Friday, June 2, 2023

Elive Linux -Pretty Good

Elive Linux is out.
It is pretty good.
I just downloaded the 64 bit version which is compatible with 32 bit computers.
It is 3.9GB.
It has Gparted.
It configures WiFi effortlessly. 
It can make a persistent bootabale system on a USB.

Its installer is bit different.
It has its own package store.

I can get AbiWord.
It has open office.
It has Conky and Cairo desktop.

Only problem for me was its dark theme with my eyesight failing was a bit of a problem.
It has the looks of Netrunner which I use.
I have no hesitation of recommending it to a newbie but having a bit of Linux experience is welcome.

Elive was one of my heart throbs during 32 bit version time with its glaring desktop effects with minimum of RAM usage.

The original developer is with the team and crowd funding is mandatory for it to stay active.


Language and Dialect

Language and Dialects are two things.

One kills the meaning of the other.

I must start with one (Ranjith Ruberu) who was an excellent cricket commentator who had the correct balance and the command in spoken and written language.

In addition he had a sweet voice over the radio.

Unfortunately, his name is not in the list of cricket commentators in Wikipedia.

He came from my neighbourhood and was very polite and an unassuming man.

When ever, I see him on the road we exchanged pleasantries and he passed away few years ago in 2015 at the age of 75.

I may be wrong but I think he had an excellent command in French language,too.

The word ricochet, I picked up from him.

Please do not confuse Aubrey Kuruppu with Professor Ranjith Ruberu whose voice was not pleasant.

Please substitute Aubrey Kuruppu to Ranjith Ruberu above.

When I was in Science Prep I, he (Ranjith Ruberu) came to my class to teach Botany in Sinhala and I hated him from that time.

He had translated a Botany Text to Sinhala and he was doing a salesman job in our school.

I decided to do Science in English (5 others joined me) and the rest of my stupid classmates continued in Sinhala Medium and none entered the University.

I have to bare some secrets here.

My English was not good then (even now) but my understanding of science concepts was outstanding.

I decided to answer Botany and Zoology in Sinhala at the moment of answering the Advanced Level.

I was registered as a English Medium student and I asked the invigilator if, I could switch to Sinhala.

The flow of Science Ideas in Sinhala was so fluid and instantaneous (having digested the books in English).

My mother tongue was Sinhala.

By the way, I answered Physics and Chemistry in English (technically easy).

I was a fast reader.

I even read the book "POWER" by Bertram Russell with a dictionary by my side.

That habit extends to my twilight years. 

That prudent decision made me to enter the University, first time round.

I was the only one who was qualified for Medicine from all four science classes (over 200 students).

Of course, I decided  to improve my English long before entering the University.

Coming back to professor of botany,  he did not have the guts to oppose the politicians asking the dons to (switch to Sinhala abruptly) teach Science in Sinhala in 1960s.

It was antithetic to me and I was instrumental in opposing this tragic injustice to Ceylonese students, many years later when I entered as a Seconded Officer to the University and later as a teacher in Pathology.

Aubrey Kuruppu was his name.

Please leave Ruberu as it is but substitute Aubrey Kuruppu, instead.

He was an honours graduate in English in Peradeniya University and was the coordinator of the English Language Unit of the Faculty of Arts.

Mind you this English Department was ruined (abolished) by J.R.J including the Department of Pali when he became the  President (for political reasons of his own).

Slanting my piece to language and dialects, Kandy had three foreign language units in my time and I did not attend any except the British Council Library.

I literally read all Science books and Magazines including those not recommended for A Level.

We had a USIS Library, too. It had good computer books but nothing in science.

That may be the reason, I am very good at Linux and Linux Commands, now (Linux was not in existence then but Unix).

There was a Unit of Asia Foundation, too.

All are no more except British Council Language Unit.

1. British Council Library.

2. Alliance de France

3. Wille Heilm Geiger Center - German Center

Kandy gave adequate  importance to foreign languages, then but not now.

The German center is no more.

Language was not my interest but Science.

