Psychoanalisis of Modern Man
It is one of my late discoveries.
I hope somebody could propose me for a Nobel Prize in psychoanalysis.
This should however go to Piaget but he did not publish this in his time (found in his possession as crumbled notes) fearing that if he published it then he would have been sent to the dustbin of history with all his previous writings.
My adaptation of his psychoanalytical theory goes little further than Piaget assumed it to be.
1. Up to 5 years Concrete Operational
2. 5 to 15 years Formal Operational
3. 15 to 35 years Formal but non Functional
4. 35 to 65 years Non operational
5. 65 to 100 years Concrete (Complete) non Operational
In another way of putting these facts of life is as follows.
1. Up to 5 years Ego
2. 5 to 15 years Accelerating Ego
3. 15 to 35 years Decelerating Ego
4. 35 to 65 years Non Ego
5. 65 to 100 years No Ego
( P.S. Unfortunately in Buddhist analysis this is the AK Stage or the Akusal Kaamma Stage. A good and shining example is Mr.Robert Mugabe, the Zanu PA champion, who cannot remember the good ground work he did to begin with).
Buddhist way of Analysis
Lord Buddha and Buddhists’ analyze this in a subtle way.
It is easy to analyze this in modern Banking Terms.
There are only three stages.
1. Deposit Account Stage from birth to 15 years – Kusala Kamma (KK for short)
2. Current Account Stage from 15 to 35 years – Kusala Akusala Kamma (KAK for short)
3. Overdraft Stage from 35 to the end – Akusala Kamma Stage (AK-all Kusala consumed)
Then the Brahma takes over and recruits them to the Animal Kingdom again.
His choices and picks have no overrule in life and matters.
The life cycle begins again with fresh vigour.
P.S. Edited for posterity and prosperity!
The old scheme is Chandasokas becoming Dhammasoks but the modern trend is Dhammasoks becoming Chandasokas. This is what we call the “Abuddhassa Kale (when Buddha’s influence dissipates gradually and the new world order begins) Labuth Thittha Weyi“!
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