Dog with Diplomatic Instincts
This is about a Ceylonese Dog.
Dog with Diplomatic Instincts
This is about a Ceylonese Dog.
Password for MX Linux is Demo and MX Linux is based on AntiX.
I went to my magic wand.
It is called AntiX, a Debian based Mepis derivative, which is tiny and the install time is only 10 minutes.
It restored my Boot Loader with all the distributions listed in its Menu.I must say, it is much better than Ubuntu Linux.
MX Linux has several versions
1. Flushbox Versions
2. MX Linux XFCE
3. KDE Version
I would recommend KDE version which is sleek and has lot of applications which flushbox version lacks, including my favorite Abiword.
MX Linux KDE-Install
After the trauma with Catbird Linux and AV Linux MX Edition failures, I decided to Install MX Linux KDE in one of my Debian Instances without erasing the home partition.
It is almost over.
Its installer is intuitively graphical just like Debian Mepis Linux of the old time.
If one is a newbie carefully read the graphical instructions in every step of the way.
I did read every instruction.
Yes, MX Linux has lot of tools,
See you soon with MX Linux booted.
It has a lovely graphical boot menu and it took a little while to boot unlike Debian which is simple and in text mode at the beginning and Debian lets me know the current state of the system. An adequate warning is given of the faulty files and the daemons.
I installed Abiword on the Live Mode and the beauty was it remembered it and kept with the real installation.
I need not install it again.
But I had to relearn how the MX Linux package Installer works.
Anyway, I am going to use it for the next couple of days and post you with updates.
Its updating takes a hell of a lot of time. That is the problem with KDE.
I want to get Synaptic package manager installed but automatic update is frozen in mid air and not finishing the task intended. Says 77%. Finally it finished.
This is the problem with Flatpak.
But I had to install missing parts of Abiword and Synaptic Package Manager.
Installed virtual machine BOX but it did not work.
Similar with Gnome Pie.
Gnome USB formatter did not work .
Worse scenario was that it could not remove large image file to save some space. It was already there in the /Home folder of Debian which I did not format.
All in all this is the same reason, I never use K.D.E.
I started my Linux life with KDE desktop of Mandrake and Suse.
One should consider using MX Linux XFC or Flushbox, simply because of its MX Utilities.
I should try and see how they work.
I am left with a fancy looking KDE boot up menu.
Overall not a bad experience.
It has K torrent as default.
I installed Deluge using Synaptic and it works fine.
I downloaded the MX 23.5 - 64 bit version image as a saftey precaution.
It has two browsers, Firefox as the default with Konqueror as the secondary.
I downloaded Falkon and dillo using Synaptic.
It is graphic intensive and slow to boot but very neat and clean unlike Glossy Windows.
One who comes from Windows background I recommend to use the KDE version of MX Linux.
Better still use the Netrunner which is (only 2.6GB) better organized with alphabetical list of applications. It already has synaptic bundled in.
Anyway, Linux is the winner but it has many more window managers than Gnome and KDE.
I have most of them installed with Debian Gnome and one has to pick and choose the desktop one wants to use at the boot time.
This will end my Linux blah blah and I am going to finish my books.
One book will be finished here in MX Linux.
However, I went back to AbiWord in Debian Genome.
It is about three wonderful dogs.
Neptune Linux
This is another distribution coming from Germany.
It is no where when compared to Netrunner.
It lacks many applications.
No Synaptic and hence no Abiword.
MX Linux KDE is much better.
Torrent file does not work.
Direct download is painfully slow.
I haven't used it for long time (from the 32 bit era).
It is difficult for me to recommend it to a newbie.
Its image (may be about 5.5GB) but it got stuck at 4.8GB.
I think I am going to Give Up.
Yes, I did give up and downloaded MX23.5-KDE-Desktop.
I have Netrunner which has a KDE Desktop.
AVL developer guy tried to use MX Tools on top of AV Linux ad hoc which was a big mistake.
All these started with AntiX which was one of the smallest Linux distributions I used during 32 bit era.
It was one of the best at that time.
However, here are better applications available with Debian.
OBS studio and KDNlive.
Maintaining an Iso Image is a full time job not a part time job. I am making these comments as a long time Linux User and I am not at all involved in Linux Development, in my twilight years.
AV Linux MX Edition
Welcome to Catbird Linux, an operating system built for media creation, web scraping, and software coding. It is the daily driver you want for retrieving data, making videos or podcasts, and making software tools to automate the repetitive tasks. It is ready for work in Python, Lua, and Go languages, with numerous packages for web scraping or downloading data via API calls. Using Catbird Linux, it is possible to accomplish in depth stock market analysis, track weather trends, follow social media sentiment, or do other tasks in data science. The system is programmer friendly, ready for creating and running the tools you use to measure and understand your world.
