Puppy is Small BUT it can do big Things like MX Linux
I am not referring to FatPup which I do not like since it does not support Abiword.
This piece was edited using Legacy Pup on a USB stick. It took half an hour to download.
I am referring to Legacy Pup which is Debian based and is 3.2GB.
It is based on AntiX and I think it has more punch than Mx Linux.
Yes all Puppy derivatives were known to be under 700GB to fill a CD.
Its basic current problem is not supporting U.E.F.I. and WiFi.
So far I have got two who is supporting these developments.
One is Ubuntu and the other is Debian and Gnome.
Most of these derivatives support legacy BIOS and good for Old computers in the attic.
It is a matter of using WiFi scanning Utility to the system so that the user can select his or her own WiFi Server and key in the password.
Long time ago when they were introducing WiFi in Ceylon it was a big hastle. I had to go to Singapore to buy a good router. Two years later they both us our home router. We had to wait for the government to order it from Taiwan, I believe.
Unlike now I used to blast the Telecom guys. I was busy lookong after sick patients.
I would not NO to any reasonable request from Telecoms. I gather in the YouTube they are charging customer without permission for a non existent service.
I was using Ubuntu and Emmabantus to get my WiFi automatically configured in the late 1980s.
Later I got hooked to Debian.
Sorry for the diversion.
I am going to test all the Puppy derivatives which has U.E.F.I. support and could be booted from a USB and not a CD. I am going to include a chapter on Puppy Linux in my book. In the current chapter I am working on, I have highlighted the lack of 64 bit versions and the very good Puppy derivatives which had gone dormant.
The chapter name would be small is beautiful.
I have already found three other Puppy Derivatives that could be configured by using the Internet protocol.
They are Bionic Pup
Xenial Pup
Puppex-Focal Pup
I have decided to finish my book on "Linux Essentials" mounted on a Puppy Linux. The book is over 400 pages.
I started it using, my Debian Gnome on Abiword and I would finish it on Abiword on a Puppy Linux.
This is the fist time I am publishing a BIG Book using Puppy Linux.
Till I finish publishing the book, I will keep it as a Top Secret.
By the all my books at Amazon were published using Abiword.
I have a book how to publish a book using only FREE and Linux utilities.
If you are Linux Newbie, purchase it an read from cover to cover.
There is no spoon feeding.
It might take little time to learn but the effort will save YOU lot of money for your own entertainment.