Saturday, October 14, 2023

Relevance of God Concept

God is a Human Concept created by mankind for over 10,000 years.

My understanding is that the Mohendajaro Harappan civilization did not have a religion.

However, it got established around 2500 years ago by linking with the King of the State.

Money became its power.

I cannot see a God who sends its priests to battle field as a benevolent godly guy.

I have another problem whether god is a male or a female.

Most bizarre point is that the god created this world.

If that is the premise, the god should have another creator above him or her.

It is like the egg or hen connection.

Who came first.

Man or God.

An endless loop.

Fear of death may be the reason for its creation.

I have much more plausible origin.

Mankind discovered Magic Mushroom long before agriculture and cultivation of magic mushroom was probably the first agricultural product, even before brewing alcohol.

These mood enhancing chemicals produce esoteric or spiritual dimensions with intoxication and the belief in Godly or Virtual Beings came into existence.

Socrates was poisoned and Bertram Russel had to flee to Russia to save his life.

When he was down with double pneumonia  The Church of England published two obituaries of BR.

He of course survived thanks to the British nurse not due to the God Almighty.

All religions are humankind's abstract creations without substantial evidence to support or deny their claims.

I have nothing against a guy or girl having some belief system but if I am asked about possibility of God or Gods, the simple answer would be the contents outlined in this piece.

I love reading books but moment it is finished, I wait for the next edition to update knowledge.

When it comes to Bible or Kuran the same old edition is dished out with minor corrections.

It is 2500 years old and it is high time to be disposed of, so that the current Israel and Hamas / Hezbollah war or religious dispute is (in this case land included) turned off without further blood shed.

Eye for Eye of Wild West mentality has no place in global politics today.

I think the Ukraine debacle needed a diversion tactic for the Military Industrial Complex to rearm another conflict until US Election is over.

These events are not spontaneous but very well orchestrated.

Hamas is a creation by West to undermined Hezbollah Organizations.

Hezbollah is a political party of Lebanon with  diplomatic recognition. It also has a military wing.

While PLO recognizes Israel (two states) Hezbollah does not recognizes Israel.

So far there is no active participation of Hezbollah.

I have no idea where Iran stands in this conflict.

It is obvious Iran was unaware of the Hamas activity which was most likely controlled by the West.

Iran was negotiating for concession on nuclear program and really did not want any escalation in the region.

It is more than likely Israel does not want the Iran Nuclear program to succeed.

So it allowed the Hamas to carry out its attack in spite Egypt's warning.

The bottom line is there is a hidden hand to oust Israel's current PM but it is more than likely he will hang on until US Elections.

Hamas is a Sunni Political organization.
It opposes a Two State Solution. Saudi Arabia supports Sunni faction.

Hezbollah is Shia Political organization supported by Iran. It does not support two state solution.

Uncertainty Principle

Slot Machine

1. Opportunity

2. Unpredictable Rewards

3. Repeatability

Endless Captivating Loop

16 games a minute.

Financial Institutes and Stock Market
Social Media
Dating Applications
Sports gambling

Gig Economy


Evolutionary Behaviour
Hunter gatherer finding food.
Random event.
Repeat searching for food
Pigeons pecking for food.


Canada has  60 species.

UK has  30 species

Pacific has 200 species

Eggs mature within 48 hours.

500 to 100 eggs per lay.

After larval stage (may be 30 cycles) undergo 20 more cell division cycles and become adults.

From egg to adult is only 10 days.

Male live on nectar for about a week.

The female live 5 to 7 weeks but given favourable living conditions can live up to 6 months.

1. There are about 3500 species of mosquitoes and about 2500 species probably  are in current circulation.

2. I believe, it is the most versatile insect on this planet.

3. Only about 40 species are diseases producing and the rest is an evolutionary store waiting to be discovered

4. All of them start life underwater as multitude of egg types.

5. The larvae are upside down in water and breath through a pair of siphon located in the tail end.

6. Anopheles do not have a siphon and lie flat on water surface and breath trough a pair of holes in one of the segments.

7. Job of larvae are to eat a lot and grow fast.
They are filter feeders.

8. Elephant mosquito larva eat other mosquito larvae

9. Dragon fly larva breakfast is mosquito larvae

10. 4 moults.

11. Emerges as a Pupa.
Trumpets (breathing apparatus) pop out from the head.

12. Some flowers are only pollinated by mosquitoes. 

Males only feed on sugar of flowers.

13. Adult mosquito has navigational tools.

14. Females of only some varieties need a blood meal before laying eggs.

15. Giant mosquito larvae while not blood suckers help to kill other mosquito larvae and control the population explosion.

16. Killing all mosquitoes is not a solution to control mosquito born disease.
Environmentally useful guys are also killed in that process.

Cosmological Inquiry

I have an outrageous theory for our solar system.

Before that let me dish out our limitation of colour sense.

We can distinguish only  3 colours clearly using rods and cones of our retina. In my case I cannot see some colours properly from a young age and it is getting worse with age.

I realized this when I was playing snooker.
No problem with billiards since only two colours white and red are used.

The computer can distinguish millions of colour shades and for simplicity sake they use 256 colour shades in our monitor.

Good example of colour compression is used in mpeg file format of video streaming, where redundant analog colours are shed to make the file light not bulky.

The name PNG or portable network file came into existence without sacrificing the quality of the image.

I am out of touch and use only GIMP for my photographic world.

The bottom line is analog files are heavy and we can shed lot of bulk when sharing image files in the internet.

The Cosmos is Big and we can see visually only about 5% of the matter.

Rest of the Universe is dark and beyond our grasp.

To identify hidden matter we have to use other energy components of our energy spectrum using instruments mounted on a satellite probe.

That is the reality.

The man does not want to be blinded by his visual limitation.

My outlandish theory is that we were a binary star system and the other star died and disappeared into darkness long time ago.

It remains as a dark body outside our visible planets and gives stability to our solar system.

Mind you it is not a dark hole but a physical body without visible light source but with powerful gravitational force.

My reasoning are simple.

Binary division is common in cells and biological world.

There is nothing to prevent binary division in physical world or in the cosmos.

It is a simple mathematical logic.

In spiral galaxis there are two arms one bright with young stars and another arm with old stars.

In between globular or elliptical body and a bar body or dark matter in the center.

I am using this analogy to our solar system.

The postulated dark body is bigger of the two original stars.

Stars fading an dying is normal in the cosmos.

Like the bar body in a spiral galaxy it gives stability to our solar system.

Lot of our explorer satellites get lost or veer away from its course.

My postulation is we fail to take account of the gravitational pull of this old star unseen.

Like a good brother it does not let any matter escapes from our solar system.

Our cosmos is receding at a tremendous pace and this guy is trying to stop our solar system losing its components.

This is a working theory and worth probing on at a theoretical level.

This will be one of my questions in my philosophy book.