Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Debian KDE Desktop has some Options
T.C.P. and I.P.
When I wrote a book about Internet many moons ago it had 6 (SIX) or so Engineering protocols and of looks like they are merging some of them.and making 4 layers.
1. Data Link Layer with uniform standards or protocols.
2. T.C.P. or the Transfer protocol.
3. I.P. or the dedicated IP address protocol
4. System or hardware based Application protocols providing services.
What happened to the topmost layers?
Eaten up by the Cloud servers or the D.o.D (Department of Defense) protocols of Facebook and Twitter.
I think the CIA has outsourced top two layers of its services to Facebook and Twitter and earn money in the process.
What a profitable plan?
I always believed in this strategy and that is why I stopped using them long time ago.
One Drive, Google Drive and Dropbox are putting restrictions on users and are waiting to suck in dollars and pounds.
Me telling, Good Bye to Internet after 20 years is easy.
IT protocols were owned by big companies in the beginning and the Internet blossomed as an educational.platform.
BSD from California Berkeley did a yeoman service in the beginnings for services to available in.the universities worldwide.
It has gone through the full circle and back to big companies.
Now money only speaks and big companies have a stranglehold on millions of minions.
That is called development and in Ceylon a software is used by Army to snooze on us.
I have nicknamed this software as the proboscis the mosquito use it to suck our living blood.
Interestingly, the name of the software start with a P.
There is an appropriate slang or vulgar word starting with P in Sinhala.
What a coincidence?
Lions and Snow Leopards-Apple Computer Guys
Ever heard Lions and Snow Leopards living in the same home.
I hear they cannot simply because they are proprietary products from Apple Mac.
Some time ago I wanted to write something about Apple Computer and write a Final Cut but for no reason I could not.
I was wrong and it was a posh Apple Mac Store but I could not see any iPods.
Just yesterday I posted and updated today that one can install four Linux distribution in over 2 and half hours and make them cohabit but unfortunately Snow Leopard and Lion can hardly ever cohabit in the same computer.
The trouble one has to go to install (which has two disks) Snow Leopard on Lion computer, only and expert can do that also on has two apple computers side by side with firmware attachment.
This guy who is a keen photographer wanted to transfer some photographic stuff from a camera and his old camera was not supported by the new Lion.
But if he gives his video to me I can convert them to many formats using ArtistX or AVLinux.
R.I.P. Linux–Rest In Peace for Windows
This is the CD I use when I have accidentally erased everything in my hard disk which I did recently while partition my hard disk.
But it is for recovery of your files and photos.
It says Recovery Is Possible and recently, when I visited a computer hacker (he rips off old laptops and sells the usable remnants for the price of a new one -good money if I stated doing that) to get a CD/DVD for my son’s old Hitachi Laptop.
Not rooted or booted for one year.
I found a Combo that juts out of the front panel but I got the old Hitachi working again and I am going to use it for testing Linux distributions until the Combo packs up or I pull it out and use net booting utility to rip the BIOS and booting sequence.
New Wave of Linux-Multibooting Capability and its Culpability
Posted on October 3, 2010
New Wave of Linux-Multibooting Capability and its Culpability
Most of the Linux distributions are making a culpable offense by not recognizing other Linux that come from various backgrounds.
In the beginning the LiLo had problems with booting other Linux distributions.
Then came GRUB it solved most of the booting problems by booting from any partition unlike Windows which have to start from the first sector.
Linux guys have not put this weakness of Microsoft to light.
Now is the time to highlight why we give priority to Microsoft.
It is unfair in legal sense in open market economy.
It also should learn how to boot from any sector of choice other than Master Boot Record.
Nobody should give the copyright inheritance of the first sector to any Linux or Microsoft distribution.
It should be with the customer or the user.
It is a monopoly.
Why computer wizard did not expose this weakness to light is my grouse.
They only aggravate the situ by only recognizing Windows and DOS sometimes and invariably gave Microsoft the first place.
This is a culpable mistake Linux developers perpetuate by its taking the starting block.
Why give the head start to Microsoft?
I have found only three distributions doing it right
They are PCLinux (the new distributions now have a problem not including other format options – other types of disk formatting including DOS), Mephis, Debian, Suse , Mandriva, Redhat and Fedora.
Redhat had the best GRUB including RAIDs .
Still SuSe has the best partition tool, even though it restrict itself to 15 partitions.
