Sunday, March 2, 2025

Legacy PUP

Legacy PUP

Legacy Pup is the biggest Puppy Linux image.

It is 3.2GB and it took about half an hour to download.

It is IceWarm one of my favorite Window Mangers  desktop.

It has OnlyOffice.

It is based on AntiX and may be having more utilities than MX Linux.

Pegasus OS

Pegasus OS

Web site:
Origin: Brazil
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 18.02 | February 18, 2018

Pegasus OS – a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and Debian. The Pegasus OS highlight the easy and stable operation.

The current version name is Helix Nebula – every point version honors a celestial object, which does not necessarily need to be associated with the Pegasus constellation, which is already honored by the name of the distribution.

The focus is on ease of use and the possibility of being an environment for developing software and learning various tools.
It already has a video editor, IDE for software development, image editors, productivity suite, and others.

The project emerged as a personal initiative to improve learning about Linux, as well as the availability of tools used in the educational field. It is a hobby associated with professional and personal use.

It was decided to use the XFCE environment for its lightness, without losing its beauty, but it also has LXDE for faster access.

The project developer is Arnaldo Vasconcellos.

CoviD Fiasco-23-03-2021

Boris Johnson who is talking Big about Ukraine Covered Up Deaths of the Elderly in United kingdom. He can lie for any money he gets illegally.

Zelensky is the other International Crook. 

Only other Crook, I can remember was the Labour Union Leader. 

He is alive in his eighties, so I should not mention his name here. He transferred Labour Union Money to a foreign country, may be Brazil, before Margaret Thatcher could lay her hands.

Arthur Scargill is his name.

 Arthur Scargill (born 11 January 1938) is a British trade unionist who was President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1982 to 2002. 

He is best known for leading the 1984–1985 UK miners' strike, a major event in the history of the British labour movement.

Joining the NUM at the age of 19 in 1957, Scargill was one of its leading activists by the late 1960s. He led an unofficial strike in 1969, and played a key organising role during the strikes of 1972 and 1974, the latter of which played a part in the downfall of Edward Heath's Conservative government.

Thereafter Scargill led the NUM through the 1984–1985 miners' strike. 

It turned into a confrontation with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher in which the miners' union was defeated

Initially a Young Communist League member, then a Labour Party member, Scargill is now deputy leader of the Socialist Labour Party (SLP), having founded the party in 1996 and served as its leader from the party's foundation until 2024

I stop registering for Labour Party in 1980s.

CoviD Fiasco-23-03-2021

As an academic I keep a record of scientific material.
That is my habit and I do not believe in digital material.
This has helped me in writing books.
Two books I have delayed writing are one on Mosquitoes and the other on Viruses.
There is no hurry.
I have five more years to go.
This is how I recorded the Covid Fiasco in point form.

1. Wuhan province in China in September 2019
Endemic becoming Epidemic.
Chinese denial of Bat to Human Transfer in the Wet Market.
2. Nearly 10,000 infected in China.
How many died is a Chinese Mystery.
Satellite Images confirming large number of deaths.
3. Chinese built a massive building covering the cemetery.
4. The guys involved in the burial were burned to death under another building that collapsed while building it.
The front line workers were decimated.
5. Delay in reporting until 31st of December 2019 (the mandatory deadline of WHO).
6. Brief announcement of that epidemic in January 2020.
This is when Americans and WHO go into long holiday. The delay was to wait until everybody is on holiday.
7. WHO delaying it reporting till March, 2020 as an International epidemic.

The ploy was for the Chinese to give 6 months of "Covering Time" to hide the factual data.
8. The WHO abrogated their bounden duty.
9. Between March, 2020 to June 2020 CDC had used Genetic Engineering to break down or Synthesize a New Viral Product.
10. International collaboration and over 200 countries participated.
Countries were short listed from 220 to 40 to 20.
11. Multiple Vaccines were artificially generated by Recombinant technology and Micro-array Assembly. 
Testing time for new vaaccine is normally 20 years.. 

12. Astra-Zenika only producing an interim report.
13. Emergency Use Authorization Protocol which was not globally accepted.
14. Competition among companies especially in United Kingdom.
15.  Russian producing Sputnic.
16. China producing Covax.
17. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson joining the band wagon.
 Moderna is the one which almost killed me.
18. Vaccine was used for front line political candidates.
19. Prioritization of Vaccine Schedule
Vaccine was given to MPs in Ceylon!
20. The militarization of the Vaccination Program..
Military backed off and started diverting attention to Environmental Issues related to burial and cremation protocols.

Lot of people were dying including young guys (after vaccination).
I was a victim of global muscle damage after the first dose.
21. We over ran the China's total of reported 10,000.
22. In Ceylon deaths were not correctly reported and the Medical guy who assembled these data was shunted to another  department.
23. Finally cremation strategy was instituted.
24. Human Rights Case / Recent Violation of Human Rights cases started surfacing
25. Government debts and spiraling cost of living and food prices.
Added today.

26. Mass protests throughout the country.
Update On Corona Virus-Edited-2020

Updated Global Assessment of Corona Virus Pandemic

Chicken, Broiler Chicken in particular.

Chicken Flu

These three words and phrases are synonymous with Corona Virus for nearly 3 decades.

Currently it is pig or piscine flu.

Historically Piscine or Pig flu is relevant and that is why Muslims and Jews in Israel do not consume pork (pigs) but they eat all other varieties of meat available on this planet earth.

