Thursday, March 14, 2019

Original Purpose of this site

Original Purpose of this site

I was trying to find the best hundred Linux distributions in the same spirit as the Fortune-100 but I could not.

Then, I decided to rate the distributions myself that I have downloaded on a scale of my own.

I posted the list of items and rated PCLinux2009.2 as my best distribution and published that on an alternative web site.

This was the site I used for the past 4 years for freelance activity. 

The site was named www.writeclique,net published under the British Council Library.

To my surprise there was some interference with the site with malicious intent.

This I discovered done with the knowledge of the Government to interfere with free exchange of opinions.

I used to write things that politicians would not like to their taste, my writing may have caused the attack.
The Web Administrator confirmed the interference.

Since the election was due in 10 days and if the web site becomes active after election, my gut feelings would become correct.

Thank god that Google gave me this opportunity, I started with two poems to begin with and ended up over 2000 pieces.
Even with Google, then government stopped its live coverage in Ceylon. 

It could be seen in Singapore (outside the country)
I alerted the Google of the shoddy deal.
Thanks Google for your untiring efforts for free exchange of ideas.

Time has come to winding up operations.

However, I have deleted all the political stuff.

Dengue Dilemma and the Escape Route

This was something I wanted to write for some time but kept delaying it for many reasons including political.

When some issue is taken out of context and used as a political gimmick, even with much discomfort, I tend to refrain from taking the center stage.

Train to think logically and constructively, I sometime find it difficult to find an audience (group of intellectuals in a forum) to discuss a topic at length.
This was something we used to do even when we were just interns.
For an example we were faced with a dilemma of the treatment protocol as interns.
On many occasions we were sure we had made the correct diagnosis but the standard treatment did not ensue improvement or recovery.
In one of these occasions we decided to double the dose of an oral antibiotic which was only 12 cents a capsule.
We could not double the other agent given I.M and very painful too since with the wrong dose of that I have seen few children dieing (not any one who was under me) as misadventures.
Most of the misadventures were hushed up even then since the treatment was free and innocent patients were prepared to take some of the gullible lies from the administrators.
This has become a common occurrence nowadays let me not digress.
When we did increase the dose the patient started responding.
That was good news.
Unlike today we did not rest with that we asked the question why half the capsules were not working?
Obvious conclusion was that somebody was introducing dud capsules in the supply chain.
We reported this and the Ministry then had the way to investigate the supply procedure and then caught pilfering from the Medical Supply Division and the substitution of dud ones to replace the same.
This was big news then.
This is a common practice in India even now before they reach our shores.
That was Professor Senaka Bible's time and we were very happy.

Years later I came to Colombo General Hospital and this practice was rampant as nothing constructive to abort this practice was in situ and Professor Bible had died under mysterious circumstances.

The modus operandum was for the guys to come as patients and take month's supply of drugs and unload them at the nearest private pharmacy.

There were many other offenses (rice and eggs were meant to for patients were stolen during the Pang Polling days) I discovered as a D.M.O but these things are happening in much bigger scale now and I am still digressing from the major objective.

The point I want to bring out is that there is very poor accountability and the procedure for investigations is hampered both within and outside the health sector.
This is true for correct diagnosis too.
If one looks at a record of a patient who returns home comparatively well or who succumb in both private and public institutions the error rate of diagnosis is around 60% to 80% .
This figure has never been estimated for PMs (postmortems and not prime minister) after the introduction of private practice. 
Many a times not done in a proper scientific way.
Postmortems are avoided at very convenience of the doctors.
The other issue is that there is no proper consultation among individuals with expertise in other fields and different skills.
This is the salient feature in the practice of medicine in Sri-Lanka.
When something goes wrong the the diagnosis that come to the forefront is dengue. 
The gullible media also report them without serious investigation.
All what one needs is a platelet count and a slide test that detect antibodies (no distinction from old or new antibodies).

