Friday, July 2, 2021

Humour and Mind

The word Human probably drives from those two words and the man has lost both mind and humour after they created coin, paper money and now crypto-currency.

Incredibly apt word crypto and how freak or counterfeit dollars are converted to power is really cryptic.

This crypto-mania most likely started from London and Washington to lure the Chinese who hoard money from global business activities.

Both London and Washington do not have adequate sovereign to print paper money but there is digital manipulation.

The  word crypto-currency was born.

This is to mitigate countries emerging economies like India where gambling is natural inclination.

Using computer farms set up in bunkers to analyse money transactions at nanosecond intervals globally and using techniques similar to betting to manipulate crypto currency dealings by absolutely rich people, bypassing the normal fiscal systems that are set in place to discourage manipulations surreptitiously.

Countries like ours, printing money without sovereign or corporate bonds to stand alone has no match to these manipulations.

I think Chinese are also in this game now.

Prices of food are going up.
There is a mismatch of supply and demand mainly due to Coronavirus Slowdown.

It cannot be mitigated by printing money.

The ground work has to be in place.

One cannot analyse, the cryptic ways, the bullish forces work in the money market.

The prices going on service commodities cannot be arrested by fiscal and artificial intelligence gut feelings.

The gadgets (cellphones, laptops and hard disks) that come out in tons due to lockdown will not find a market place except for formulating volatile algorithms.

To stabilise supply and demand imbalance global coordination is necessary.

Until that is done an average man is riddled with hand to mouth existence.

The role outs will vanish in no time to cover the debts leaving no money left for longterm investment plans, to get the system back to stability.

So my prediction that economy would  collapse (in spite of bullish predictions of the crypto men in London and New York) will stand true, with the year 2021 coming to an end.