In Ceylon they even eat elephant meat.

Broiler Chicken Food Chain in my opinion, is central to the spread of the current epidemic and I have inadvertently missed that point.

Pigs and Chickens are part of the super spreader chain by way of Food Chain Transmission (F.C.T).

Only way to avoid transmission is to rear your own chicken or pigs in small scale and not on commercial scale.

WHO will never venture into these domains.

There are a few more points of interest.

CDC head is a cunning "Smooth Operator" and his only desire is to hang on to his post for life and that itself is a disaster ominous.

I call him the "Pass the Buck Man”, not the Olympic Batten Style,  and all the American Institutions are well greased and ingrained in this philosophy of passing the buck up or down (Donald Trump Impeachment headed by Nancy Pelosy is a classic example and she is very good exponent of this ploy).

Ultimately it gets to the Commander In Chief.

To the not so amiable Joe Biden.

He should get rid of of these smooth operators from the main stream, starting with CDC Head, if we are to turn the corner, in this pandemic, spreading relentlessly.

America unlike China has enough resources to bounce back in economy.

Rest of the world may sink including UK but not America by any stretch of imagination.

America's biggest problem is it’s open borders policy from Mexico to Latin America to India and China.

Biden is embroiled in this open borders strategy, not by his design but by Democratic party's long term desire to keep it's vote bank appeased and I agree with Trump's "America First Principle" for a particular period of time in American history, at least temporarily, to get rid of the budget deficit and keep  the economy under proper monitory control.

Corona Virus Pandemic should be turned into a stimulus, if they can close the borders on health grounds for at least three years to begin with. I think President Biden under pressure from the left is bending his back on first principles.

Do not listen to the vote bank but listen to the opponents. 
Every wrong move is a step towards Republican Victory.

Lot of guys and girls will give dead ropes including CDC Head, but I am sure President Biden will overcome those distractions and should not look for the next election for policy changes necessary, in this moment of time.

If he ignores the election (let the Republicans worry about it), I believe he can come back for a second term victorious with much more sustainable American Economy.

I think the Democratic opposition to President Putin will backfire, since President Putin is targeting the American consumer psychology long before the election and the price at the pump station will be very decisive
His attack, on oil, gas and the capitalist economy in general will bite hard on American consumers both Democratic and Republican.

The longer the war in Ukraine drags it is bad for the American consumer but a good time for the American War Machinery. 
President of Ukraine with open hand (begging hand) dragged Ukraine into American Orbit with no sign of a compromise once one is dug in to a protracted war. 

That is the plan of President Putin and he has many tricks under his sleeve.

President Biden’s foul mouth uttering or saying words like butcher and regime change have galvanized Russian opinion and that is all what President Putin wanted from America for his political success in the next round of election.

Besides, I believe war was a tactic to divert his failure of Control of Corona Virus in Russia. 

The death in the front line is better than dying of Corona Virus doing nothing at home drinking Vodka for boredom.

But the bigger danger is the fall of Russia politically is ultimate big gain for China. 

The Americans won’t be able to negotiate with China, let alone Russia who is an ally of China.

If America lets China to sneak in, it is going to be a Global Disaster unlike the Muslim and Afghan crisis filtering into India and its neighbors. 

China covertly supported Afghans to undermine America.

That ploy should be stymied now not later.

There are two other equally devastating results of the Corona Virus Pandemic.

1. Food Crisis.

2. Nutritional Crisis

3. The above two determine the total Death Rate.

4. Without High Protein Diet one cannot respond to the Vaccine or the Wild Infection.

5. That this Vaccine will solve the current problem is a fantasy created by Drug Companies.

An average American living on food stamp is a total disaster. 
Food stamp is for sustenance and not for total immune response or recovery. 
A total stimulus including Good Diet is mandatory.

We went through this in 1970s and currently we are on the verge of total disaster.

An average child is surviving on manioc.

Powered Milk is out of stock and we cannot produce enough fresh milk.
The fresh milk is expensive and the supply depends on good weather.

A sustained period of dry or drought will kill our cows or reduce productivity below 10% and it is not a viable industry, at a time when economic and food crisis are looming.

We are looking down the barrel and current government is taking advice from a
Gnana Manio (Mother with Vision), a Bogus Woman with image bloated sky high.

There are lot of Bogus Manios in this country.

Pani (honey), Nool (silk or thread), Death Traps (unless one pays the sooth healer a bloated sum) and Pooja Vattis (trays for offering flowers are bribes to the Gods) are the modus operandi operational at every doorstep in Ceylon.

I am doctor in full retirement who did almost kicked the bucket due to proactive Moderna Vaccine Jab (MVJ).

I am probably recovering from the Jab Related Myocarditis (J.R.M) and my life was touch and go for several months.

I do not fear to kick the bucket by the Wild Virus (but I hate to give the infection to a third party, not even to a cat or a dog) but I do fear death by the faulty Moderna Jab.

I was probably given a vaccine containing, 6-six times the required adjuvant  and with very little Corona Virus antigen in it.

My mental make is sharp at present and this is to  preempt any catastrophe to my higher centers in the coming months.

Google under no condition should  remove this piece or suppress it.

Visitors to this blog are less than 70 a day or 1500   a month, so it does not cause any alarm to the health agencies world wide.

My assessment are based on at least 40 years of continuous work except for six months, which I took a break to spend time with the family without any medical ha hoo. 

The six months break was children's request first and my volition on the second count.