The test to show rise in titre is not evident in many cases.

There are multitude of other that can lower platelets.

Concrete proof is lacking and impartial objective scrutiny is never done before or after the event.

Once it is labeled as Dengue many doctors can have a sigh a relief that they have covered up their inefficiencies and tracks.

Unfortunately it covers up the administrative failures too.

When a society is corrupt to the core and in effect the legal and medical systems are not strengthened to investigate and find viable remedies this filters to all the other segments of life including schools and universities and proper conduct of examinations and elections to are left to the undesirable elements.
That is when non-medical people too get involved in detecting virginity when the pertinent question that should be asked is; Is it consensual (does not matter one is married or not-even in marriage it should be consensual not by force due the fact one is legally married; marriage gives a license) or not?

Every other case of death is buried under the mountain of dengue (we have to formulate strict guide lines).

1. The correct procedure is to have strict guide lines for diagnosis of dengue.

2. Then the next step should be and when the death is contentious (not dengue) there should be a procedure to arrive at an alternative diagnosis.

3. The third step should be to have independent clinical audit that is not practiced in this country.
    I can give you an incident when medical people failed to come to consensus regarding the increase of kidney disease in North Central Province.
    They did not have a protocol to deal with the scenario.
    The dengue scenario is no different to me.
    We are barking at the wrong tree
    Only taking political mileage.
    Poor mosquito should not be an escape goat and escape route for our indifference since medicine like books are given free by the government.
    All governments are also culpable whether they are democratic or otherwise.
    We need a system in place when the system fails everything else fails.
Nobody ask the question why almost 50% did not vote.
Simple answer to that is when the system in place has failed the very system that generate credibility is lost for ever and the apathy sets in.
These are not only philosophical points but these are social issues too.
Everybody in power, not in power, able, disable, in private practice, in government institutions and in all spheres of activity should have a fare share of responsibility.

We are all culpable either direct or indirect or not in action or out of action or in the thick of actions.

We cannot leave it to the politicians alone.

What is lacking is sincerity and transparency.
As Buddhists we will have to pay our dues for these crimes of inactivity and indifference now not in next birth.

Why Man falls Sick more often than Woman?

This is a very provocative question..
I wonder how many men of the ego species have pondered about this question at least philosophically, I do not know.
If I have a lecture on this topic how many men and women will attend my lecture I do not know but worth a statistical study..
My analysis is that very few men will attend since the men with ego or without ego would not feel comfortable about my vocal comments that would demoralize their ego still further in front of women.

In any case the number of women (they take any gullible facts sitting in front of the TV) will far exceed the number of men would attend since women of the species, might think I might bare few more secrets of men that they could get hold of it to strangle them some more in deadlock of wedlock.

Real reason I thought of writing is not to do with men or women.

It is really to do with the Sir-Lankan Telecoms.
I am currently downloading Katana which has all the utilities one needs in an emergency but the last few megabytes of the DVD taking nearly three hours ( Telecoms is downloading it at a snail pace of 5 to 10 bytes per second ( less than one megabyte per minute) and I do not like to have a heart attack of some sort, if I do not stimulate my creative part of the brain..
The non-creative automatic part of the brain that causes surge of androgen and anger, jealousy (oestrogens included), aggression and all the animal behaviour which include thrashing the key board and squeezing the mouse so hard that the mouse defecates intermittently on my hand, should have to be avoided if I want the last few of the MiBs to be downloaded,.without any hassle.
Before I talk about the men I should give a brief the modus operandum of a young woman at work..
This particularly applies to a Sri-Lankan woman..
  1. She lies adequately to convince the interviewers (generally speaking more males than females in the interview board).
  2. Moment she gets the job she prepares for her marriage
  3. She will have at least two kids within 3 years
  4. Delegate all the work to spinster girls and bachelor boys at the work place since her home according to her is like the devils workshop.
  5. The next period she is very secretive and there are frequent absenteeism due to sick children but she can be found in the pastport office and many foreign embassies.
  6. Then she attends all the workshops that are available free of charge or on the head's recommendation depriving all the bachelors.
  7. In the last phase suddenly she hands over the resignation to go abroad.
  8. Just prior to the resignation she works like a bull to impress everybody.

