Thursday, July 6, 2023

We are One Gravity One Brain Beings

Long time ago when I was a medical student, I hated Anatomy but I was fascinated by Biochemistry.

Physiology was boring.

I found a physiology book that dealt with the effects of zero gravity on human body.

If I remember right I wrote a piece for our medical journal "Why I would never travel in space" having read this book.

I cannot remember what I wrote but my main concern was the effect of zero gravity on brain.

Brain is enclosed within the skull.

It cannot expand when fluid accumulate in the brain.

When CSF draining is blocked following meningitis in children under 18 months they develop hydrocephaly.

Fontanels are closed in adults.

If fluid accumulates in the brain the brain substance is compressed accordingly.

Unfortunately astronauts on long term stay in space the CSF fluid accumulates in the brain due to zero gravity.

It takes minimum of 3 years for recovery and the recovery is incomplete.

That is my bone of contention.

We are one brain one gravity beings.

We live only 100 years the most.

Never think of going to zeta reticularis and return with intact brain capacity.

This is to expose the shear madness of Elon Musk and Bronson and their followers.

Lot can be done to prevent over population on this planet.

Humans are the worst animals on this planet, less of them especially the mega rich is better for the health of this planet earth.

They thrive on wars of destruction.

No News is Healthy, No Bana (Sermon) even better

CIA = Zelensky = Lies is the simple equation that works for America.

Yes a day without a dose of Sermon (Bana) is better than a day without rain.

Day without a sermon is a sunny day.

These guys and girls bring doom and unhappiness every morning.

It is far better to listen to the birds.

Twit twit of a magpie is better than the morning dose of twitter.

A week without Facebook invigorates.

Best of all is NO News from
Fox News
Washington Post
Huff Post

I was a news addict when news were fair and balanced.

Then the Faked News hit the stand.

Yes I have tried all these news outlets.

Now I avoid all of them.

Truth is rare.

Half truths and half lies are doing the rounds.

Zelensky epitomises the current "Truth Embargo".

Since I am not duped by faked news, I sleep well without nasty dreams.

That is the true reality.