I was never involved in politics except for a brief period to oust a corrupt regime, long time ago.

I resigned from G.M.O.A, since they failed to protect my rights in spite of my written request very early in my career. 
An appointment I deserved was given to a stooge. 
But I won my rights on my own legal representation.

After that, I resigned from government service never to join it again and I have a W.A.O.P number but I have not received any entitlements.

I am a Ceylonese and I have No DUAL Citizenship.

I have traveled from Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere alone, just within 24 hours on my own money to see the Sea Lions. 

In other Words, I have seen the World, on my own account.

For the last 20 years I did not register Under the S.L.M.C.

My degree is M.B.B.S (Ceylon).

I have postgraduate qualifications.

My writing here is as a lay person and should not be interpreted as a medical jargon or any valid  information for research work.

It is certainly not gossip or spinning yarns.

All my observation are from September 2019 onward.

Purely academic to begin with but little bit vocal. 
I think this may be my last, Corona Virus, blog piece, unless lot of sub-comments follow this piece at least to defend my stance politely.

Culprits of the Pandemic are only 3 or 4.

1. Mainland China and Wet Farms.

2. Singapore Airlines.
My gut feeling was Singapore Airlines was the Super Spreader.

3. WHO

4. Cover up agents paid by interested parties including Drug Companies.

5. Austria's sky resort dilemma added as a little spice.

But the main cause is under par airline safety protocols.

A) Theory of Lab escaped Virus of high probability.

B) Piscine Borne infection.

C) Delay in investigations for the cover up to take effect.

I have some outrageous suggestion like the mRNA is so tiny, a mosquito can harbour, it and carry it for months apart from infecting pigs.

It is an enterovirus by design that changed it's transmission mode to respiratory mode purely, by accident.

It is only 20 to 30 nanometers and probably cannot be killed by the current detergents.

It keeps on living or replicating given the suitable environment, using its ingenious methodology.

Let me take a different point of view.

This virus had traveled from North Pole to South Pole in less than a year.

No country in the world is free of its contamination, if not death  and that contamination will continue for another 20 years unless we Stop the Food Chain Transfer (F.C.T) and the free virus mobility on meat products.

It is my belief, that the  Control or Mitigation of the Food Chain Transfer will never happen.

It is very difficult to arrest since entry point to the food chain is numerous and uncontrollable. 
People will starve to death if we interfere with the food transfer chain
One ship trapped in Sues Canal recently is a case in point.

Economic consequences will outlast the 20 years (plausible prediction) of spread of the disease.

If this is a natural virus (most unlikely and a successful virus never wipes out its subjects) it's determination is to control the world population for the benefit or health of the planet.

In the event, if it is an alien design (for a very long period they would have been  masquerading as humans on this planet of ours, i.e; the inhabiting and invading alien beings) for them to get established (in that scenario it is a virus adopted by the aliens for their propagation and they are manipulating it's spread so that the immune aliens have an advantage in survival on this planet) surreptitiously, on this planet.

You can bear with me, I am not sparing any random thoughts.

1. Number one this virus had traveled with man and it's food chain.

That is why it spans the globe.

2. Singapore Airline was the pandemic breaker.

It is the only country with the lowest number of deaths and confirmed cases.


I do not believe their records and knowing it as the super spreader, at the beginning stage of the pandemic, it cooking up its numbers to avoid future litigation by foreign civil agents, if not WHO.

This scenario can go bizarre, if the vaccination program causes more vulnerabilities including myocarditis.

Just like China, Singapore is not a fully fledged democracy but it's richness gives it a bit of a cushion and an international clout.

Mode of transfer are Ships and Mighty Long Haul Vehicles with wet foods produced in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea and Taipei.

My theory of mass movement of food products in the food chain helps to spread the disease holds true here

Traveling  and Shipments were banned for North Koreans and it has probably the lowest cases per capita, probably, lower than Singapore.

All of them are of Chinese descent and wet market entrepreneurs.

Can you see that the jigsaw puzzle is fitting in nicely.

The final piece is WHO who were bribed to delay reporting the pandemic till December 31, 2019 (WHO deadline for that year).

My Conspiracy Theory is right at heart.

Aiding and abetting is visible and obvious.

It is possible to Genomically Tag it’s Origin but my mosquito and piscine theories make this more difficult.

Mosquito transfer is very unlikely apart from hospital (India and Africa are good candidates) spread related to housefly, a viable but a plausible passive transfer of the candidate virus.

The human race is responsible for this and 30% of the failure is of the administration and the other 70% is the incorrigible humans.

We are in a mess and we all have to get out of this mess. 
It is a global problem and not a national problem anymore.

Individual countries and companies stocking up the vaccine is not the way forward. 
It is somewhat, blind expectation that the 70% vaccination will get US out of this problem.

A fanciful imagination.

Lot more efforts and much more vigorous actions have to be in place. 
There are lose ends in this article and I won't try to hide or whitewash.

It is for the young guys to look at this problem globally from all angles. 
They should  resist the temptation to depend only on health infrastructure.

Spend the resources only on hospitals, vaccination centers and rely on pharmacies to support their efforts, may bounce back both on economy and well-being of mankind.

I have my deep sympathy to the first responders but I am bit skeptical of the efficacy of the vaccines. 
Too, true to be good and one vaccine almost killed me.

Yellow Dog Linux

This was the only Linux distribution Mac OS compatible I used only once in the past. 

Based on Red Hat seven I gave it up after one week. I am downloading to see it can run on BOX Utlity. 3.7GB.

