his foreign wife. Suddenly lot of my Sinhalese friends have discovered that there is a country called Ceylon in the world map.
They have woken up from their slumber and seemed to have discovered their leonine qualities especially after the thrashing our cricketers gave to Australian cricket outfit struggling to find form.
Anyway beating the underdog should not be taken as heroic feat by lions.
Lions neat big meat like Indians and South Africans to become true champions.
The simplified version has three stages like the Thun Kal Balma of our politicians (I will write about it, The Thun Kal Balma and the politicians not the three (3) all of us inherit from birth if one is a male) in due course.
1. Number one is the Kid Stage (up to 16 years).
2. Number two is the Tharunnayya or the Young Stage ( from 17 to 35 years).
3. The number three is the Old Stage (from 55 to 65 depending on the pensionable age of the country.
In fact, there is a forth stage from 36 and above since it is called the non-existing stage (especially if one has gone abroad and adopted a foreign sounding name like David, Philip, Lukes and George etc) and I have not included them in my analysis.
This analysis is global in scale and if there is any resemblance or semblance to Sri-Lankan context it is purely accidental and not coincidental.
The Kids Stage is the dependent stage where one does all the work according to the parents or the guardian and one is not liberated from the global clutches of modern education, even if one is a preschool kid.
1. Kids Stage
Kids are taught what others think what is
appropriate for them and not what the kids do like most, unlike our
schooling days and times. The kids are never restrained or punished or
taught there are other kids in the world and discipline is essential
only at home an not when one comes to a supermarket or public place. I
can have another thesis on this especially the preschool stage and I am
reluctant to divulge all the details but I hope you got the global
picture and the global village of IT literacy.
The politician’s kids go through this stage very easily and get even Harvard Degree by staying at home. They offer this since when they get out of home like out Tiger Wood there are enormous problems for the security to cover their trails of excesses and travails.
2. Young Stage
The young stage is the most difficult in a democratic country. In this stage he or she has to prepare for the global stage and pass all the global examinations and he needs to know a tongue other than the mother tongue even if he has to bite it or chop it or elongate it to get the correct pronunciation. In this stage politicians and the well to do children go to special collages and the others have to go to some make shift schools especially after the liberation of the mother land from terror.
The latest trend is for the Education Minister to have noose around their noses like the bulls pulling the carts in our times.
This is total immersion or submission like the American water boarding.
The Americans are way ahead in this regard and even Obama is spending lot of money to get this perfected after the shoe throwing incident in Iraq when Mr. Bush had a push over and a pull over.
The modern trend again is not to have human rights or to exercise the free choice (not applicable for these young men and women).
They have to get a huge loans for education and work hard day and night while the in administration do very little except minor supervision or delegation.
Only French citizens have some reservation about this stage and that is why they came out in numbers against the Nicola Sarkozy’s Reforms.
Labour Party in England had an elaborate plan to undermine the youth and both Conservatives and the New Liberals are advancing the agenda of Labour without any hesitation and youth are almost dead in their dreams in the West.
Or they advance to the stage four of non-existence fast.
Unfortunately, I see that only in France young has seen the step motherly treatment of them and the violation of the rights of the young to have a job and education of his or her choice.
I think the young in the rest of the world are duped either by the Internet or their parents or teachers or administrators.
Come on boys and girls. come and voice your opinion and choices you would like to have when one has spent the youth and become old.
3. Old Stage
This is the difficult part of my thesis.
1. Should I retire at 55, 60 or 65?
2. Should I be happy with the present pension which each country is offering the senior citizens?
3. Should I continue to hold the job and deprive a young one from ascending?
4. Should I take politics and have a veto power not to give the average citizen his or her dues but increase my own pension?
5. Should I continue to plunder the limited earthly resources including water and alcohol?
6. Should I continue to use all the resources in the health sector?
7. Should I go back to my own country and offer the President / Prime Minister my advice and vices (become an adviser in economics and banking) without caring two hoots to the country or the citizens or the devil incarnation and put all the coffers in my basket?