I improved my English by listening to Cricket commentaries in English, BBC News and Panorama, over the Radio.

Reading Daily News was a habit and we had excellent journalists and editors.

Listening to cricket in Sinhala is a pain  in the axxxz!

I had a good ear and thankfully there were no TVs, then.

It is a scientific truth that TV is bad for students when learning.

I have my reservation on AI and Video conferencing.

In UK I had to pass the Standard English Test which was not a barrier.

The English Test in New Zealand was horrible.

In addition, I had to pass all 2nd, 3rd and Final MBBS subjects at the age of 43, within two years of entering New Zealand.

Another reason, I hate New Zealand.

Please read the piece on New Zealand at this blog spot.

Coming to UK, I did not have any problem obtaining jobs.

But I hated all the dialects.

Yorkshire accent, Jodi, Welsh, Scottish, Irish  and Cockney dialects were not soothing to my ears.

New Zealand accent was the worst.

I kept to Aubrey Kuruppu's vision for English as a language and not as a dialect.

I never imitated their accents and kept to my Simple (Royal) English which was not an asset but a simple way of communication.

Communication skills are essential in clinical practice and in addition, I gave clearly written instructions in Ceylon and abroad.

No ASPIRIN after Tonsillectomy came good in New Zealand.

One woman after tonsillectomy was given aspirin by a local resident and she bled a lot almost to her death.

She almost chocked in her own blood.

By the way, my French is horrible.

Kali Linux

I have very little to write about Kalu Linux.
In fact, I hate it since it violates Linux Principles.
Linux was not created to hate each other.
It is a supporting community.
I love my privacy and I respect others privacy.
Password cracking is an Indian and Chinese game.

It is vulgar!

Do not use DeepIn from China, too.

Why I hate New Zealand

New Zealand is a country of scenic beauty but it's islanders are downright racist except a few.

I went there from UK with a job in hand and their emigration officers are the worst.

I went there with the hope of staying there for 3 years and thereafter working myself to Australia.

The idea was to work in Northern Territories  of Australia.

Australian ingenious people have similarities to Ceylonese Vaddhas  and I did want to investigate, in my own way.

I think Ceylon was a big continent and it vanished after a big meteorite hit, leaving a tiny bit, jutting India.

That is my Theory!

It never had any connection to India and if at all it was connected to Australia.

Read my book of "Origin of Ceylon" at Amazon book store.

It's priced high, since what is in there is not recorded elsewhere.

What is in here will be inserted in my book "Power Vacuum".

I am not sorry for being brute.

1. Apart from being racist their English dialect was hopeless to say the least.
I could not understand having come from UK.

2. In technology wise they were primitive and I could not find a good TV or TV Deck.

Instead, I rented one.

3. It rains a lot.

4. It is windy.

Thankfully no gloves but my rain cape from UK was good enough.

5. It is situated in a major fault line and earth quake prone.
One of the biggest earth quakes of Richter scale 7.2 hit it when I was there and I was thrown out of the bed in mid day (sleeping after night duty) and was rudely woken up.

With after tremors I could not sleep for 6 weeks and left New Zealand soon after.

Thankfully my family was sent home 6 weeks before.

6. I was covering work for there doctors and was underpaid.
In fact, I was made to work more than (40 plus was base but I exceeded 72 hours) the labour stipulations.

I threatened to take them to court.

When I left never to return, they could not find a guy to replace me.

7. New Zealanders are basically lazy.

They retire at 50.

8. Then there was guy called MEAT (not a Meat Grinder) who came back from UK having worked as a retail salesman in the garment industry who did not have proper credentials to work in a hospital and telling me how to function in my capacity as a resident senior doctor.

His only objective was saving money and tests.

He was piece of cake for me.

9. The basic retirement pay was equal and I had no intention of retiring at 50.

10. I came home and joined the University and worked until 66 years of age.

11. I always returned and had a holiday in UK in the 1970s - 1980s but I never did return to New Zealand.

I had the VISA form filled for the entire family and a cheque written for $685/=  but never posted it.