Yellow Dog Linux

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: Enlightenment
Architecture: Power PC
Based on: Red Hat Centos
Wikipedia: Yellow Dog Linux
Media: Install Linux
The last version | Released: 7.0 | August 6, 2012

Yellow Dog Linux – an open source operating system based on Linux kernel and focused on GPU systems and computers using the Power Architecture. It was the first Linux distribution released in the spring of 1999 for the Apple Macintosh PowerPC-based computers. It is targeted to home, office, server, and cluster users.

Yellow Dog Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS and relies on the RPM Package Manager.
YUP (Yellow Dog Updater) has been specially created for Yellow Dog Linux, and was adapted for other RPM based distributions with the name YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified).

The first release of Yellow Dog Linux was published in 1999.
Started from version 5, Yellow Dog Linux uses Enlightenment as its default desktop, but others DE’s like KDE, Gnome or Xfce were available too.
The last version 7.0 was released in 2012.

The system includes user applications such as:
– Ekiga – a voice-over-IP and videoconferencing application
– GIMP – a raster graphics editor
– Gnash – a free Adobe Flash player
– gThumb – an image viewer
– Mozilla Firefox – a web browser
– Mozilla Thunderbird – an e-mail and news client
– – an office suite
– Pidgin – an instant messaging and IRC client
– Rhythmbox – a music player
– Noatun and Totem – media players



Web site:
Origin: Russia
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: JWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 204-m | February 27, 2012

PuppyRus – a fast and lightweight operating system that runs on almost any, even outdated, computer. It is possible to work in full installation mode, as well as full-fledged work with CD-ROM (LiveCD) or USB-Flash. The PuppyRus Linux system can be installed as an additional one, without changing the main OS.

– Use your light and fast system under 200 MB on CD or USB-flash
– Install it as an additional (second) system
– Surf the Internet without viruses, with a complete set of programs at hand

There are relatively many different versions of Puppy distributions. There are assemblies of different groups and individual developers, assemblies in different languages, etc.

Parted Magic OS

 This Dustributions has become commercial.

By the way, I lost all my Puppy Images in my Download Folder after TrueOs erased evrything.

I am cuurently downloding up tp at least 25 imges.

Finding them is diffcult and in that effort I found this and decided to make piece for completeness sake. I have used it in the past not not any more.

Parted Magic OS

Last Updated on: 7th May 2023, 12:06 pm

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Rescue
Desktop environment: Open Box (open box freezes on Gnome desktop of mine)
Architecture: x-86
Based on: Now commercial
Wikipedia: Parted Magic
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: active
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Parted Magic OS

Parted Magic OS – a live, independent developed Linux distribution which contains disk partitioning and data recovery tools.

Parted Magic OS works as a live CD/USB only without a hard drive installation and can be booot through a network using PXE.
It features recovery tools such as: Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, GParted, Parted, Truecrypt, Clonezilla, G4L, SuperGrubDisk, etc., and supports many file systems, including ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs.

In August 2013 Parted Magic OS became a commercial distribution.
One of the latest free version 2013_06_14 is available to download and test.

If you need an up to date Parted Magic OS iso image, you have to purchase it from the project page.

Exit Stage and Bat Stage

Exit Stage and Bat Stage

This piece touches the tone of philosophy but has a little flavour of Buddhist outlook.

By the way, Buddhism is not a philosophy as propagated in the West but an advanced life style not seen in the Capitalistic World. 

My animal.analogy is the most appropriate to describe the current human tragedy exposed by a tiny but powerful m or t RNA virus.

First 35 years is the dog stage where one tries to achieve his or her goal but many fail  in this exercise and settle in the highest level of incompetency, where as described in Banking Principles (Peter Principle) one settles in his or her highest level of competency.

There is no upward climb but usually a downward slide.

The next level is the donkey stage and one only does the delegated work of his or her superior but boring nevertheless.

This lasts for 35 years.

The third stage is the Bird Stage (I entered this well before 70) where one reflects on self and on others and basically non judgemental.

An extremely difficult to achieve if one is married.

The birds are the best example where they are either in the free stage chirping on the tree tops or in escape mode from the seasonal rain, monsoon in particular.

Our Mynar is the classic example where he/she has a beautiful malady even on a rainy day.

A happy chirpy guy but equally dominating the atmosphere.

Very few humans can enter Bird Stage but they slip prematurely into the next stage which is the fox stage and remain their until one kicks the bucket.

This Bird Stage lasts for only 10 years and  one enters the vermin or fox stage, thereafter.

The worst of all and generally all World Top Politicians fall into this including President Biden.

My mother even went past this fox stage until 90s and luckily she passed away a decade before Coronavirus.

This I called the Bats Stage where one precariously hanging on to the failing heart or lung on a ventilator.

My advice for one is the kick the bucket well before entering this stage, since in Buddhist Samsara Cycle, the death is the beginning of another cycle but may not be human but lower down in the animal Kingdom.

Lot of our politicians end up there whatever the beneficial Karma, they try to acquire, (wearing the mantle of the head of state or Prime Minister post), or try to achieve by going from one pipal tree to another.

Regards to the Buddhist monks of Ceylon, who literally over indulge in TV Banana Bana or sermons, most of them
become TV stars in their next life usually in Bollywood and not in Hollywood due to the lack of their competence to put Dhamma to the Western audience in crisp and clear in English.

One should not apply this to married life and one is either in dog stage or donkey stage eternally.

