Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New Ubuntu

New Ubuntu
New Ubuntu is out.
I have not tested it.
I have stopped using it when Unity desktop was initiated.

Now I have gone to Ubuntu's Base Debian as my Role Model.

This is a piece of old writing.
Old Ubuntu
You may be wondering why am not writing anything on Ubuntu. 
It is universally available and is the most popular download.
Since its life cycle is fast it is difficult to keep pace with it.
Only difficulty I have with it is that it does not give the administrator (standard of old Linux behaviour) function for the desktop version and the difficulty and the time it takes to download (because many are accessing it's download site).
In fact I downloaded the 10th version but when I tried the 9th version it broke down several times.
I had to resort to requesting a CD of version 9 from Canonical.
I did receive the CDs today.
Unlike SuSe and Mandriva the Canonical do a good job in marketing too.
Hats off to Canonical which is better than Redhat and Fedora.
It has many versions including a studio version, Kbuntu, Lubuntu and many more.
Kubuntu is impressive.
I will write on Super OS which is a derivative of it like Linux Mint.
Generally speaking what I am trying to do is to make one aware of the other distributions not backstabbing.
Ubuntu now has all the virtues.
Do not fear using it.
Configuring is bit slow but internet access is very easy and hardware detection is excellent.
Thanks to all at Ubuntu team even I use PCLinux most of the time. 
My hard disk has many distributions and Ubuntu is one of them.

Google Jump started Linux Android

Google Jump started Linux Android
Like the Canonical's Unity Desktop, Google has jump stated on Linux base and it is time for Microsoft to re-engineer the wheel of IT technology.
Buying Skype may not solve its problems of insecurity and virus base.

Glossy front but ineffective back end would slow it down but it is wrong to say or think that Microsoft is finally dead due to poor mutation (genetically speaking) evolutionary wise of IT industry.

Cloning something is easy but when something is inherently faulty, the evolutionary process adapt the survival of the fittest strategy to chose the best for the current generation and Linux did not mastermind the change but it looks a successful business venture with its search engine has won the day.

Embracing Linux it has hit two bird with one stone.

I am not at all against business success of any company but when a company uses FUD psychology, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt as a strategy in evolution it is bound to fail in real world with real people.

This was what happened to Microsoft whereas Apple only focused on high end and remained there for its own worth.

That strategy also might change if we hit another financial crisis which we cannot avoid as the way things are developing.

Hunger may be the next wave that will take us by surprise if we get engrossed only in technology.

So cutting down cost and wastage are important.
Recycling and stability of a product to last at least a decade is important,
Disposable era might abruptly end when shortages (rare metal and even integrated circuits) hit the market.

Emerging signs are of that nature.

Google also uses cloud computing as its next line of defense.

If not for business strategy Linux also should look at business acumen of Google for its success without hampering its original goals and vision.

There should be some business plan for some of the successful Linux distributions and canonical taking UNITY forward should not be looked at with squinted eye.

Why aren't we looking with the same squinted eye when we look at Google?

That is my question for the intellectuals in the IT industry.

Success breeds success.

Failures (Linux included) leads to bigger failure.

This is a strategy applied in field of sports and in war games and terrorism,too.

Nobody talks about a failed team (cricket) or a failed army.

It is nice to see America is taking a cue from us and taking terrorism head on.

But they should not apply double standard like Microsoft and USA politics (and their ambassadors all over the world).

Duplicity never works.

It is not the old world order now.
It is a new world order now and everybody should be transparent not naked in their actions.

They should have realized it before the WiKiLeaks.
It is too late to repair the damage done.