12. My file/s at the VISA office was the biggest bundle they ever had.
Heavy Weight class by my choice of countering every decision they made against me and my family.

I blasted the lady senior officer at the main office  and said I am paying from my pocket for my son's eye surgery and she would have to answer my lawyer not me in future.

She promptly sent my passport back.

13. There were no Macdonald and Kentucky Chicken but only fish and chips which I hated.

14. By the way, I met a few good people including Resident Ceylonese who used to beat me in poker games.

All of the stories are recorded in my books on Rebirth and Unforgettable Personalities.

15. Eye Surgeon was the best!

16. If you are a lazy guy it is a good country to retire!

17. They probably have more sheep and cows than humans.

18. The Otira volcano erupts frequently and air pollution is common.

19. Some part of New Zealand have radioactive deposits and some carry a Geiger Counter in their cars.

20. Some unknown reason they believe in Aliens and there are unconfirmed stories to that effect.
My interest in aliens probably started there.

21. Salesgirl in New Zealand stole the electronic dictionary I bought for my daughter under  8 years.She hid out of my sight when loading the rest of the buys.

It was the only unit in the store and it was bit expensive. I checked it to give it to my daughter, having come out of the shop and it was missing.
I went inside an showed the receipt and said it was missing.
The manager took her side and did not even record my complaint.
I said never mind I won't come back to your shop until this girl was summarily dismissed.

Do not bother about my money or the unit she can have as a gift from me.
But I hate stealing!

I did not tell him but in my mind I said to myself I am leaving this country.

22. Majority of males and females were obvious homosexual and that was the final trigger.
I missed a large perianal abscess of a homosexual young man of 22 years twice.
His complaints were hip and knee joint pains and he was ashamed to declare his orientation or real site of pain.

On a Sunday (I was off) I got a call from my senior consultant to come to the ward.
He was on his tommy and he showed me the full extent of the abscess and smiling told me beware homosexuals in this country.

I told him I am not a homosexual and I did not figure it out.
I will put my foot in next time.

The saying is, if you do not put your finger in you may have to put your foot in later.

That is one should examine the rectum in every patient.

23. Majority of yoing adults are drug adicts in New Zealand and very violent.
I do not mind smoking amd alcohol.

24.There was a young guy who used to fake injury to his thumb to get ACC compensation.

On the third attempt I did sign the form and said he is faking injury and should not be paid ACC.
I never saw him again but would have gone to another hospital.

25. They come out in raw filth in the hospital and I give one warning and if they do not comply call the police as a case obstruction to work.

26. One day a drug addict had a major convulsion in the casualty. I was hesitant to administer anticonvulsants but admitted him.
He refused admission but I call the police and admitted him.
Police told me he was a wanted man they were looking for five more.
I said they will come to visit him in the ward and I will tell the nurse to call police direct.
Obstruction to work and sure enough they got all of them.

27. At times I felt I am taking a big risk and one day these guys off from police custody target me outside the hospital with violence.
So l have no regrets leaving New Zealand after two years.

28. I hate beer but love French Wine.
New Zealand had only two local wines and
they were flavorless.
They were cheap but I always purchased French Stuff.
I was an alcoholic and weaned myself, the past 8 years.
My pension is not enough to buy good stuff.

29. Everybody gets the same pension at 50 years.
I hate that protocol and I needed a pension to suit my salary at retirement.

30. New Zealand allowed all the guys / girls who supported apartheid but when it came to Ceylonese there were lot of barriers.
I could not get my mother in law to baby to my kids.
She was stopped at Singapore airport and returned home.
I had bought a ticket to Christ Church.
Singapore airline however refunded part of the airline fee.
Ticket fare was expensive.
They violated the free visitor passage for 6 months to any country provided there is financial support.
I could support her for even two years.

My comments are not biased.
I fought every inch of my Fundamental Rights.
They even violate simple human rights.
That is why I had a heap of a file/s at the Immigration.
I do not regret not having permanent VISA.
I am planning to visit my old Ceylonese soon.