Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Semiconductor Technology, From Transistor to MOSFE Transistor

I am one who believe in that Modern Technological Innovation has something to do with Reverse Engineering of Alien Artifacts.
Some tekenace to Bob Lazar and John Lear revelations.
The story goes like this.
These artifacts were either divided by design or collected in pieces.
Pieces were coded and given to Black-Rock like American Commercial entities. The fear was if one company has everything Monopoly would be the result.
So it took many years for Transistor, fiberoptics and laser techniques to be deciphered from mangled debris.
It is only by 1980 that we were able to design primitive computers Sun Microsystems is one of them.

Butter or Btrfs File System Cannot Coexist with Ext4 and my forgotten Dream

Yes, I installed net Runner 25.64 on Btrfs file system and Debian Genome installed with the same NUC system does not mount them at boot time.
On has to have one file (Ext4) system and combining them with Btrfs, even for testing (which I hated long time ago) leads to catastrophe.
Btrfs may have caused similar problem 30 years ago when I was using Red Hat and Suse. It looks like lessons learned in the past stay and stick.
It struck a code in me.
Yes I installed Debian Cinnamon having formatted Btrfs with Ext4 and it works fine.

This piece in to bring notice to say another code guy has died young under 45. 
Singers go through this phase and I think Code Weavers do suffer similar fate.

I do not know the details but Ian Donald. committed suicide after altercation with the American police. He sustained some head injury and that was hushed up by the police.
Intelligen young guys are very sensitive to emotional liability and changing the routine perhaps good sleep with dreams is a good remedy.

My Dream 
Dream was in two parts or may be two dreams partially remembered but had some important message to go by.

Set was like a Government Hospital in Ceylon with chaos all around.
My role was not significant perhaps I was a passive observer.
In one section lot of little children unattended. 
Their mothers were not to be seen.
I do not know.
May be taken in for examination.

In another corner bit a commotion with adult men fighting for something. 
This may be attendants trying to sort out numbers for various clinics.

In another corner there were a few doctors who were oblivious to the chaos around more busy looking at their cellphones cum laptops.

Then suddenly a guy appeared from nowhere and everyone seems to be in unusually busy mood.
The dream abruptly stopped.
I do not need to send this to Maha Brahma for interpretation.

Yes, Health Minister has come for his political vituperations.
Certainly not for any inspection or opening up a new facility.

KDE Desktop PAIN is OVER

Let me start with Linux and Unix Basics.

Unix started on Multitasking background and Universities shared scare resources. Computers were hard to find and mainframes as big as flat fridge housed them.

Administrator to service the resources and users with password protection came into existence. 

Now cellphones and computers are ubiquitous and they eye-scanner passwords and everybody is paranoid.

Coming to KDE pain, it took a long time to install. 

To test integrity of my partition table and to see how ?btrfs or butter file format (its redundancy to satisfy Red-Hat, I do not like) and I have 25 partitions including booting EFI. Most of the old kernel distributions do not support EFI and the image cannot be run on a USB.

I am not interested in snap-shotting and I want file integrity checking at boot time which Debian Gnome does a good job of it.

While doing updating I erased MX Linux and Netrunner both KDE versions.

Instead of those versions I have now installed Debian KDE which I am beginning to to be impressed with.

By the way, I started Linux with Mandriva and Suse on a KDE desktop.

In fact, MX Linux went into FREEZE MODE while I was running Suse Linux Tumbleweed on the BOX Utility. That was a disaster. Home folder had 9GB and Suse was 4.7GB big and the Box Utility reserved 4GB and there was no room to manipulate.

My regular home folder has 50GB and reserving 100GB if YOU are a Netflix guy a good ploy.

Since I have at least 4 distributions running in my 298GB SATA Disk, recovery is simple. Just open the folder and delete the ISO Image. 

Another point about KDE is it cannot handle or delete a big file of 4GB which Debian handles just sweetly.

Well I do not like KDE graphic intensive "boot panel "and i need to rectify that now.

Overall, ext4 is a good choice for most users due to its wide support and good performance, but btrfs may be a better choice for users who need advanced features like snap-shotting or data redundancy. It is important to carefully consider the specific needs and requirements of your system before choosing a file system.