Catbird Linux v2 live username: user password: live
Start creating content by developing your ideas and writing them down. Obsidian is a premier application for note-taking in markdown format. Neovim also works great with markdown. Write books and export them to multiple formats using LibreOffice. Creating ebooks for the Kindle or other readers can be tricky; use Sigil to open up ebooks and edit them as HTML projects.
Aside from writing text, creating content involves working with audio, video, and images. Catbird Linux is ready to work for you with these applications:
Here are some of the main Python packages integrated into the system:
For web scraping, these specialized packages are installed:
Sentiment of scraped social media or news content can be measured with natural language processing (nlp) software tools. Whether favorable, neutral, unfavorable, or perhaps outright love and hate, populations can be evaluated by by what they say. Bots and trolls can be found and evaluated too! The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is the main language processing tool in Catbird Linux. It has numerous components which parse, tokenize, classify, and evaluate the semantics of written language. Catbird Linux is configured for English, but it is possible to install modules for other languages. VADER Sentiment Analysis is a valence-aware dictionary and rules-based analysis tool crafted for social media analysis. WordNet is effective on groups of words, adept at assigning values based on phrases built on synonyms, antonyms, or neutral with respect to other words.
TextBlob is a package which your scripts will use to examine blocks of text - breaking phrases into parts, then tagging, evaluating, and quantifying sentiment. It is powerful, but easy to use: collect your text, with programmatic instructions, feed it to the processor for evaluation.
Catbird Linux includes a wide variety of python packages ready to work on start-up. If you have your own scripts or Jypyter Notebooks, copy them into the system and run them. Additional packages may be easily added with the pip install or other commands. It is suggested to set up separate Python virtual environments built around specific packages and tasks.
Artificial Intelligence has quickly proven itself to be an essential element of data collection, interpretation, and content creation. It seems that each week, creative people are finding new ways to use ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, and other intelligent tools to reimagine their workflows and be super productive. Catbird Linux is now incorporating some of those tools. Several are bookmarked in the web browser for quick access, while others are included as stand alone apps or browser plugins.
Use Terminal GPT (tgpt) to engage the Bai Chatbot, which may be used anonymously and for free - with no API keys. Look for the Google Bard web browser plugin or HuggingChat sidebar accessory to enhance your experience in Firefox.
Go and Lua are open source programming languages focused on simplicity, reliability, and efficiency. Writing either Go or Lua to create your applications, you work in a more direct manner, without the bloat and clutter of other programming languages. Golang code is compiled into lightweight, efficient binaries, while Lua is interpreted and executed quickly and reliably.
Gather an analyze data with Python, but use Go to do the heavy work with your refined data. It is 40x faster than Python, similar to Java or C++ but more probrammer-friendly.
Neovim and JupyterLab are both configured with syntax and formatting support for Javascript and Typescript. In fact, you can test your code incrementally in JupyterLab. Of course, Firefox is a web browser which will run Javascript or Typescript right out of the box.
In addition to data science applications, Catbird Linux is equipped with the full LibreOffice productivity suite. For code writers, there is the Neovim editor, with included plugins supporting Python, Go, Lua, Java / Javascript, HTML, Markdown, and other languages. Multimedia files and data streams are available in the MPV Media Player. Internet accessible software defined radio servers are indexed in, SDR-Map and SDR-Bookmarks for accessing live, off-the-air broadcasts from around the world.
Catbird Linux contains a plethora of efficient and fast command line tools.
Catbird Linux contains applications promoting a decentralised, content neutral, and censorship free internet. For evading national censorship barriers, Wireguard VPN, OpenVPN, and Sshuttle are effective tools. Tor-Remote is for discretely acessing the Tor network by ssh tunneling first to an intermediate server, which is connected to a Tor entry node. DNS privacy and authenticity, are protected with DNS over HTTPS, ensuring that censors cannot monitor or poison domain name lookups.
Local files need protection too! VeraCrypt provides strong cryptographic protection in the form of storage volumes which resist tampering or unauthorised access. Bleachbit is a powerful system cleaner which can also eliminate traces of deleted files by wiping free disk space.
Catbird Linux is built primarily to run as a live environment you boot from a flash drive. However, it is now easily installable with the Calamares application! Write this great Linux system to your desktop or laptop hardware and go forth to do great things. It is lightning fast on bare metal.
To create a bootable flashdrive, consider using Etcher or Rufus. Ventoy may be used to set up a portable multiboot drive you can use for USB booting as many live Linux environments as you can fit on the device.
The live iso is packaged as a DVD image, but it is not recommended to burn an actual DVD to run any live computing environment. DVDs are far, far too slow! Use a flash drive or SSD for a portable set up; install to bare metal for top performance.
