Friday, November 24, 2023

Beg Bugs, Leeches, Snails, Cockroaches and Vali Gowwas

This piece is not about insects but about political parties in Ceylon.

I am a naturalist like Darwin.

I love nature and they are inhabitants of our nature and these species have adapted their physiology and anatomy for survival.

All these politicians are by default and nature are animalistic in their actions and behaviour.

Now it is evident that N.P.P. is heading in opinion polls, the guys and girls who were dormant for over 4 years are now resurfacing in broad day light.

My advice for the clever citizens is to be vigilant and not to be off guard.

1. Some parties are like snails.
They are putting out their tentacles and are having a go at the available seats.

2. Bed bugs are the ruling party U.N.P.
Having sucked out the economy they add new taxes to bleed the voter fully dry.

3. Leeches are the cohorts of the ruling party who have a meal once a year and then go into hibernation.

4. The cockroaches are the banks and subservient businesses (Milinda Moragoda type).

5. Newts or the Vali Gowwas are the one without an anus. They are the local mafiosi who gobble every bit of remaining economy and get bloated.

6. Mad Gowwa or Newt is the larval stage of dragon fly.

The Mada Gowwa party is the S.L.F.P.

7. Kala Madiriya or the firefighter party is the Ranatunge Cooperative Cricket party which is throwing flash light with empty cricket rhetoric.
7. Silverfish parties are the new parties that are supported by Chandrika and initiated by Kumara Welgama.

They are many new coalitions that are coming up like mushrooms.

They do not look like rainbow parties.

I am running out of insect species to describe the 186 parties at fray in Ceylon.

Do not get caught to any!

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