All these time she does not know how to breast feed, cook or read a book to the kids. and the husband has to do all the work, including washing and cleaning and taking her from embassy to embassy.

Then she goes abroad drops the husband within a year (who has to look after the kids) and get married to a foreigner with white skin to get the foreign permanent visa.

This scenario is typical and I have seen many of the kind..

Now to why man falls sick.

The above scenario is enough to get any male of the species without paper qualification to get sick without even taking to alcohol.

But my analysis I am talking about a perfectly healthy man before marrying and who does not take alcohol as a beverage.
He is a typical nice man totally dependent on his wife for what eats from breakfast to dinner.

1. He has not done Home Science for 'O' Level.
2. He does not know the basic facts about any nutrition.
3. He cannot make a cup of tea.
4. He is a mummy's boy and spoilt..
5. He follows the trend his mother has laid for him but he now cannot see his mother even secretly.
5. He gets the dogs share but a very large share (left over food of the previous night prepared for the kid) at home and kid gets the priority, especially if he is a boy..

6. Now the wife has acquired a microwave cooker and cooking is just a few seconds of heating left over food, killing all the vitamins.

For the next ten years all the hallmark of unhealthy habits are laid down.

7. At work place he eats all the junk food since his wife's cooking is hopeless and no care for healthy food habits are laid down by now.
8. He gets fat by the day and his wife says see how healthy you are.
When your mother was feeding you were thin like a pole.
9. His kids are also fat like him since he brings all the sweets to lure them to his side.
10. Never goes with kids to play since tuition classes are more important than good exercise.

The bottom line marriage makes the Sri-Lankan man sick.
This is warning for any foreigner who thinks of marrying a local girl.

So I have some remedy for the local guys who want to stay healthy.
  1. Do not get married. This does not say you should not have sex.
  2. At school offer subjects like home science and nutrition.
  3. At least have few of your friends to go on outing or hunting
  4. Play at least couple of games at least at weekends
  5. Do not buy a cell phone
  6. Learn to climb trees. Good exercise and you are the one who will have the first taste of the fruits but not the girls who are down below. Give them the rotten ones or half eaten ones..
  7. Only eat the food that your mum gives
  8. Read some girl's magazines (before marriage) on beauty care and slim foods that give all the health care one needs when you decide to get married.
  9. Go abroad if you can and work with some girls (preferably white skin but skin does not matter here, you will see the kinds that I have described above and but much more better examples) to see how nasty they can be if you displace them in their job or administrative jobs
  10. Get some paper qualification to stand a chance of getting a job by beating girl in the interview. There are more girls doing boys jobs now than boys doing girls jobs worldwide. They will never tell when a new job is in the offing. Our times boys outnumbered by 10 to 1.
You may add any of your personal experience to this list but I have put the bare minimum to get you the picture.

Banana Logic

Banana Logic 

One day I found a big banana showing unusual growth.
Not only the banana was very big but the skin of the banana was split before full ripening.
That is quite abnormal as if somebody has injected water (this can be done) under the skin.
My investigation reveal stark reality of that banana logic.
The bigger the size, the bigger the price and the economic clout.
What the growers do is that they inject UREA (contaminated with cadmium that causes kidney failure) into the flower stem to get them bigger. 
Now I believe after the last UREA dose they even inject plain water dose to make them plump. 
With drug abusers are increasing in number in this country the thrown away plastic syringes are readily available anywhere including hospital dumps. 
I think even bizarre epidemics may emerge from eating these elephantine bananas. 
The water injected and the UREA injected are not sterilized.
They are raw contaminated water. 