Why I do not know?
All the other Live and installable CDs I checked had problem recognizing other Linux distributions.
But they invariable recognized Microsoft by default or is it fear induced by Microsoft by its global propaganda or is it both.
Why not recognize its sisters and brothers breathing over the neck to have a good start.
Most pertinent question is why Microsoft cannot see with their eyes open wide Linux or other partitions.
They are totally blind to independence an market forces.
Where is universal brotherhood?
Where is universal comradeship?
There are two reasons.
1. One is boot loader they use is LiLo.
2. The other is that they do not write a script (copy of the booting sequence in the header files of the root partition).
They all write on the M.B.R while giving priority to Microsoft almost by default or deceit.
Ubuntu do this, all Ubuntu derivatives including attractive Mint do this culpable offense.
It is time to wake up and put this right.
Suse recognizes only 15 partitions.
There used to be over 60 partitions those days before the RAID and volumes came into existence.
I used to have at least 8 (2 windows) distributions bootable on my hard disk barely 80 GB.
Those days Linux were not fat and heavy and some of them could stay on 2 GB partition.
I used to modify boot sector by various means to get all running without a problem with GRUB as the boot loader.
Now the hard disks are over 300 or 500 we must go back to all traditions and have at least 30 partitions recognizable.
Then I can boot Microsoft, Apple Mac and Open Free BSD as part-timers with Linux preferably my own assembly called God Bless You All (G.B.Y.A) (thanks to all the guys including Puppy Linux) and I will throw a party even the all mighty God has directed me to the grave for rest after the party.
Recovery Is Possible or Impossible and cohabitation is a must in the coffin for all of us at the end.
Absolute Linux-Install Only
Sunday, 12/15/2024
Age, expense, but mostly LACK OF TIME leave me no choice but to give it up.I won't bore you with the crybaby details, but I gotta make ends meet. If someone wants to take the distribution over, I would be happy to freely pass it on.I enjoyed tinkering all those years.
Web site: www.absolutelinux.org (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: IceWM
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Slackware
Wikipedia: Absolute Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 20240602 | June 2, 2024
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Absolute Linux
Absolute Linux – a very light Linux distribution based on Slackware.
There is a set of programs included in the system which fits for working on a home computer.
Additional scripts (also working in graphical mode) allow for easy system configuration.
Low power consumption ensures free work on old computers.
Each version of Absolute (packages) is compatible with Slackware (Absolute 14 -> Slackware 14).
The last version of Absolute Linux was released in June 2024.
Absolute Linux
Allergy is due to——->
In the early days of my Live CD distribution testing, I downloaded Absolute Linux and by shear accident I said yes to a command and it took over my hard disk and installed it and wiped everything.
That was long time ago and I wrote Microsoft Killer on the CD and never tried it again till today.
Almost everybody in the University on token strike (remind me of the old days when we had to strike demanding bread, milk, rice and not coconuts) I decided to try this on one of my old computers in office which I had messed up including the boot record and its mouse, the PS/2 mouse was fidgety.
I plugged in a USB mouse and started installing.
Installing was on write mode which I like very much and it was like using Debian where everything was configured step by step.
True to the statements below which I copied from its home page it does write and reported the faulty on board sound and gave me opportunity to configure USB external sound card I plugged in.
It is very light on the old computer and had everything including K3B, AbiWord and LibreOffice.
I have no hesitation of recommending it for dual booting.
It uses LiLo and could not detect Peppermint I had already installed.
Apart from that glitch it is an excellent distribution for a newbie learning Linux.
Another admirable feature is that when you first time boot it tells you what ought to be done including using a user account.
I had some difficulty in finding the control center which is the first entry in the menu because it gives neither Gnome or KDE desktop appearance which is in fact is a remarkable feature what I like the most.
It gets one out of the regimented routine and frees you with new found Linux independence.
Well done guys an girls at Absolute Linux.
Please use the point to point download and I am currently downloading its latest version.
It cannot be listed in my Live CD/DVD list since only thing it lacks is a live sfs script an I hope in future it is included by default with UnetBootIn for USB booting.
Desktop oriented, as opposed to use as a server
All-at-once installer with the packages I wanted.
Like to play. Want the latest, best software. Slackware was perfect for this as all the headers are left in the packages/libraries so I can compile what I like. Since I like to script/program, I made myself many little utilities and shortcuts to configure the system more easily.
