Sunday, May 28, 2023

American War Politics, Until End of 2024

I am going to sign off posting political stuff here, until the election fever is over.

I do not want to hint bright and scientific ideas to these STUPID guys.

Equally nothing much happening on the Linux Front to write about!  

There would ONLY be politics and nothing but politics till the end of 2024.

It is true for Ceylon, since lame duck, unelected president has no power to dissolve the parliament or call for elections for the presidency, while everybody else wants some form of elections.

Longer they hold on worse for the ruling party.

By the way, elections want solve any of our problems but like buying a lottery ticket it is an addiction. 

However  in Ceylon, politics is unpredictable, violence including political assassinations are on the card.

I am saying the above (assassinations) due to many reasons.

A Buddhist monk, Buddha Rakkitha plotted killing SWRD.

He was living with a female cabinet minister.

Poor Somarama was sent to prison (he did not know how to hold a pistol) but a thug hired by ?j did the job.

Ossie Corea was my guess.

Soma Thera died under suspicious circumstances similar to Professor Senaka Bible.

Gaminie Dissanayake and Laiith Athulathmudali were killed by goons of Chandrika.

Baddegana Sanjeewa was a Chandrika goon.

There are lot of othe non political goons of the underworld who are active in drug smuggling.

There is a Triangular Drug syndicate that operates from Thailand, Mumbai and Colombo.
Local Mafiosi has connection to this triangle.

I have no knowledge of how Putin's mafioso operates.

One place I never want to visit is Thailand.

Vijaya Kumaranatinge and Ranjan Wijeratne were killed by JVP.

Lot of journalists were killed by goons of Senior Premadasa.

Sotti Upali was one of the goons,

It started with killing Richard Zoysa and culminated with killing Lasantha Wicràmatunge on the 8th of January, 2009.

Number of Tamil journalists killed far exceeds the number of Sinhala journalists killed both by LTTE and successive government agents.

Then Upali Wijewardana disappeared in mid air.

Then Jeyataj Fenandupulle was killed not by LTTE but by a guy who was eyeing for the post of PM. I have no knowledge of his goons and how he operates except for the Easter Bombing.

Our  Rajan Kadhiragarman was killed by a marksman of the LTTE.

Violence is endemic in Ceylon including domestic violence and conflicting parties solve their problems by killing each other.

Under 16 years, as a minor, I have seen two fatal events using  sword as a weapon and a third non fatal event (in our village and none were my relatives) in my neighbourhood.

The First case in my internship was a murder case.

A guy had cut the abdominal aorta with a sword and in spite of pumping over 22 pints of blood, the surgeon could not suture the bleeding artery.

Then, I had a young guy under 20 whose liver was pierced by a cris-knife.

We packed the wound with rubber form and pumped blood and saved him.

It was a bloody mess and we tried to save the guy.

We left this village and moved to a better residential area closed to the town.

Mind you all these were born Buddhists!

Then were had JVP and D.JVP violence and mayhem!

Political violence including killing journalists is normal and none were adequately or conclusively reported or investigated fully, in the South and in the North.

Luckily nobody except services can carry weapons but political thugs and underworld guys and girls possess weapons.

If one does do a real analysis more than 50% of the guys and girls (having underscored the local politicians who kill opponents) in the parliament have some form of criminal record.
They use parliamentary privileges to cover their tracks.

I do not mind British Stray Storm Shadow missile hitting our parliament while in full session debating prevention of terrorist act, killing all it members so that we can say full good bye to parliamentary politics.

From the ashes of Phoenix or Parliament (all members dead) we can design a new constitution where no member is allowed more than two terms, no list MPs, no bonus MPs, ability to file a case against any corrupt politician by any citizen so that  his or her civil rights are permanently abolished, for anyone with pending cases (civil or criminal) is not allowed to contest and any political party whose member is convicted on any offence (better even pending cases) is barred from contesting two consecutive elections.

There are 181 parties and by the above provision we can cut down the number of parties at any election.

The beauty of this proviso is that the ballot paper which is like a newspaper would become smaller and we safe the paper, trees and even our precious planet.

These are wishful thinking and would never see the day light in my time on this planet.

One brother of a killer politician is having a local TV station on his credit.

It is total mess.

Moving to the foreign scene India, Pakistan and Bangladesh included President Biden wanting a Regime Change in Russia and getting Ukraine guys to send drones to Moscow to kill Putin are not good omens at all.

All the above are my guess-estimates without hard  facts and RAW, C.I.D, CIA, MI-5-6 and KSB should not ask me to provide incriminating evidence.  

Me leaving Ceylon well in advance from the battle field is preemptive safeguard measure, since a stray bullet can kill a guy or girl watching a political event.

I can remember an innocent undergraduate was shot in front of the University Senate.

I rushed to the hospital but he was DOA or dead on arrival.

This was my first job in the university and I decided to leave Ceylon soon after the compulsory service of 6 years.

Coming back to American politics, there is nothing but politics till the end of 2024.

Trying to poison President Putin using Ukraine as a rump state has misfired.

There wers over 22 biological labs in Ukraine and WHO is silent except for the Wuhan labs.

President Putin knows this  very well and he will drag the War in Ukraine willingly or unwillingly.

He has good store of missiles in store and Ukraine will be a Rump State by then with or without EU certification.

EU will crack open and nobody except perhaps, a woman will soon take the chair temporarily.

De Santos is a stupid guy.

Biden was the worst president in American history and De Santos is going to spoil the soup for Republicans.

The Shifty Shiff's bogus Steel Document (UK Guy), bogus impeachment process, Hunter Biden Laptop,Twitter collaboration, Ukraine War, MIC and Neocolonial White House Staff are enough SAGA to win enough electoral  colleagues seats for the Republicans, come next election and De Santos wants to spoil it.

He cannot win against Biden but Trump can.

Instead of uniting Republicans he is trying to become an instant hero.

I am not a supporter of Trump and I do not care what happens in American politics but politically speaking Trump should be given a second chance, so that he would clean up the FBI.

He had a raw deal instigated by FBI.

He started by firing former FBI director and he has the stamina to stand up to the FBI.

Muller Report was a scapegoat!

CIA will become a non entity when Ukraine collapses.

BRICS will become an alternative to American hegemony. 

Doing sweet nothing China becomes a world power by default and it will take years for Russia to cultivate European Dream.

For the time being, Russia should turn to Asian and African countries for friendship.

That is where the emerging economy is and certainly not in E.D.E or Energy Deficit Europe.

No EDGE at all!