My recommendation are
1. Do not pay for big bananas
2. If the skin is split do not buy them (sure sign of overdose)
3. Even supermarkets are suspicious of their dealing with the vender's
4. Buy a reputable product
5. Visit a banana plantation and see it for yourself
6. Taste before buying
7. Make pressure groups of customers
8. Invest on home garden
9. Invest on a bio-degrader container
10. Wash them thoroughly before eating (applies to all vegetables and fruits)
11. Do not put them in the fridge (many reasons including watching what happens to them)
12. Be vigilant
13. Do not buy cheap stuff (paw paw at 10 rupee/kg)
14. These are my observations and I can add many more but all of them are common sense practices. 
In a country with chain of corrupt practices from grower to vender to super markets chains we are eating colossal amount of poisons everyday. The idea is to become rich and the poor customer is of no value to the Mudhalali and the Government.
90% of the fruits and vegetables are poisoned at various levels.
There is only perpetuation. 
No remedy is available in sight or distant future.
It is only the money that matters. 
There is no controlling authority but corruption at all levels including food inspectors.
If one is eating poisons it is ones own responsibility and that is the the way the officials and government operate and look at the problem.

Pelican and Tortoise Story

Pelican and Tortoise Story

You may think that the war efforts are accomplished that most of the flying officers are grounded and not flying any more.
Nothing of that kind but a flight record of a blackbox conversation of the final 5 to 7 minutes of ill fated flight of SL (UL-Usually Late) named P.P.P.
Thank god it is not a civilian flight but a training flight with only two involved one surviving and the other succumbing to injuries ending at Mahabrahma for another round of life cycle.
I have to put the middle of the story first (but the beginning will related briefly in the flight record) to make brief and interesting and I may have to go for another record for how Maha Brama (his assistant-that part would be interesting) dealt with the emerging crisis.
Flying is a pastime for some (politicians on our money and government coffers) and fantasy for many Ceylonese.
Many Ceylonese young blood wants to become a flying officer but never get a chance to get there. I remember I wanted to become a volunteer officer many moons ago but even though I had all the qualifications and the paper work my application never got to the scrutiny table when Public Service was in operation.

It is a different story now that the Chief Minister decides the fate of everybody.
In this story chief Minister also has a fair share of involvement.

Sit tight and listen to the flight recorded data.
The conversation is between a pelican and the flying officer in training.
You may wonder what the hell the pelican doing in the cockpit. He was not trapped in air but he was the trainer in white suit with beautiful avian stripes to adorn.
Yes he was the trainer.
Then who was the trainee?
The trainee was a typical Ceylonese man who went up the ladder by being a yes man all his life without any decoration or qualification to boast about.
He was somewhat similar to Bun Ki Moon who was a yes man for the big nations and red bully for small nations.
I hope you got the picture.
If he says yes to big shots he will be sure of another term in UNO.
Our man of course did not have applied mathematics but a forged certificate to say he passed the “O” Level in mathematics.
The conversation went like this.
Hello Sir!
You are my trainer?
Yes is there any problem?
No Sir have I got to Sir you.
It depends!
If you end up passing with flying colours yes but not otherwise.
He was bit confused but continued to say SiR to which the pelican with good senses did not object.
He was wanting to count how many times he Sirs him during the first flight.
Sir, you have a big beak but no hands.
So Sir, how are you going to help me with the joystick?
I have good eyes and a small brain and that were enough to navigate from Europe to Ceylon to escape from harsh winter believe me I can navigate you if you listen to me carefully instead of saying Sir.
He firmly ascertained his navigation skills.
Now nose up, flaps up and raise off the ground.
Yes Sir.
Now they were in flight in the first few seconds and the flying officer was inquisitive and wanted to find the loop holes in his flight instructors credibility to get some bonus in the first flight itself.
Sir how you come to become a trainer in Ceylon.
It is easy any foreign joker or a bird can get a job in Ceylon even in supermarkets without knowing food habits of locals. You just put a label for export and that works.
I had a export label tagged from my childhood he said.
Sir who appointed you and turned his head around and the plane two seater veered to the left?
Look what are doing get the nose straight.
OK Sir!
It is your chief minister who appointed me and it is a long story.
But Sir, I would like to hear more, thinking one day he might become a trainer himself by getting in good books with the Chief Minister and twisting his arms.
But your ex-chief Minister is a tortoise now.
How come Sir, I thought he went to heaven by the celebration we had after his death.
He never got a chance.
The way he abused official vehicles and the way he drove with the entourage annoyed the Maha and he decided to pace him down to earth and made him a tortoise.
Sir my goodness will the Maha makes me also a tortoise in my next birth Sir!
In the first place you have to die!
Are you ready for that.
Yes Sir!
This answer pleased the pelican very much since he knew he did not have to train this guy for long.