This piece will ideally should exit me from the Internet but I could not.

I am in Bird Stage anyway and watching Internet is boring now that Biden is up there,  boring to say the least to see him hugging a dog.

He should enter the donkey stage where he was for 45 years and was very comfortable.

Peter Principle

 Peter Principle

Peter principle is an instrument that is used in banking management to weed out incompetent individuals out of the main stream and isolate them in their own islands of safety without embarrassment to the individual or to the institute.

The underlying principle is that individuals go up the ladder of promotions to the level of their competence and once they reach the optimum level of performance there is no way of promoting them higher without substantial risk to the institute. Unfortunately they are not at the age of retirement and the management has to device ways and means of getting them out of the main stream.

In that scenario what the management does is to create a glamorous looking post and sidetracks the individual horizontally in the management structure. This side tracking exercise keep the management and the individual happy mutually and the customers do not see this as a fact, unless they are privy to the internal dynamics of the institute.

I believe this principle is applicable to our politicians. For an example when a politician is running out of his or her own steam they need some recuperation somewhere and in the parliament the post of speaker satisfy the Peter Principle scientifically.

Even though he is called the speaker he cannot speak on his own as long as he occupies this chair.

What a characteristic of democracy?

I thought democracy is to voice one’s opinion.

It is quite an aberration?

My concern is what we do with the aging population of politicians who do not want to retire from the limelight and the TV glamour?

In good old days we had the Senate for them to come and socialize with the rest of those who have reached the level of incompetence.

My belief is that our politicians reach their level of competence or incompetence in the kindergarten itself and some of them become very childish in their likes and dislikes.

Why this is so I do not know for certain but my concern is what shall we do with them?

We cant keep then in cold storage like Stalin and Lenin.

Shall we make them actors and actresses in the local Tele Dramas?

After all acting is a glamorous job and most of them were very good in acting in their real life they need not have any training.

That is only one option.

But I have another option.

Why can’t we make them peace monitors?

They had been talking about peace so much in their political life they must be having a real love for peace. I believe they would really enjoy the challenge of peace keeping and traveling all over the world at no expense to them.

The third option is to send them to space.

They can scan the entire world from outer space with an advantage none of us will have with a camera that enlarges an ant to size an elephant.

Looking for trouble spots.

Gentoo Linux

This is a distribution I never tired but I am downloading it today.
It is a Live Distribution. 
Yes, it boots up with a Live USB and it is KDE which I do not fancy.
One cannot download any new applications as is Netrunner which has Synaptic Package Manager for me to download Box Utility and AbiWord.
By the way it has Xournel.
Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Linux Live USB running KDE
Developer    Gentoo Foundation
Written in    C, Perl, sh, and Python
OS family    Linux (Unix-like)
Working state    Current
Source model    Open source
Initial release    31 March 2002; 22 years ago
Repository Edit this at Wikidata
Update method    Rolling release
Package manager    Portage
Platforms    IA-32, x86-64, PA-RISC (HPPA), PowerPC 32/64, SPARC 64-bit, DEC Alpha, ARM 32/64, MIPS, RISC-V 32/64, m68k, loong, s390, s390x
Kernel type    Monolithic (Linux kernel)
Userland    GNU, With support for non-GNU userlands
user interface    CLI, with support for various window managers and desktop environments
License    Free software
Official website

Gentoo Linux (pronounced /ˈdʒɛntuː/ JEN-too[3]) is a Linux distribution built using the Portage package management system. Unlike a binary software distribution, the source code is compiled locally according to the user's preferences and is often optimized for the specific type of computer. Precompiled binaries are available for some packages.
Gentoo runs on a wide variety of processor architectures.

Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, and flexible. Gentoo describes itself as a meta-distribution because of its adaptability, in that the majority of its users have configurations and sets of installed programs which are unique to the system and the applications they use.

Gentoo Linux is named after the Gentoo Penguin, the fastest swimming species of penguin
The name was chosen to reflect the potential speed improvements of machine-specific optimizing, which is a major feature of Gentoo.

Sabayon Linux

 Sabayon Linux
 I tried this distribution in the past but had a difficult time and gave up.

Sabayon Linux or Sabayon (formerly RR4 Linux and RR64 Linux), was an Italian Gentoo-based Linux distribution created by Fabio Erculiani and the Sabayon development team. 

Sabayon followed the "out of the box" philosophy, aiming to give the user a wide number of applications ready to use and a self-configured operating system.

Sabayon Linux featured a rolling release cycle, its own software repository and a package management system called Entropy. Sabayon was available in both x86 and AMD64 distributions and there was support for ARMv7 in development for the BeagleBone.

It was named after an Italian dessert, zabaione, which is made from eggs.

Sabayon's logo was an impression of a chicken foot.[5] In November 2020 it was announced that future Sabayon Linux versions would be based on Funtoo instead of Gentoo Linux.[6] Sabayon Linux was replaced by MocaccinoOS.


Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce, Fluxbox (Minimal)
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Gentoo
Wikipedia: Sabayon Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 19.03 | March 27, 2019
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Sabayon Linux

Sabayon Linux (previously RR4 Linux and RR64 Linux) – a Linux distribution developed by Fabio Erculiani, based on and fully compatible with Gentoo Linux. It uses the Entropy package management system that was specially developed for this distribution and Portage.

Entropy installs prepackaged packages which shortens the installation process compared to Portage. You can use Entropy with console or graphic user interface Equo or Ringo.

