Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Greek President in Sea (Hot) Water

It looks like Greek President is in Hot Water.

With Kersh bridge bombing no wheat or grain will be shipped to Cyprus for milling and processing.

They cannot blame Russia.
These shipping lanes are used to smuggles arms in grain ships.

All these days Ukrainians have been stealing the Russian grain and selling them to Greeks.

Greeks have the ships and grain was a lucrative business.

Arm business was a side kick.

Greeks will not have gas and petrol coming from Russia.

What it means is Germany will not have both grain and gas cheap in this winter.

EU has sanctioned Russian goods.

The  cold winter with food shortages will see regime changes in EU countries.

Russian will send the grain to Asian countries.

Now America has to ship grains to EU countries.

Ukraine war is causing havocs and spill over effects.