Sunday, June 24, 2018

Star Gazing and Reality

Star Gazing and Reality

Few statements of mine here might blow off the heads of few politicians and monks who reads astrology instead of Dhamma.

Thank our Sun-God, we do not see other stars when it shines.

We see stars only at night and many of us fear to venture into the darkness, let alone see the stars.

We see stars only when we do shopping with a meager budget.

We cannot see any star in its present state.

What we see is the glimmer of light which is older by about four light years.

The light reflected from the surface of the Moon takes only a second to reach Earth. 

The Sun is more than 8 light minutes away and 8 minutes older.

And so, if the light from the nearest star (Alpha Centauri) takes more than 4 years to reach us, we're seeing that star 4 years in the past.

The current distance to our cosmic event horizon is about 5 Gpc (16 billion light years), well within our observable range given by the particle horizon.

The observable universe is a spherical region of the Universe comprising all matter that can be observed from Earth at the present time, because electromagnetic radiation from these objects has had time to reach Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansion.

There are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe.

Assuming the universe is isotropic, the distance to the edge of the observable universe is roughly the same in each direction. That is, the observable universe is a spherical volume centered on the observer.

Every location in the universe has its own observable universe, which may or may not overlap with the one centered on Earth.

Even so the stars in the galaxies are laid in somewhat of a horizontal plane and they seem to rotate or spin in an axis unique to its own galaxies.

Then again our universe is expanding and we begin to lose sight of it bit by bit (even though we only see the past events).

So how can an astrologer give a prediction on a human being in the present time with a history of fallen or failing star?

We can never see the present state of the universe, how ever much we try.

We always see a past event.

As humans we are only interested in the future of our well being.

Apart from our sun and solar system which gives us the calender (not exact but 364 days and a bit more) and we live only about eighty years of full life span and see 80 years of the past history of the universe, could we ever visualize the present?

We know of our past but our memory is too weak to remember even a fraction of the past, unless we keep a diary.

The dairy has no value if it gives us the past.

With a diary we can plan the future.

In my case, I use to plan only a week at a time and the most a month in advance, when my salary is due on my account.

Now on full retirement I do not need a diary but a cellphone with few telephone numbers worth remembering.

But I cannot ask for a loan from any one of them since every one of them is hooked to a loan of some sort.

Only the bank remembers it and sends you a pdf note instead of a letter.

I demand them a letter of notice and with the postal service on strike, I pity the pensioners who do not have an email or account in the bank and depending on post office for the pension that comes often 14 days late.

Punishing the sick and the old is a crime.

I see very few old people happy and many of them with the sense of unhappiness writing to the English papers asking far an old flame to come into power who has lot in his hands not yet dry.

He believes in astronomy and sooth saying/seeing and Mantra but he lost two years of his time due to a rabid astrologer.

It is sickening feeling.