It has already outlasted its originating events.
It has got a Linux tag now and if you type Linux and Parafox you are immediately directed to my writing on Live CDs.
The original meaning I intended is somewhat like outfoxing (is human in nature) the foxes but running parallel (is scientific in nature) and close to them the foxes.
Now it is the name for my blog spot at Google's.
If Google can coin a word so do I in the internet.
Since it has outlasted its true nature (if you read the original entries in this blog spot you get the picture clear) I want this word to be designated an entry into the Oxford Dictionary of new words.
If they do not then the Cambridge University should consider it in retrospect for future use.
I have also coined a another Concept.
It is called Offensive Medicine.
It is related to the dengue epidemic in Sri-Lanka.
The inactive Health Personnel in this country put the onus and the blame on the people and sham away from the government's responsibility in controlling it.
They sometimes punish the citizens and it may end up one day killing all the dengue patients to arrest the disease transmission. There are many adopted war heroes who are jobless now who can enact this.
The way the things are managed in this country even the WHO will agree on this measure.
This is all because the treatment is free if one enters a government hospital.
Having said that once upon a time when I was in the private sector I confirmed a case of dengue for a test costing about 50 rupees a person (on a child).
Two weeks later when I looked at the payments received (the institution has to pay this guy) by a particular doctor (he had put three to four entries per day including telephone calls) the charges were many thousand multiples of Rs. 50/=.
He actually did not physically visit the young child.
Soon after I left the institute since I could not do anything to prevent this scenario occurring again.
It is practiced to this day not only in that institution but elsewhere too.
There are no checks and balances!
To put this concept in another situation is appropriate to illustrate its spread.
Government dishes out free books but does not do anything to improve the standard of teaching and teacher training.
I hope the you got the picture of Offensive Medicine, right.
Today I am going to introduce another concept.
It is called Offensive Marketing.
This concept is similar to Offensive Medicine Concept where the onus is on the patient or the poor citizen.
This is applied to the Free Software and Free Linux distributions.
Somewhat similar to the FUD (Fear , Uncertainty and Fear) mentality if you use Free distributions, there is no support and one bears the consequences.
Onus is his or hers to own but no responsibility attached to the software or the distribution.
It is fair enough but consider a person working for a reputable company takes the free software and add few of his or her own company (example Java Beans. Flash Flush, Adobe Dub to name a few and few of its own household names) brands and put out a distribution, that I call an Offensive Marketing (fringes and frills of it) strategy.
I have reason to believe that this is happening today.
1. The parafox
2. The Offensive Medicine Concept (purely Sri-Lankan Concept based on Buddhist Karma and Karma-Pala-Vipaka).
3. The Offensive Marketing Concept are few that comes to my mind using Professor De Bono's lateral thinking strategy.
I hope these three will get to Annals of Web Publishing before I die (so that I can claim proprietary rights, and that should last 70 years after my death of course).
In a tangential way I want Oxford Dictionary to recognize four abodes its due place., because English does not have proper equivalents.
They are
1. Metta- Universal an unbound compassion to all beings born and to be born
2. Karuna-The boundless kindness to everybody especially the downtrodden, the poor and the sick- We have lost this in this country including reconciliation after 30 odd years of ruthless killings on both sides of the divide.
3. Muditha- Joy to see the well being and success- I have not seen a good word in English. We get the pleasure of putting people to prison.
That is the opposite of Muditha, the psychopathy.
4.Upekka- the equanimity
I have no trust on the English scholars dealing with Oxford Dictionary will give any credit to me for the creation / origin of my word parafox since those 4 abodes that are not recognized by the English speaking community are far more important to all living beings including poor me.
There is no incentive for me to enrich English if nothing is done for my claim for this creation (if not repudiated) by the scholars, unfortunately.