8. Should I have a golden hand shake?
9. Should I continue to live or make a suffering for the others earthly beings?
This list is endless and all the thoughts are selfish in nature and willful acts of disgrace.
I hope the reader can add his or her choices if is over the pensionable age of his or her choice.
The old stage has never changed in spite of man’s evolution from an ape to a human whether one is a King, Queen, President or Prime Minister.
By hook or by crook hold on to the last feather or thread of life and consume everything the mother nature has to offer.
These are the wishful thinking at old stage.
I think the bubble is going to burst starting from America, if the old cronies in administrations and in politics do something fast to address the needs of the young of today and in future globally.
Obama loosing the House of Representatives is an eyeopener!
Will old generation learn lessons from history?
I do not think.
Psychoanalysis of the Modern Man
It is one of my late discoveries.
I hope somebody could propose me for a Nobel Prize in psychoanalysis.
This should however go to Piaget but he did not publish this in his time (found in his possession as crumbled notes) fearing that if he published it then he would have been sent to the dustbin of history with all his previous writings.
My adaptation of his psychoanalytical theory goes little further than Piaget assumed it to be.
1. Up to 5 years Concrete Operational
2. 5 to 15 years Formal Operational
3. 15 to 35 years Formal but non Functional
4. 35 to 65 years Non operational
5. 65 to 100 years Concrete (Complete) non Operational
In another way of putting these facts of life is as follows.
1. Up to 5 years Ego
2. 5 to 15 years Accelerating Ego
3. 15 to 35 years Decelerating Ego
4. 35 to 65 years Non Ego
5. 65 to 100 years No Ego
(P.S. Unfortunately in Buddhist analysis this is the AK Stage or the Akusal Kaamma Stage. A good and shining example is Mr. Robert Mugabe, the Zanu PA champion, who cannot remember the good ground work he did to begin with).
Buddhist way of Analysis
Lord Buddha and Buddhists’ analyze this in a subtle way.
It is easy to analyze this in modern Banking Terms.
There are only three stages.
1. Deposit Account Stage from birth to 15 years – Kusala Kamma (KK for short)
2. Current Account Stage from 15 to 35 years – Kusala Akusala Kamma (KAK for short)
3. Overdraft Stage from 35 to the end – Akusala Kamma Stage (AK-all Kusala consumed)
Then the Brahma takes over and recruits them to the Animal Kingdom again.
His choices and picks have no overrule in life and matters.
The life cycle begins again with fresh vigour.
Edited for posterity and prosperity!
The old scheme is Chandasokas becoming Dhammasoks but the modern trend is Dhammasoks becoming Chandasokas. This is what we call the “Abuddhassa Kale (when Buddha’s influence dissipates gradually and the new world order begins) Labuth Thittha Weyi“!
Poisoning the Nation
Poisoning the Nation
However the ideas dates back to my medical students days.
I was convinced the Mahavali River Water was contaminated from its origin not only from biological agents but form pesticides that originate form tea plantation.
The amount of dog’s shit that get washed away to the river is colossal and that alone is enough to prove my point but amount man’s shit goes parallel and almost doubled or trebled that since the rough ratio of dog to man in Sri-Lanka is 1 to 7.
This is not about dog shit but how over agrarians poison us almost daily.
There is no food in the market which is not contaminated but there is no machinery to monitor the extent of this man made disaster since our legislation is too weak to regulate the use of artificial in gradients.
The biggest culprit was WHO who for three to four decades sprayed the enter country with DDT to fatten the coffers of American Companies which produce (they blame only Iraq and did not find a trace) all the nasty chemicals to test on the poor countries.
That menace is gone to some extent but our Agriculture Ministry has taken over the responsibility of poisoning our masses by default of not monitoring or regulating the use of poisons.