Catbird Linux is a 64 bit system. As of Version 2.0, it is based on Debian's Sid branch of GNU/Linux. Catbird Linux uses the Dynamic window Manager (DWM), with a great set of patches, to provide an efficient workflow light on resources and fast. The system builds on and extends the capabilities of its parent distros: easy software updating, great graphics, system resource management, and adaptability to user needs. The system runs quite well on modest hardware, and is blazingly fast on strong multi-Core CPUs with abundant memory.
This live Linux system may be customized and the iso file regenerated with the included Bash scripts. Copy the directory /usr/local/src/linux-respinner to a location with free space at least four times the size of the iso file. Edit the variables at the beginning of the "group update" and "multifunction" scripts so they contain the actual paths to be used. See the respinner README for more information.
Great effort goes into making Catbird Linux safe and free of malware. To verify that your copy of the iso image file is authentic, undamaged, and unaltered, check the sha256sum against the official authentication document and verify the digital signature of Catbird Linux. The authentication document is available by the download link at Use the Passwords and Keys or Seahorse application to check the signature. Import the Catbird Linux public key from or
Catbird Linux is provided as-is. No guarantees or warranties are applicable to Catbird Linux. Catbird Linux is an independent distribution derived from Debian GNU/Linux, but not endorsed by or affiliated with Debian or any other organizations. End users bear all responsibility for access and use of data obtained with Catbird Linux and any works created with it.
My Grand Overall of Linux Iso Images
I have only 360GB hard disk in my NUC.
Even then, it has three Debian instances and Netrunner installed.
I have 50GB NTFS partition for iso images.
I left two big SATA hard disks at home, fearing my luggage will exceed.
I traveled by Sri-Lankan Airways to Singapore and by Qantas to Australia.
It was the cheapest flight available at that time. Needless to say, the Sri-Lankan Airbus was very dirty.
Even the Ceylon Tea was of poor quality. At least they should have given a good quality, Ceylon Tea.
I promote Ceylon Tea all my life.
How can I recommend it?
I have no space for additional iso images and I decided to install them in 12 of my USB sticks, so that if I need space in future.
I would list them in priority wise but I have to say Damn Small Linux cannot be written to a USB stick. I just wrote it to 4GB USB stick and it lacks the ESP bootable partition of a few MBs for the initial booting sequence.
I hope the guys developing it would rectify this minor discrepancy.
Its Window Manager is Fluxbox.
I mounted it on Genome BOX utility and it has good selection of utilities including my favorite Abiword. It is less then 700MB for a CD disk but I found an image which was 1.2GB some where in the iso archives. Certainly, not at Linux Freedom site.
I am going to stop talking about Linux for a little while.
My list of favorites are:
1. Debian Gnome 12.9.0, the latest (3.5GB)
2. Debian CD 1 of 12.9.0 of 4GB (not the Source image that is for developers)
This has all the desktops from Gnome to Cinnamon to Mate. One has to select the desktop at boot time.
3. Debian Mate 12.9.0 (3.3GB)
Please not Debian keep it under 4GB to fit into old USB sticks.
4. Parrot Security-6.3.2 (5.9GB)
Parrot is much better than Kali Linux. I have never used Kali (Indian Blood thirsty female God) in my life. I am not a hacker but I can do that if one try any one tries to trick me. It is only a safety valve but I use Parrot Linux.
5. Parrot -6.3.2 Home Edition (2.6GB)
6. Linux Mint-22.1- Cinnamon (3GB)
7. Manjaro - Gnome-24.2.1-2412 (4.1GB)
8. Ton of old and new Puppy Linux images filling my download folder from 250 MB to 1GB.
9. Notable mention of AVL Linux MX Edition which has moved to Debian kernel and has Enlightenment Desktop.
My attempt to download both direct and torrent failed. So I decided to try Catbird Linux.
10. Elive Linux
11. Catbird Linux 2.8.0 4.7GB
12. Gparted has become a pain on a Live USB. all version 1.5- to 1.6- to 1.7- die not boot with a USB it has not got ESP partition. I have Gparted installed under Debian and use under its hood.
It is Debian Sid derivative for media with AI enhanced.
I personally do not like AI Technology.
That is my favorite on a USB stick but regular guy of course, is Debian which never failed me for over a decade or more.
I have my old flames Mandriva and SimplyMepis for demonstrations.
I have deleted Endless OS from this list, simply because my old ACER Laptop boots only with a CD/DVD.
These Microsoft Guys have blocked the booting with USB. It had Microsoft installed and I erased it using TRUE OS CD booted and mounted and linked to the Internet. True OS is defunct, (than you) but Free BSD is live and well.
This how and when, I started hating Microsoft and Windows.
Berkeley (BSD) or Berkeley Software Development.
FreeBSD is a free-software Unix-like operating system descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). The first version was released in 1993 developed from 386BSD, the first fully functional and free Unix clone and has since continuously been the most commonly used BSD-derived operating system.
AT&T Unix, whose development started in 1969[1] at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.
They started the C language which started the Free Coding.