Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Multi-Booting (Number of Different Distributions) Linux on an External S.S.D Hardware

Reproduction of My own Piece

Multi-Booting (Number of Different Distributions) Linux on an External hardware S.S.D Hardware is difficult.

New Hardware is always a pain, including the money invested, for a hardcore Linux user like me.

So keeping one's old hardware in trim condition, come good in retirement.

1. I always say that Linux always protects hardware that include RAM, Graphic Cards and S.S.Ds.
(Solid State Disks = SSD)

2. One exception of course is S.S.Ds. I come to that later.

3. Linux use minimum of resources for full functionality and 100 GB is is enough with only  25 to 30 GB needed for the /root partition, installing Debian,Ubuntu and Emmabantus. The rest 75GB is for /home (50GB), and  /boot (1GB), /var (15BG) / tmp (2GB) and the rest for SWAP which is ideally 2xRAM (8GB for 4GB RAM).

The SWAP is vital since that is where temporary files (Linux call it memory pages) are stored and deleted (page by page when no longer needed).

I am not sure how much for Ubuntu 21.10, probably less GBs. 

I was not a fan of Ubuntu when this piece was written in 2018 but currently without Ubuntu I cannot survive. 

I use Ubuntu for testing new software like BOX (Virtual machine for testing a distribution before installing) and OBS studio (testing Audio and Videos but my favorite V.L.C). I always get a message not enough space and I ignore it since space is taken by large ISO images stored for testing and deleting after testing is done.

By the way, I have 40GB N.T.F.S partition for storing images and the Toshiba Hard Disk is only, 320GB with three distributions installed.

Ubuntu has not become frugal but it is becoming pragmatic with Debian having an enormous package store to add up.

4. I will not talk about games which is taken care by Valve and Steam hardware.

5. This is about using a Functional Desktop.

6. With cloud functionality in full gear Linux Server can be accommodated by 4M Linux or Tiny Core Linux of about 4 to 8 MBs (note this is in MBs) in a Pendrive or USB stick.


Both of these tiny guys are within  the top 100 in www.distrowatch.com ranking.

TAILS in a USB uses the cloud and forget about the connection soon after use.

7. What I mean is to run, server utilities one need not have a fully fledged distribution.

There are number of server dedicated Linux distribution, I forget their names.
? System Linux is probably one of them.

8. Coming to EXTERNAL SSD with 120 GB drive one can run two distributions but only one can be booted.
GRUB does not work on S.S.Ds, I believe S.S.Ds have no master boot record to configure booting options.

One can run only one distribution on a SSD.

There is a way about it.
The second distribution can be installed and the the GRUB can written on a USB stick to boot. There is a caveat here, one cannot boot the hard disk (imagine you misplaced the USB) without the USB and I do not recommend (unless YOU are a paranoid guy, YOU do not want even your spouse to boot it) that strategy

Partitioning the extra GB with a N.T.F.S partition for storing data is my way about..

9. So spending huge sum on a S.S.D is counter productive and a simple way to waste money.

10. Buy 1 terabyte old  external rotating disk and install the other distributions in it. Simply it adds unnecessary big hardware. The advantage of S.S.D. it is portable and carry in your pocket.

11. I have an old one terabyte internal drive which I have installed four other distributions using GRUB to access them.

12. I think I will incorporate those tricks in a book I may write.

I will dedicate the book  to both GRUB and Ubuntu.

13. It is tempting to learn about Linux on YouTube but it can be frustrating without a Guru.

14. My Gurus has always being books.

15. Terms like /srv, /etc, /tmp, /bin, /libs, /home, /root, file history and many more jobs like cron jobs can be learnt only through text mode.

16. Linux has a fixed file 

One has to learn file hierarchy, the desktop is only the window dressing and the real work of Linux is  behind the screen in a text file written in python.

17. There was a fully fledged text editor called LaTex gone into wilderness.

18. I have Endless OS in my Laptop and missing things like AbiWord, Telegram, Tex are there for me to fiddle with.

Endless OS is like an Android on a PC.

19. The Android like Linux distribution failed in it's early days.

20. Cloud Linux also failed but it looks like another one has come into fray of Linux influence.

21. There is no limit to Linux and enjoy it when one is young.

When one is old one settles down to the minimum that gets the work done.

Laziness becomes a habit.

I am in that mode, taking life in a relaxed way.

But Linux keeps me young at heart.

Don't be grumpy, if a Linux utility fails.

Improve it by becoming a critic and later a developer.


Freedom Concept of FOSS

I see FOSS is at a loss of $500 for the month of April, 2024.

Please Donate!

Debian does not say anything about it losses. Please help them,too. 

They are not corporate entities but crowd funded projects.

Freedom Concept of FOSS

Free and open-source software

Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that is available under a license that grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge. The public availability of the source code is, therefore, a necessary but not sufficient condition.

Richard Stallman's Definition of Free Software

Richard Stallman's Free Software Definition, adopted by the FSF, defines free software as a matter of liberty, not price, and that which upholds the Four Essential Freedoms. The earliest known publication of this definition of his free software definition was in the February 1986 edition of the FSF's now-discontinued GNU's Bulletin publication. The canonical source for the document is in the philosophy section of the GNU Project website. As of August 2017, it is published in 40 languages.

Four essential freedoms of Free Software

To meet the definition of "free software", the FSF requires the software's licensing respect the civil liberties / human rights of what the FSF calls the software user's "Four Essential Freedoms".

1. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).

2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1).

3. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).

4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3)

By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

Castrated Constitution,

My Own Reproduction

Castrated Constitution

Consequential Presidency,
Conditioned hellhole assembly,
Confused Constituency,
Country void of scientific philosophers
Wasting the golden opportunity
For the vision of the 21st century
Are the manifestation of
Senile politicians bickering 
For power
That brings nothing 
But Momentary Insanity
To our Body Politics 

Bugger the constitution 
Which buggered us
For 38 years
With a tool called
Two third majority

And another tool called

Referendum which is not worth

The ballot it is printed on

And casting a vote on it

Is a colossal waste

On the common sense

Of not so common voter behaviour

Which is flimsy and fragile

And evaporating by the minute

With very poor and

No memory in store