Sabayon supports x86 and amd64 architectures and is a rolling release distro, which means that you don’t have to install it from scratch after a new version is released. There are ready to go Live CDs/DVDs with GNOME, KDE, XFCE, MATE environments, a minimalist version with Fluxbox, which lets you customize the system according to your needs; and a version of SpinBase without a graphical environment.

To install the system on a hard drive, Sabayon uses the Anakonda installer known from Red Hat and Fedora.

Starting with version 16.06, Sabayon is also available for ARM machines (RaspberryPi).

The last version of Sabayon Linux are available for x86_64 machines only.

In November 2020, Sabayon has been rebranded to MocaccionoOS and merged the project with Funtoo Linux.


Posted on March 6, 2011 by asokaplus 
The new editions of Sabayon 5.5 are pretty good.
Their specialty latest XMBC is good too.
This is called KODI now. 
For the first time I was able to get XMBC running in my old IBM computer with inbuilt graphic card meager 1 GB RAM without freezing of mouse or the videos.

It is the best available Media and Graphic center.
The audio and graphic can be installed separately.

Live (for testing) and installation DVD.
It has no blender but lack of that is adequately compensated by graphic capabilities.
If I was not hooked to PCLinux and the PCLinuxfullMonty, this is the distribution that I will be having in my box in addition to other Linux distributions.
This time I am going to install (I have more than 150 distributions collected over 18 month period and going for the best 10 for me is an extremely difficult preposition) it and use it for graphic and audio collection.

Unlike PCLinux, Sabayon has 32 and 64 bit versions and I am happy that it follows the PCLinux tradition of having multiple distributions (all of which are light weight except fullMonty).
I have no hesitation of recommending it provided you have latest graphic cards and adequate RAM.
All above applies to CDs and DVD version of Gnome.
I was unable to test the KDE version which uses touchpad screen.
I do not have a monitor with that facility and if you have one this is the Linux distribution to try.
Good work and thanks to the guys and Girls at Sabayon.
The dream that we all believe.

Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes

Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes

What Arthur Scargill did was as bad as what Margaret Thatcher did by cancelling the right to Union Action or Association with Unions at the behest of Ronald Reagan. 
He took the money and disappeared. 
He should have refunded the money to its active members. I did not pay a lot but I stopped association with any Union except Medical Protection Union in UK.
In this regard Internet Banking is also included.
Ponzi scheme was a payment system devised in 1920 by Charles Ponzi outside regulatory monetary system.

Ceylon Ponzi Schemes are done by bogus astrologers.

I would dispense (thanks to YouTube presentation) three physical properties of an egg (biological), magnet (physics) and carbide (chemical)

1. Egg is rotated in a ceramic dish by exerting simple physical force.

2. A safety pin stuck under a betel (bulath) leaf using a magnet.

3. Putting carbide to a top opened king coconut.

In Ceylon Manios also use all these methods.

I think we should get Simpson's creator to Ceylon and display these antics.

Carlo Ponzi
Carlo Ponzi was an Italian.

He started this scheme without a base capital.

On surface it looks  legit.

Has attractive portfolio with high interest.

Pays high risk interests.

The payments are made to the earlier investors from the new investors.

Investors are encouraged to reinvest without new capital.

Its premise is that all the investors would not withdraw money at the same time.

The are not registered with the central bank.

They are no licenzed sellers.

Part of the money is invested by the schema himself elsewhere on true institutes.

They scam people for a while and disappear leaving without a trace.

Arjuna Mahendran is one of them who operated somewhat similar scams by bidding below the banking rate with insiders helping to fix the asking rate. 
He disappeared and has already changed his name and the name of the institute.

The money is siphoned away.

They have overseas (dual citizens) base to escape.

Even big investors can be caught up by Ponzi schemes.

Two big names are
Milinda Moragoda and Lalith Kotalawela
Both of them destroyed their grandparents capital in a very short time frame

Both of them had political aspirations.

Politicians are very cruel and won't allow outsiders with money to come into their arena
They (politicians) deal with black or drug money
Some of them have TV channels to launders money.

These operations are an extension of the Ponzi scheme with a different Frontend.

the Backend is invisible. 

By the way, no investment is risk free.

Successful financiers are good risk takers.

English Nielson was one of them who brought the oldest bank to its knees in England.

Pyramid scheme is bit different.
To begin with there is some apparent capital investment that is shared with or resold to new investors.
If the number of new investors diminish or capital is withdrawn these schemes fail rapidly.

Anuradha Ratnaweera and Sinhala Linux

Anuradha Ratnaweera and Sinhala Linux

Below is a copy page from Anuradha's Web

See for yourself what a lot this gentleman and his team has done for Sinhala.
Now it is your responsibility to use it.

It is available (free of course) in Fedora 13, Debain 6 and probably in Sabayon Linux (you may have to download the module).

Sinhala is available in too for blogging.

Sayura Sinhala Input Scheme

By Anuradha Ratnaweera

Most up-to-date version of this document can always be found here.

Latest version of SCIM module is 0.3.3. Download it here.

If you are looking for a reference while typing with Sayura, download this brochure.


Sayura is a quasi-transliteration scheme for Sinhala script. Unlike true tansliteration schemes, Sayura uses individual Latin characters to signify unmodified consonents, and not their "hal" form. For example, මම is entered as "mm", and not "mama".