I want complete control.
But I want the operating system to stay out of my way.
Is a modification of Slackware.
Fast, stay-out-of-your-way desktop.
The software folks use on a desktop: Firefox, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pidgin chat, GIMP image editor, WPClipart, Thunderbird mail, K3B CD/DVD burning, Frostwire P2P, Deluge BitTorrent, 2 dictionaries, a bunch of games — basically any of the latest, most popular Open Source software.
Many script utilities (with friendly little GUIs) to make configuration and maintenance of system easier and still allows manual (text-file based) configuration, if desired.
Package compatible with Slackware minor versions. (ex. Absolute 12.2 -> Slackware-12.2), with a few exceptions: kernel packages, KDE-libs, madwifi, ndiswrapper, svga-helper, a/etc.
Root user can install software or set system configurations. That’s it. Perfect for parents and IT guys. If you want to do something root user is allowed to do, log in as root. That’s what the account is for.
Finnix, the Live CD for System Administrators
Finnix is Genome / Linux Kernel 3 and only 102MB and fits a mini CD.
If I write about Linux Live CD that boots with Windows X desktop only, I am doing an injustice to the Linux Developers, who make wonderful Little Utilities for system administrators.
Below is one of them, a CD that boots without a desktop window on a terminal (window) with 300 MB of utilities.
Finnix, the LiveCD for system administrators
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Finnix is a self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution (“LiveCD”) for system administrators, based on Debian.
Linux Ultimatum-Finishing with FinniX
It is almost 3 years that I had being trying to promote Linux.
I am going to wind up writing on Linux from the end of this month.
You won’t believe why I am going to do that.
It has nothing to do with Linux or visitors to my site.
Nearly half a million had visited my blog site.
Thank you and you had been a source of strength.
It has almost tripled.
Besides rain also failing when there is power cut we do not have water too.
We are heading for disaster like “crabs in a boiling pot”.
We are getting cooked for no fault of ours.
We sacrificed and tighten our belts when war was rampaging but we asked to do more.
Fortunately I have written four books which are available at Amazons during our industrial action period.
Currently I am writing a book on Placenta and its clinical relevance with any help from the University.
That is taking a big tall on me.
It is Debian based.
I am currently downloading it.
It (Finnix) came on the Valentine Day with love to all Linux guys and girls and we married on the day before.
I missed Finnix (Linux) and my wife missed or forgot the day we got married.
I was one up on the deal.
If you are a Linux guy or a girl do not forget your loved ones, the community and your closest friends.
I will be here if I have had good dreams with Maha Brahma helping me.
We need god’s help to get rid of the bad guys in politics who are ruining little we have.
THANK YOU, Google and you are doing a wonderful job.
The blog front has an easy and nice face front.
You have done a very good face lift.
WordPress is also doing wonderful stuff.
Computer Aided INvestigative Environment)-Caine 2.5
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is a GNU/Linux Live CD distribution.
The CAINE forensic framework contains a collection of tools wrapped up into a user friendly environment.
It is built from the standard version of Ubuntu Linux 10.04.
It can be booted into a PC under investigation as a live CD.
It can be installed into a forensic laboratory PC as a permanent operating system.
It has a beautiful desktop.
DoKuWiKi and WikiSpaces
It is time for me to expand the horizon of Words World and go deeper into the program world where work is done almost on Unicode.
3. Bluefish,
The rest is history, till I got into Linux where from
While me doing night duties and you programmers were doing wonderful work with mid night commander and burning mid night oil.
So thank you guys and girls.
DoKu WiKi I downloaded was only 2.7 MB and AbiWord is 7.9 MB and it does my word processing.
I typed one line and saved it in Unicode (Graphic front end and code in the background) and opened it in Abiword and saved the line in abi.
This is why I always say “Small is beautiful and bigger is never the best”
Now few words about Wikispaces.
It gives you 2 MB of storage free which you can share documents with your class mates and teachers.
I have already opened a space for my students in the university and another for K-12 class, even though I use Google and WordPress almost exclusively for my blog activity.
WordPress is of course professional class and the best I have used.
“You guys have great customer and technical support–about the best I’ve experienced since the Internet began in fact.”
“I am a HUGE fan of Wikispaces for its ease of use and its endless options for collaborative projects and have been encouraging all my teachers to create a wiki for their class.”
