Ultimate Gamers Edition
Most of these games age already bundled up in Debian Gnome in 64 bit format.
I have not tested but Ultimate Arch Gamers also have bundled their own game pack.
Even though, it is 4.4GB the Box Utility of Debian it mounts in a Virtual Session, bringing nostalgia of 32 bit era.
It has GDebi Package installer and that it means it is updated to current use and once installed one can install even my favorite Abiword.
Being a gamer, it has no office packages.
I have no hesitation to recommend using it by a newbie or an old hand like me in Linux.
Thank YOU guys and Girls developing Ultimate Gamers Edition.
I have include in my book "Linux Essentials" in the Gamers section.
I am not a fan of MATE and I have not used MATE as a regular user and that is why this Distribution has missed my attention.
By the way, I am not a fan of ARCH Linux but ARCH has come up with (Storm, Blue Star Linux, Arco Linux) many editions.
Blue Star Linux was 4.7GB and is a very elegant distribution only my lack of experience in ARCH Linux keep me not using it.
Manjaro is on top.
I am too, old to learn new tricks and I am happy with Debian.
It took almost two hours to download Blue Star Linux by torrents with only 3 seeders. I used my old Laptop. I use my Laptop (500GB but only half full after loading with all the Linux images) to store store all the Linux images, since my NUC has no space. Already filled with over 50 Iso images, mostly old Puppy Linux my favorite.
Linux Mint
4M Linux (version 5 did not have seeders).
Blue Star linux
By the way, Netrunner KDE derivative has become one of my favorite distributions which has many attributes.
Ultimate Gamers Edition is an open source and completely free Linux kernel based operating system derived from the world’s most popular distribution of Linux, Ubuntu, and designed from the ground up for hardcore Gamers. The Gamers flavour of the Ultimate Edition Linux operating system is distributed as a Live DVD ISO image that has approximately 4GB in size, it supports both 32 bit (x86) and 64 bit (x86_64) hardware platforms, but contains software packages optimized only for the 32 bit architecture. It can be written to either a DVD disc or a USB thumb drive of 4GB or higher capacity.
Being designed from the ground up as a Live DVD, the Ultimate Gamers Edition distribution will allow the user to use the entire system directly from the bootable medium, in live mode. By default, it will start automatically when you boot the ISO image from the BIOS of a PC, but various advanced boot options are available on the boot menu.
The distribution’s default and only graphical desktop environment is powered by LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), which uses a traditional single panel layout for a productive and very fast desktop experience.
Among the pre-installed gamesare 3D chess, Airstrike, Aisleriot Solitaire, Barrage, Blackjack, Boswars, Brutal, Chess, BzFlag, Brutal Chess, Chess, Dream Chess, Five or more, Foo Billiard, Four in a row, Freecell, Gbrainy, Glest, Gnometris, Gridwars, Hearts, Lango, Kslotski, Majongg and Mines.
The Nexuiz, Nibbles, Nimuh, Open Arena, PokerTH, Robots, SameGnome, Sauerbraten, Snoballz, Suduku, Super Tux 2, Tali, Tetravex, Tremulous, Vetris and Warsow are also included.
The Play On Linux application, a graphical front end for the award winning Wine software, will allow the user to download, install and play games that have been designed to work only on the Microsoft Windows operating system.