I wrote the first implementation of Sayura transliterated scheme in mid 2004 to include in our first package (version 0.1 it was called) to enable Sinhala in GNU/Linux. It was only for GTK, and not properly named. For the GTK part of the implementation, I used some code from another im-module written by Chamath Keppitiyagama.

Sayura defines context dependant behaviour of keys. For example, "i" at the beginning of a word produced "ඉ", after another "i" it converted "ඉ" to "ඊ", after a consonant it added an ispilla, and after a consonant with an ispilla, it converted the ispilla to a diga ispilla. Multiple use of keys depending on the context allowed us to use fewer keys in very intuitive ways.

Sayura algorithm internally uses bytes, not UTF-8. Sinhala code page is mapped to characters 128-255, and ZWJ and ZWNJ are given 0x0d and 0x0c.

In September 2004, I announced an attempt to port the GTK im-module to QT. After first implementing surrounding text support, the QT port of the im-module was announced in late September 2004, and included in Sinhala GNU/Linux 0.2.

However, my patch to QT broke binary compatibility, so applying it also required a complete recompile of dependant apps. Therefore, it was unlikely to go upstream. Although Kazuki Otta's port made to QT4 upstream, QT3 apps were going to be there for a long time to come.

Typing in OpenOffice was yet to be solved.

In October 2005, there was a Codefest in Colombo as a part of the Asia OSS conference. Kazuki Otta ported the GTK module to SCIM. As SCIM stands below GTK, QT and OpenOffice and all other X apps, it provided a unified input mechanism.

The algorithm's dependency on surrounding text support was also removed. The package was called "scim-sinhala-trans".

For the next couple of years, scim-sinhala-trans became the primary input scheme on GNU/Linux systems, and was shipped with some distros including Fedora/Redhat. Debs were always available here.

In early 2008, S Pravin sent some patches to add preedit support and other improvements. I added several tweaks to the Sayura algorithm itself to preserve old semantics with the new preedit code, and also to improve in certain places. A key improvement is bringing back surrounding text support, but only to use it when available.

A development series 0.3.x was announced in May 2008 to continue and test the new set of developments, and the scheme was named "Sayura" to distinguish from other schemes such as Samanala and Sumihiri.

Key Allocation


First, we assigned "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u" to their most obvious counterparts in Sinhala: "අ", "එ", "ඉ", "ඔ" and "උ". Remaining basic vowel "ඇ" was given he key "A" in Sayura version 0.2, but we decided to also allocate "q" to input "ඇ" in 0.3, because pressing shift to the common "ඇ" turned out to be counter-productive.

Long wovels are typed by pressing the same key twice. For example, "aa" produces "ආ".

"ඓ" and "ඖ" were allocated "I" and "O", and "U" produces long and short forms of "ඍ". "අං" and "අඃ" are given "x" and "hH", but from 0.3.1, we will allocate "Q" also to enter අඃ".


Modifiers are allocated the same keys as vowels, but effective when typed after a consonent. Only difference is that "a" corresponds to "ආ" instead of "අ".

For example, "kii" produces "කී", while "kU" gives us "කෘ".


First we allocated lower case keys to consonents in the most obvious form: "r", "t", "y", "p", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "c", "v", "b", "n" and "m" to "ර", "ත", "ය", "ප", "ස", "ද", "ෆ", "ග", "හ", "ජ", "ක", "ල", "ච", "ව", "බ", "න" and "ම" respectively.

The only arguable allocatoins are "t" and "d". We think "ත" and "ද" is more common than "ට" and "ඩ", so decided to risk a few initial surprises for the sake of long term efficiency.

Upper case letters are used for other consonant forms (e.g.: ඵ, ළ, ණ) whenever possible. We also introduced some shortcuts such as "M" for "ඹ". As we use "x" for "අං", upper case "X" was assigned "ඞ".

A consonant is converted to mahaprana and sagngnaka by typing upper case "H" and "G". But there are shortcuts such as "P" for "ඵ", "G" for "ඟ" and "M" for "ඹ".

Al Akuru

We allocated "w", the only unallocated and easy-to-type character, for al-kireema, and upper case "W" to add a ZWJ to create a joiner. So, typing "kwsH" creates "ක්ෂ", while "kWsH" produces joint "ක්‍ෂ".

We also have shortcuts "R" and "Y" to produce "rakaransaya" and "yansaya". E.g.: "SRii" produces "ශ්‍රී".


Latest version of SCIM module is 0.3.3. Download it here.

If you want to try out the present stable version of Sayura SCIM module (which is called scim-sinhala-trans), follow the instructions at However, we encourage you to test 0.3 series, which brings out "preedit" support and improvements to the scheme itself.

DEB based systems

On Debian based systems, make a DEB package:

% tar -xzvf scim-sayura-0.3.3.tar.gz
% cd scim-sayura-0.3.3
% dpkg-buildpackage -b

If you get a "command not found" error, install the "dpkg-dev" package, and preferably "build-essential" package as well.

If dpkg-buildpackage complains about missing packages, install them and try again.

RPM based systems

Locate your RPM directory, usually in /usr/src/. Following examples assume /usr/src/rpm. You also need the 'rpmbuild' tool.

First unpack the tarball to a temporary location, and copy the rpm/scim-sayura.spec file to the SPECS subdirectory in RPM directory. Copy the tarball into SOURCES subdirectory.