Where did you meet this Tortoise Chief Minister, SiR?
Near a lake flooded in Batticoloa with a water crab beside him.
The water crab was his escort Police Officer. on entourage who could always bend the law of the country for his master's favour in real life in Ceylon..
But he could not prevent the premature death of the entourage who met with a fatal accident.

SiR why he was made a crab
Two reasons.
It is a delicacy in Ceylon.
This officer could never walk straight with the law he always side stepped and went horizontally instead of straight.
By birth right he had to be a crab in next life.
SiR will I become a crab in next life.
This was too distracting for the pelican that the plane was in full speed now.
He said autopilot now!

My friend in excitement put the nose down.
He was only educated in Sinhala and could not read the English word autopilot and he pressed the button right under his nose without reading it in the first place.
The Pelican was very happy now that his flying lesson would end abruptly.
The Pelican opened the cockpit door and before making a nose dive himself said, your first and the last flying lesson is over.

Good bye and slammed the door closed.

To which our yes man said.
Yes Sir!

The rest is history and the blackbox is the only evidence we have now.

Incidentally this plane was taxied from Hambantota and landed nose down in the newly build port at Hambantota.

The blackbox was traced within minutes since the water level of the harbour is deep enough to see even a blackbox from above and our pelican friend hovered around it as if he was looking for a dead body of fish that helped the Navy very much.

Unfortunately the body of the victim was never found and the air force is still looking for the deserted officer in flight training and the flight trainer.

Our flying officer trainer, the pelican disappeared from his post.

I will tell you the rest of the story if you could count correctly the number of times this unfortunately grounded officer said Sirs in his first flight lesson instead of concentrating on flying and why the pelican deserted his post!
Flight P.P.P stands for Paksheta Pashsha Pora and I hear even the Pakshaya is having a nose dive now!

