Saturday, July 31, 2021

Nokia and AbiWord

I have three Nokia cellphones and all of them have Android 11.

I have been using Android 4.3 Kit Kat.

Google' forward march is incredible BUT I won't buy a New Nokia cellphones to test it and give constructive criticism.

Simple because Goole has chosen the wrong concept of imitating Microsoft' s glossy and bulky imitation.

Google' has its own cellphone now with not so modern architecture (hardware side in going through a rough patch due to graphic cards heating up an cooking or frying the system and battery life has not improved accordingly).

My advice is hang on to the old cellphone and wait and see policy.
The same advice I dish out to Steam Console.

Drum and Dump approach.

I am writer and none of the cellphones have a built in light weight word processor like AbiWord.

AbiWord has gone into hibernation and no updates for few years.

Nokia should collaborate with AbiWord and develop it to be its standalone word processor before somebody rich buys it and kill AbiWord for good.

AbiWord is light and its collaborative open system with cloud capability has great potential on Android ecosystem.

Google' with its own words document has to be in the cloud and not a standalone system

Unfortunately all Linux derivatives except Puppy Linux do not support AniWord and gone for Libre office, which is on version seven and trying to emulate Microsoft.

Problem with them ate they have to support all international languages from Chinese to Arabic to (unfortunately No Sinhala after Anuradha left and Hantana Linux a Fedora fork has failed us- should have been Debian which Anuradha did some early work) to French, German and English and updates come after long delay and enormously BULKY for the cellphone architecture.

If Nokia takes my advice and embrace AbiWord it is win-win end result.

Thankfully I am old and would not plunge into this area except finish my books first with AbiWord and use Libre Office to give finishing touches.

I support both AbiWord and Libre Office.

I started with Open Office and Redhead bought it to kill it but failed and that is why I hate Redhat and Centos operating systems.
Centos derivative with a glossy name (the name did not register in my mind) has a uphill task to overcome.

It is like Mandriva, Mandrake and Mafia trend and Magia had cr of its age after long dormancy.

I have not  tested them since I disconnected my Ethernet Wire due to rats munching it.

Same thing happened to my CNet satellite TV cable.

The company went bust in the first five years in Ceylon.

The overhead were high then.

But with Coronavirus economic downturn that will eventually come and will last long, nobody wants to part with the money NOT SO hard earned.

How come that money neither can save life nor buy happiness.

That is the bottom line.

Cellphones also will bust due to overproduction and so many companies competing in a saturated environment.

Collapse will come from China and the domino effect for cellphones will be catastrophic.
Rich guys have two or more cellphones but over farmers in the remote area cannot use them since the infrastructure is slow to develop (I mean aerials) and 5G is going to be a FLOP.

5 G covers flat land up to only 300 meters.

It is far better to buy or fine a pirated DVD.

Full WiFi (software conversion is poor and expensive) connectivity is a dream.

That is why I say use the Radio Signal and Radio and Direct Signal Transfer.

Of course a primitive aerials construction by our farmers might solve the booster of weak Radio signal.

We did it and it worked OK and Rediffusion I'm our time busted within am year.

I am physics guy in thinking and I am thinking about how to communicate with our nearest galaxy  and aliens (not the batten land Mars).

Let China wastes it resources in Mars before it busts.

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