My friend in the University and almost my name sake was able to prove that cadmium was the cause of renal diseases prevalent in the North and North Central but both the WHO experts and the local medical experts failed to see this since renal disease is big money since a Kidney is priced at half to one million now.
If one take two kidneys from an innocent refugee it is almost two millions.
This probably happened during the war time.
It is happenning in Ukraine.
The kidneys were not a problem then but it is a problem now.
One of my friends who was abroad tells me doctors there removed his normal kidney leaving his half normal kidney to survive.
I can remember in my internship my consultant removed the Normal Kidney of a woman and went on for one week holiday and I had to look after her till her death.
Since I was an intern I could not do anything.
Bound by golden ethics.
That is one reason, I did not take up Surgery which I loved as a medical student but ended up as a pathologist to see what went wrong after the event.
The poisons in our food is too numerous to list but at least it is my responsibility to make people aware.
I should end up with a little note of our drug industry.
The number one poison in the list is alcohol.
For many reasons.
1. It is a universal cell poison.
2. It is a good solvent and dissolve all other poisons and act as a vehicle for poison.
3. Third is that alcohol is adultered with methyl alcohol to a large extent which causes blindness.
4. Most of our children’s syrups and vitamins are not water based but alcohol based.
5. There is no way to regulate consumption of illicit (almost legal in this country) alcohol.
Just today I went to buy some vitamin syrup for an adult.
This particular one needed alcohol free syrup.
Having checked over 20 I could not find a single bottle that had a label (to display) to say what is the solvent used.
They should label them as alcohol based or water based.
I had to buy (just guess work) two and at home opened and tasted them to see which had alcohol.
One was alcohol based other was not alcohol based but expensive.
This is a primitive experiment in a country where we have not produced a Nobel Prize winning scientist.
That is why I drink only wine now even though they are very expensive.
What is the hell the Health Department doing to regulate that issue?
They have one priority.
That is dengue.
The have no priority to check all the poisons and the labels in food and drugs industry (that are imported to this country).
This include our chille powder.
One Brand I tasted was totally poisoned may be with Gadol.
Anybody who has money and connection can import anything in this liberal and liberated society.
God save the masses.
About doctors and consultations-A Dream
About Doctors and Consultations-Dream
This has nothing to do with the Aurvedhic Physician or a Dos-Thara trying to kill one of his fellow beings.
There are few on record of recent times, where doctors were involved in this type elimination strategy but not healthy competition.
This is beautiful happening in this Buddhist country where Dhana is taken as a high precept where Wessanthara (Bodhisatva has ) had even offered his head to gain higher perfection.
When, private Medical Schools come into practice, they will start killing each other in their students dates and before graduation since all of them will start private practice to recover the money spent on Education.
This country will become a Killing Field, when these graduates come out from their Prospective Private Universities since we do not have any ethnic wars to practice killing each other.
I wish I should be dead before these guys/Girls come out of Medical Schools.
My Dream
My dream is related to me visiting a Skin Specialist.
It was nice feeling to become a patient where most of my life I practiced medicine free except for a brief period during the dark days when everybody was threatened with life in dark days of Southern Insurrection.
I took the risk of treating needy patients when all other outlets were closed due to insurrection.
I never imagined this country will go down in history with these incidents occurring on almost daily basis.
Prolong period of war has brought us to this sage where life is not counted as something worthwhile.
I went and paid the entry fee and was waiting for my consultation.
It took a long time and I would have dropped into sleep on the floor (no chair was available for me since all were occupied by others) when suddenly, I was woken by a messenger boy or girl asking me to see the Skin Doctor (I went for a skin condition which was not getting better but I was thinking that it was a cancer) immediately.
I asked, Why?
I was told because I was a retired doctor, this was a very special call.
I went in to see hundred of patients seated on the floor what looked like a mas hypnosis session.
He looked a towering figure beautiful in attire and pleasant composure.