Please note even though these stories are quite akin to Buddhist stories and anthology, they are not designed for Dhamma sermons and any recitals without my implied consent will be strictly prohibited. 
The pelican was his annual pilgrimage to Ceylon to avoid harsh winter and got trapped in the Batticoloa floods and was waiting to devour some unfortunate sea fish that have come ashore.
When he was about to partake the first mouthful of fish in came the Tortoise Chief Minister (TCM) from nowhere and warned him not to do so.
He was puzzled.
I have been eating fish all my life how dare you intervene in my cuisine.
Brother do not be annoyed.
Be calm.
I will tell you the reason.
They are poisoned by accident and not by purpose or design.
We got a consignment of food for flood victims from UNO and in the transport of it on a vehicle with fertilizer by some strange coincidence the bags' label changed from UNO to USA and a certain politician in Colombo decided that they were no good for human consumption and not even for animals.
Then the local politician requested that they were to be dumped into sea.
The transport man designed a coup.
The food items were quickly changed hands with a label UREA and UREA was changed to USA by substituting S for EA. Then only a few UREA bags that contained deadly cadmium were dumped with political acumen to the sea in front of starving residents and they were asked to go fishing in troubled waters!
So you may now go fishing in troubled waters!
The pelican was visibly annoyed.
I traveled over 8000 miles to land hear on my holidays and you guys spoil it for me.
Don't you people advertise come here and tither?
Sorry for the misadventure it would have been a different story if the weather gods did not intervene.
The TCM said in a quiet voice.
You may go down further and find another island he suggested.
There are no islands till Antarctica and I haven't got the strength to fly that far.
Then he asked are you good in navigation.
Yes of course and if I may ask you why you raised that question?
Even though I am here I still have some connection with the Air Force Top Brass and I can fix you a job with them till spring with full on board service.
He was not happy but picked the crab instead and took to flight and landed on a tree top.
He tried hard to pierce the shell bone but could not and in with anger dumped the fellow down but it landed with a thud and turned upside up downside down and side tracked safely to water.
This he has never seen before and went back to the now friendly TCM and asked how come the shell of a Ceylon crab is so hard?
Elementary my dear!
He was in charge of my armed car when in service.
He was also in charge of making service to my vehicle with three quotations which is the usual practice.
He was given the bullet proof metal sample for verification.
He without my knowledge changed the specification to inferior quality metal and hid the real metal sample under his helmet and pocketed out the contract extras.
Then in the final blast of which we all died in an unfortunate accident the metal got stuck to his skin.
He is a hard nut in any case and difficult even for me to pierce his intentions!
In that case I say yes to your offer with some reservation.
That was how the pelican was made a the flying trainer for healthy remuneration.
He quited the service in mid air and deserted the post and ended as a Pelikan.
The chief minister who took over from the TCM was mildly hurt when on a routine test, a bullet pierced the serviced part of the vehicle and went inside.
It was an indirect hit;
That was why the injuries were minimal.
He quickly dumped the vehicle to junk and bought a new one from the fresh quota allocated to him. He did not forget to send a telegram to the ex-officer thanking him for his service acumen.
I had to deliver it through my special courier service in conjunction with Apaya International.

He was an ex-income tax officer who was seen as good choice for help for Mahana Brahma's Assistant not only as a Flying Officer but also as a delivery man.
Pelicans are known to deliver babies to mums at least when the second one arrives unexpectedly and the first one born asks the silly question from where the hell the second one came.

The pelican come into operational requirement of mothers often in the West but not so much here in Ceylon.

In this context as a delivery man he does not have to deliver babies but all what he has to do is to drop baskets full of documents to sea often containing false declarations made by expectant candidates for their next round of birth and to get favours from Maha Brahma's Assistant.

When he thinks something is cooked up especially coming from Ceylon, the assistant delvers them to the pelican to be dropped to sea so that the ink and all the forgeries are wiped out by the ocean currents (the ocean can take any rubbish come what it may).
On his return pelican has to pick a few of them back to heaven and the assistant checks to see if any merits are left tangled with the soggy paper and if not delivers them straight to Appaya (AI) International with a tag number for prompt action.
At AI the soggy paper is irradiated with UV light and then a special black ink is sprayed and that is when all the Papa Karmas are exposed for my equation to take cognizant and automatic reprisal by Apaya authorities.

Unlike in the heaven my equation has to be modified when new crimes like that are committed by American investors and speculators are discovered.
Very severe scrutiny is done unlike the Federal Regulators of USA.
The pelican is the go between the Apaya and the Heaven.
In some cases when the documents are landed on high ground or floating ice, there is a chance some might escape the sea currents and get a respite but if they are discovered on a subsequent birth it is not the pelican who is punished but the holder of the certificate.
Pelican has no jurisdiction in matters of merits and demerits but only a go between and a mechanism of delaying merits or demerits so that backlog is prevented at the any entry point be that it may be Apaya or Heaven.