“Thanks for making it so simple for my fellow classmates and I to connect. We’ve got a 20 year reunion coming up, and there’s no better, easier, and fun way than through wikispaces. I truly appreciate your efforts!”
“I had 80 kids register for Wikispaces today in class. Almost all of them said they were going home to make another one for personal use. Great tool, keep making it better.”
“Let me say how impressed I am with your service. It always amazes me that such an organization still has that personal touch.”
Thanks guys and girls for your comments which I have reproduced here.
Advanced open source document processor
Alongside Kile, LyX is another tremendous powerful LaTeX GUI.
User-friendly LaTeX source editor and TeX shell and KDE.
LyX – Word processor.
LyX is an advanced open source document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX runs on many Unix platforms (including MacOS X), OS/2, and under Windows/Cygwin.
Multitasking in Digital Linux-Ten (10) Minutes Only
I was bored to death of the long new year holiday and having had a long sleep overdue for sometime switched on the two computers, one for my daily work and the other for the downloading of Linux Gamers.
One I use regularly is a secondhand IBM overhauled by me into prime condition with two SATA disks.
Other one is one overhauled just two weeks ago with one of my old second hand IBM computer’s bare bones (133 Bus Speed of SDR RAM which I used for the last 4 years, day and night and coming to its terminal stage of life and wanting to say good bye (on off switch is not working properly, graphic card is grumbling at times, being unable to bear the load, etc) or see a junkyard specialist but all the old SDR RAM Cards which I paid a fortune to get the my minimum requirement of 1 GB in working order, old CD Writer (combo) not much used and a DVD ROM hacked to its optimum use still working.
Now the SDR RAMs which I paid a fortune, have no secondhand market value and throwing them into a dustbin was not my intention and roamed all the secondhand dealers in Kandy (looking for a IBM with SDR slots) and found a NetVista with 16 GB Graphic card (but the motherboard supporting above 32GB and above up to to 512 GB but the vendor selling it cheap, knowing it has no market value) and I was test driving it for buying it at a later date.
While I was doing all that another buyer (probably having minimum of Rs.10,000) without any respect to my age or dignity promptly wanted to buy it for cash on the spot. I took a back step and made a funny wink at the salesmen (by now who are very friendly with me) and said OK, sell it to the stranger. The salesman was form a nearby village (I knew him) knowing that I can have another I.B.M. later, if I wished with a new power pack and with some agreement by the dealer for providing a 32 GB graphic card (64 GB is the minimum for Linux now).
This incident reminded me of the post Christmas Sale and mad rush in London High Street where customers almost kill each other (I never went for any of them fearing my life like an Asian going to a English Football Club for a prime football match-unlike cricket of course-where one can get trampled to death by design if not by default- stay at home in London and watched them on TV instead) for a purchase which I wondered how could it happen in a civic society who teaches democratic values to Middle East sheiks.
And to put the story in perspective, I duly purchased the Kit with a 80 GB IDE fortunately one day before the agreed buy / sell date saving time in my hand in the process (since I managed to get my salary one day before the due date) so that I could fiddle with it (in spite of many security tags they put on inner hardware) and get it in working order to download Linux Games during New year holidays.
These are the things I did in 10 minute while K-torrent was downloading two images in two different computers in the background.
1. Copied a 1 GB image in K3B – Wild-Linux which is pretty good.
2. Went through my email answered new year greetings in double quick time.
3. Changed the screen saver on the newly assembled computer and almost ruined the graphic card of 64 GB with plasma effects and comic strip.
Please do not try these extreme graphic effects of Linux on new graphic cards not supporting Linux.
4. Made a cup of tea in between and let it brew.
While my daughter was on Skype and my son watching peoTV on the same D.S.L line.
In spite of the slow speed of our Telecom achieving all this is due to Digital Capability of Linux and not Microsoft.
In the meantime my wife who had switched on the computer to watch digital TV but the computer idling with her being on the land phone answering a New Year call.
I often wonder why we use a telephone other than for flimsy communication strategy?
Can Microsoft boast for same multi- functionality or multitasking?
It may do all that but it will do all that in about 30 minutes with a huge RAM on the computer and it has no swapping facility to use the processor efficiently in a time shared manner.
It loads everything working and not working like a a dinner party dress with glamorous frills all around but which fail to take the attention of the speaker who is half drunk but still talking.
I doubt very much!
Go digital but make it Linux my dear friend.