Before, I could open my mouth, he said.
You look very thin and sick.
Are you a diabetic?
Do you have cancer.
I said I do not know.
He was bit taken by answers and he took a deep breath.
It looked like, he wanted the diagnosis from my mouth.
I was expecting him to do the diagnosis anyway.
I asked him, what is my secret of being slim and thin?
He said he has no idea.
I was doing a little cross check to see this guy is actually a doctor that he claims to be.
I told him I did not eat rice for one year.
He was more taken up now.
Is that so?
Yes and before he could ask a relevant question to follow I said.
It was voluntary act of mine.
You know there is a guy in our cabinet who asks us to eat only rice and no bread.
I wanted to treat him with disrespect.
So I made a resolution one year ago not to eat any rice and eat only JUNK food, like potato chips, ravioli, pasta, spaghetti, pizza and the like.
You were trying to save money.
No they were three times as much.
Little pasta with garlic garnish is over Rs.200/= and chocolate drink that comes from India is over Rs.300/=.
I told him that we had a long strike and during that period I was practically starving and at the end of the strike, I was catching up with my calories.
Did your wait go up.
There was no risk involved I started eating rich chocolates, mousy and all rich things I became an envy of the house.
My wife had a little respite and she had to cook only one meal.
I could not tell him my main complaint.
Then I went out and waited in the entrance for him to come out after seeing the other patients.
Sure enough, he came out but it looked like he was not interested in seeing me.
I told him, I forgot to tell about the small wart in my writing thumb which affected my touch typing (this is not true in true life; I do not have any wart on my thumb or good at touch typing).
To my surprise he disappeared into thin air without giving my money back or any consultation.
I was in a panic mode and got up instantaneously with my hand over my chest saying You squandering rascal.
However, I had a nice feeling when I got up since I had not send a dream for Maha Brahma´s perusal by email.
I got an instant audience from Maha, the Greatest.
He was laughing.
You did not get your money back, did you?
You must have squandered money from your patient and that is why you lost it.
Not this life but may be in my past lives.
Then I told him I finished my book on Rebirth Revisited and it is available in print and digital mode.
Shall I send you a digital copy.
It won´t have a market in heaven.
I can see many lives but most of the guys even they do not have the divine ability to see back and forward, they have to come to me for permission for such activities.
Why is that?
Then I have no running currency in heaven as the all mighty.
It is an offense in heaven to discuss rebirth without my permission.
Only human can do that.
Then I told him, that I won´t be able to publish the second edition of my book Rebirth Revisited from there.
Not unless you take my post.
Are you interested?
Not at all, I told him.
It is a boring job know?
You can´t dream like me know.
Thank you and long life on earth.
He returned with a big noisy smile.
I love your dreams and specially about Sri-Lanka.
No body comes here from Sri-Lanka now and all of them go to Hell Know.
Even, those who sacrificed their life for the country.
I am afraid that is the sad part of the war all of the killers go to Hell not heaven.
Do they come back to earth?
Yes, a few.
In that case what I stated in my book is more than the likely statistics.
Yes, my Boy.
You did not eat rice for one year.
That is very good my Boy.
You must get used to price hikes on rice on earth.
There will be droughts in the near future.
The effect of global warming will be dramatic he said.
Thank you, I had been predicting them with my human brain.
What is the interpretation of my dream?
It is very simple.
In future everybody who is somebody can become a doctor by only using web as a resource.
Then there is no need for a Private Medical School in Malabe.
Yes and NO.
There will be many private medical schools in the web.
The problem will be that many of the sites´ computers can be hacked by even a teenager and they get hold of the past graduates and dead doctors and become Instant Doctors.
Actually, you were looking at a video display of a hypnosis session 100 years from now in the future.
What happened?
I switched off the server using my divine power.
To see your reaction.
That is naughty of you.
I would have ended up with a heart attack.
I paid high and it was like paying a ransom.