Pelican navigation skill are considered to be complimentary to the operational mechanics.
How he became a trainer Flying Officers was purely an accident by meeting our crab and the tortoise at the lake side.
He was offered foreign currency initially by the Air Marshal but when he decided to pay that in Ceylonese equivalent of Rupees he really got annoyed since neither Apaya nor Heaven recognize Ceylonese Rupees.
That is why he deserted the Flying Operations in mid air.
I have suggested to remedy for this situation soon with a plastic card that automatically converts itself of the credit balance to the currency type moment the airspace of the country is entered but there are few navigational glitches / hitches when the pelican decides to stay in border zones like Palk Straight and the likes.
It is currently worn around the pelican neck and it has dual responsibility of location guide and a currency conversion. Once it is tested to Apaya AI’s satisfaction it will be used by our pelican and he may decide to return to his substantive post on Earth but that is all at his discretion.

Plain Truth and White Lie-an Update

Please note that this is an update for a post on parafox and it is very easy to find a daily topic to write daily unlike in the West but it is very difficult to find a true story and I have decided to write a few of my fantasies related to my work with Apaya and Heaven. 
I have not decided whether to join Apaya or Heaven but like a true diplomat I prefer to shuttle in between them not knowing whether it is a fantasy or a real life situation.

I am bit confused but following is a true story and factually correct about E-Governance and downloading for a fact.

Uploading is no better.

Comment I wrote for a National Daily not published due to its banal content.

It is very difficult to differentiate a lie from a the word E-governance in Sri-Lanka.

I prefer E-Governance for a white lie because it is like WiKi Leakes very difficult to differentiate whether an American (for that matter any European diplomat) diplomat is talking through his Mouth or MOUSE or ASS.

I think they are trained not to talk from birth but to lie by all means.

Unlike our diplomats who do not know how to lie like George Washington in his prime and if they do lie it looks just like plain truth and nobody including Bun Ki Moon believes it a lie or not a lie.

Whereas our politicians are trained to lie from birth and it is that their birth right.

If one cannot lie he or she is not good enough to be in the parliament or President House. Average Buddhists except Colombo 7 elite do not lie as a habit but only on demand by politicians at election meetings and political rallies.

Our national papers for their own survival lie on a regular basis like our George Bush they do not know how to tell the truth in plain English or Sinhala. 
We are now portrayed as the heaven on Earth but if one goes to Batticoloa or North East the plain truth is evident in abundance.

This is just a big joke. i.e. E-Governance in Sri-Lanka is a plain lie but what I state below is truth and nothing but truth.

It takes almost 7 days to download 1.1 GB of Kororoaa of out of 1.5 GB and god only knows how long it takes to finish.

I was down with a miner flu and for three days I managed to download Light House Puppy of 223 MiB through Firefox and in spite of the computer being on overnight for three days. I am trying to download PocketWriter-Salix and it is stuck at 280 MiB currently and Saline was disconnected without completing three times.

Now I am talking about Saline like Predient Reagon our Health minister could not say the difference between a truth and a lie.

Our Health Statistics is the Biggest Lie of all which the WHO is very fond of exaggerating!

It is 3 am in the morning and I got up to empty my bladder.

Checked to see K-torrent is working (do the downloads only after midnight).


I stopped the normal download to read the English daily but Apache at their site is broken.
I have 250 paused downloads for the month of December (for updating current Linux distributions which I do at the end of each year).

K-torrent is inactive.

Firefox download speed is below 5KB per seconds.

I pay over Rs.7000/- to Telecom and Rs.10,000/- electricity.

If I save three months of these bills and buy a ticket to Singapore I can download all these in the airport lounge for nothing but in triple not double quick time.

It is a shame that a National Paper not highlighting how Buddhists are downloading porn at Nanasalas.

Even we have 10,00,000 NanaSalas without English we cannot progress in IT industry.

All the alphanumeric characters are in English not Sinhala.

Progress does not come from data or rhetoric.

They come through hard work, dedication and concrete actions!

All my downloads are inactive at 3,30AM and bare bone facts speak for themselves.