# cd /tmp
# tar -xzvf /wherever/is/scim-sayura-0.3.3.tar.gz
# cp scim-sayura-0.3.3/rpm/scim-sayura.spec /usr/src/rpm/SPECS/
# cp /wherever/is/scim-sayura-0.3.3.tar.gz /usr/src/rpm/SOURCES/

Now run the rpmbuild command with the -bb options to build a binary RPM inside RPMS subdirectory.

# cd /usr/src/rpm/SPECS/
# rpmbuild -bb scim-sayura.spec

Internet Banking = Dangers not Evaluated; The WARNINGS not Heeded

 Posted on February 23, 2013 by asokaplus  
What Arthur Scargill did was as bad as what Margaret Thatcher did by cancelling the right to Union Action or Association with Unions at the behest of Ronald Reagan. 
He took the money and disappeared. 
He should have refunded the money to its active members. I did not pay a lot but I stopped association with any Union except Medical Protection Union in UK.
In this regard Internet Banking is also included.
Internet Banking = Dangers not Evaluated; The WARNINGS not Heeded
Internet Banking = Dangers not Evaluated; The WARNINGS not Heeded
This should be read in conjunction with Bugger the Bankers.
I will only give only a glimpse of it.
The reader should update his or her own risk element, if not on daily basis but on monthly basis.
Let me dispense with the underline presumptions.
There are two presumptions.
One is that computers never make mistakes and better than humans.
Computers make huge mistakes whereas humans make small mistakes, like counting the balance.
Computer can make million of mistakes in a fraction of a second but human can make only one mistake at a time, which many of us do not guard against.
Humans try to prevent repeating the mistake, whereas computers keep on doing the same mistake million times.
(No fortune company will come out with the true facts, like the Ponsi scheme that went round globally without any hindrance, till the banking systems started collapsing.
We have too many banks .
What we need is a few banks with credibility.
Like me forgetting, to take the balance after payment is made.
The cashier, if he or she is a good one will promptly return the money.
Computers will never gives back the money that was wrongly paid (server administrator can safely transfer it in seconds to some far away destination without any trace of the transaction) or comes behind you with the correct balance in hand.
The sever administrator can swindle any excess, knowing very well that somebody has made a mistake.
This happens in big shopping networks and that is why the items and articles are more expensive than in the open market.
They never audit or declare these frauds fearing that they will loose the market.
Banks are no different.
They only see one side of it.
The customer side.
Never its own staff.
If they make a mistake they will hide it by all means like a cat covering its poo.
The second premise is very simple.
Majority (99%) including me is very bad at balancing accounts on daily basis.
The bank jump into your shoes under this pretext and may even one day ruin you.
In fact, I managed without a bank account for nearly six years when I returned from abroad with six credit cards.
That was only period in my life, I never asked for a loan and did not make a single mistake.
I was doing my own banking and balancing my accounts.
But I have one cardinal principle.
That is, I may not make mistakes on a daily basis but one day I will make a huge mistake.
I will guard against that mistake which will ruin me.
It will last good for me.
I have also another resolution.
My maximum loss should be theoretically not more than Rs.100,000/= (never a million which young ones are enticed and coaxed into by all commercial banks).
Each one should have a credit limit which he or she can bear, which is usually three to ten times the basic salary (not the total salary).
If one exceeds that limit, he or she on his or her own peril one day, one has to blame oneself not the bank or the creditors.
The day I make that big mistake, I will close all my accounts and delegate my finances to someone whom I can trust.
The problem is finding one whom I can trust in this blessed Buddhist country.
So if you do Internet Banking,  the moment (fraction of a second) you press the button,  you are taking a big risk.
The song bugger the bankers is making a huge impact globally and the banks are hell bent on promoting their vices on many new form of advertisements and in many fronts.

Even children not born are not spared.
Do not fall to their trappings which are worse than Merchant of Venice.
That is, promote free spending with a noose around your neck.
I felt like writing this having seen a young mother with her baby attended by her mother did not check the bill when she was making her payment.
In my medical career I have seen many nursing mothers making big mistakes that include caring for the baby, let alone finances.

Linux-100 -Knoppix

 Linux-100 -Knoppix
Posted on February 1, 2011 by asokaplus    
I have been lying low as far as Linux is concerned mainly not because of my lack of interest but due to lack of support from the Sri-Lankan Telecoms.
Its download speed is well below its stated or paid for service contract.

It is often below 10 and consistently down to 5 KB per second even at night do not ever think of downloading a DVD.

At 10 KB per second it amounts to I MiB per minute and that works up to 50 to 60 for an hour which is pretty slow and it is like that for the last 3 or 4 months.

I have been trying to download over 250 distributions (mostly updates) which are paused state over a month and consistently Firefox breaks down halfway through the process.
Posted on February 1, 2011 by asokaplus  

I have tried to download Taylor Swift (609 MB) an AntiX-Mephis derivative for old computers and it broke down over 10 times but I am persisting till I get it down and test it which has almost become an obsession.

It broke down again few minutes ago.

In 10 minutes less of 24 hours, later finally, I managed to s download Knoppix DVD and it is fantastic.

Thanks to the guys who were seeding the image. 

There were over 250 seeders and out of which 50 were active when I downloaded it. There were over 50 leeches inactive which was fine for me and I was the only leecher in this part of the world at night.

So finally it was burned and tested one month after the CD version was downloaded and tested on the 1st of January (was a holiday).

Finally it gives the option of installing it to the hard drive and USB version is going to be my handy friend.

Thanks guys and girls at Knoppix and a Happy 10th Anniversary and Happy New Year 2011 for all of you!