Not in the future.
In future Sri-Lanka there will be so many doctors, one can get a consultation for a peanut.
BUT peanuts are expensive KNOW, one Rupee a nut.
It will be Rs.250/= a Jumbo peanut and I read your piece on peanuts on the blog site.
Was there a second part to my dream.
Do you have peanut on heaven?
We have only cashew nuts.
Are they cheaper than on earth.
Can you send some for me.
No and he disappeared in a flash.
Psychoanalisis of Modern Man
Psychoanalisis of Modern Man
It is one of my late discoveries.
I hope somebody could propose me for a Nobel Prize in psychoanalysis.
This should however go to Piaget but he did not publish this in his time (found in his possession as crumbled notes) fearing that if he published it then he would have been sent to the dustbin of history with all his previous writings.
My adaptation of his psychoanalytical theory goes little further than Piaget assumed it to be.
1. Up to 5 years Concrete Operational
2. 5 to 15 years Formal Operational
3. 15 to 35 years Formal but non Functional
4. 35 to 65 years Non operational
5. 65 to 100 years Concrete (Complete) non Operational
In another way of putting these facts of life is as follows.
1. Up to 5 years Ego
2. 5 to 15 years Accelerating Ego
3. 15 to 35 years Decelerating Ego
4. 35 to 65 years Non Ego
5. 65 to 100 years No Ego
( P.S. Unfortunately in Buddhist analysis this is the AK Stage or the Akusal Kaamma Stage. A good and shining example is Mr.Robert Mugabe, the Zanu PA champion, who cannot remember the good ground work he did to begin with).
Buddhist way of Analysis
Lord Buddha and Buddhists’ analyze this in a subtle way.
It is easy to analyze this in modern Banking Terms.
There are only three stages.
1. Deposit Account Stage from birth to 15 years – Kusala Kamma (KK for short)
2. Current Account Stage from 15 to 35 years – Kusala Akusala Kamma (KAK for short)
3. Overdraft Stage from 35 to the end – Akusala Kamma Stage (AK-all Kusala consumed)
Then the Brahma takes over and recruits them to the Animal Kingdom again.
His choices and picks have no overrule in life and matters.
The life cycle begins again with fresh vigour.
P.S. Edited for posterity and prosperity!
The old scheme is Chandasokas becoming Dhammasoks but the modern trend is Dhammasoks becoming Chandasokas. This is what we call the “Abuddhassa Kale (when Buddha’s influence dissipates gradually and the new world order begins) Labuth Thittha Weyi“!
Dogs and Digital Tombs
Dogs and Digital Tombs
The dog, The dog Lover’s Heart Disease and Fire Cracker Menace
The dog, The dog Lover’s Heart Disease and Fire Cracker Menace
I often wonder why dogs get same diseases like human except a few.
We get diabetes and dogs get diabetes.
We get arthritis and dogs get arthritis.
We have hip problems the dog too have hip dysplasia and the lot.
We get skin diseases and the dogs also get skin diseases.
We get allergy and dogs get allergies.
Dog gets heart problems and we get heart problems but with a difference.
These things are common with pedigree dogs but not nearly so in Paraya or the stray dogs.
What a crime these poor animals have done to be with us and have all the tendencies of our own.
I do not know but the Maha Bramma knows it for better or worse.
Thank god their life span is shorter and they do not have to go through with a family after family of forgetful people.
But Maha Brahma should have a firm hand on this issue and anybody who light fire crackers for cheap fun during new year and politicians who get their supporters to light fire crackers to herald their arrivals during festive times should be excluded from guardian angle duty of the dogs who left us (kick the bucket the man at the postmortem - morge-room says) in fear of fire crackers if not thunder during New Year.
When I see my dog in fear not knowing what to do except to hide under my bed, I now have a firm conviction that all of us dog lovers sick or otherwise should get up and say no to fire crackers and ban them in toto.