Saturday, March 1, 2025

Simplified Psychoanalysis

 Simplified Psychoanalysis

Since I did not receive the noble prize for the Original Web Edition of my psychoanalysis for the last 10 years, I have decided to update my thesis on a simplified and abbreviated edition, thinking that the Nobel prize selectors did not understand the basic tenets and dropped the Buddhist Thematic for simplicity. 

This modification I inherit from one of my class mates who returned from a long stay abroad with his foreign wife. Suddenly lot of my Sinhalese friends have discovered that there is a country called Ceylon in the world map.

They have woken up from their slumber and seemed to have discovered their leonine qualities especially after the thrashing our cricketers gave to Australian cricket outfit struggling to find form.

Anyway beating the underdog should not be taken as heroic feat by lions. 

Lions neat big meat like Indians and South Africans to become true champions.

The simplified version has three stages like the Thun Kal Balma of our politicians (I will write about it, The Thun Kal Balma and the politicians not the three (3) all of us inherit from birth if one is a male) in due course.

1. Number one is the Kid Stage (up to 16 years).

2. Number two is the Tharunnayya or the Young Stage ( from 17 to 35 years).

3. The number three is the Old Stage (from 55 to 65 depending on the pensionable age of the country.

In fact, there is a forth stage from 36 and above since it is called the non-existing stage (especially if one has gone abroad and adopted a foreign sounding name like David, Philip, Lukes and George etc) and I have not included them in my analysis.

This analysis is global in scale and if there is any resemblance or semblance to Sri-Lankan context it is purely accidental and not coincidental.

The Kids Stage is the dependent stage where one does all the work according to the parents or the guardian and one is not liberated from the global clutches of modern education, even if one is a preschool kid.

1. Kids Stage
Kids are taught what others think what is appropriate for them and not what the kids do like most, unlike our schooling days and times. The kids are never restrained or punished or taught there are other kids in the world and discipline is essential only at home an not when one comes to a supermarket or public place. I can have another thesis on this especially the preschool stage and I am reluctant to divulge all the details but I hope you got the global picture and the global village of IT literacy.

The politician’s kids go through this stage very easily and get even Harvard Degree by staying at home. They offer this since when they get out of home like out Tiger Wood there are enormous problems for the security to cover their trails of excesses and travails.

2. Young Stage

The young stage is the most difficult in a democratic country. In this stage he or she has to prepare for the global stage and pass all the global examinations and he needs to know a tongue other than the mother tongue even if he has to bite it or chop it or elongate it to get the correct pronunciation. In this stage politicians and the well to do children go to special collages and the others have to go to some make shift schools especially after the liberation of the mother land from terror.

Now the emphasis is total discipline, no rebellion, no jobs and a poor pocket money to barely to survive, They do not have heroes like Nelson Mandala or Mohamed Ally and there heroes are all celluloid figure’s all Indians and including the like of Harrison Ford of America.
They have to be totally submissive even if they go the University.  

The latest trend is for the Education Minister to have noose around their noses like the bulls pulling the carts in our times. 

This is total immersion or submission like the American water boarding.

The Americans are way ahead in this regard and even Obama is spending lot of money to get this perfected after the shoe throwing incident in Iraq when      Mr. Bush had a push over and a pull over.

The modern trend again is not to have human rights or to exercise the free choice (not applicable for these young men and women).

They have to get a huge loans for education and work hard day and night while the in administration do very little except minor supervision or delegation.

Only French citizens have some reservation about this stage and that is why they came out in numbers against the Nicola Sarkozy’s Reforms. 

Labour Party in England had an elaborate plan to undermine the youth and both Conservatives and the New Liberals are advancing the agenda of Labour without any hesitation and youth are almost dead in their dreams in the West.

Or they advance to the stage four of non-existence fast.

Unfortunately, I see that only in France young has seen the step motherly treatment of them and the violation of the rights of the young to have a job and education of his or her choice.

I think the young in the rest of the world are duped either by the Internet or their parents or teachers or administrators.

Come on boys and girls. come and voice your opinion and choices you would like to have when one has spent the youth and become old.

3. Old Stage

This is the difficult part of my thesis.

1. Should I retire at 55, 60 or 65?

2. Should I be happy with the present pension which each country is offering the senior citizens?

3. Should I continue to hold the job and deprive a young one from ascending?

4. Should I take politics and have a veto power not to give the average citizen his or her dues but increase my own pension?

5. Should I continue to plunder the limited earthly resources including water and alcohol?

6. Should I continue to use all the resources in the health sector?

7. Should I go back to my own country and offer the President / Prime Minister my advice and vices (become an adviser in economics and banking) without caring two hoots to the country or the citizens or the devil incarnation and put all the coffers in my basket?

8. Should I have a golden hand shake?

9. Should I continue to live or make a suffering for the others earthly beings?

This list is endless and all the thoughts are selfish in nature and willful acts of disgrace.

I hope the reader can add his or her choices if is over the pensionable age of his or her choice.

The old stage has never changed in spite of man’s evolution from an ape to a human whether one is a King, Queen, President or Prime Minister.

By hook or by crook hold on to the last feather or thread of life and consume everything the mother nature has to offer.

These are the wishful thinking at old stage.

I think the bubble is going to burst starting from America, if the old cronies in administrations and in politics do something fast to address the needs of the young of today and in future globally.

Obama loosing the House of Representatives is an eyeopener!

Will old generation learn lessons from history?

I do not think.

Psychoanalysis of the Modern Man

This Thesis published as a Web edition is almost 10 years old. 

It is one of my late discoveries.

I hope somebody could propose me for a Nobel Prize in psychoanalysis.

This should however go to Piaget but he did not publish this in his time (found in his possession as crumbled notes) fearing that if he published it then he would have been sent to the dustbin of history with all his previous writings.

My adaptation of his psychoanalytical theory goes little further than Piaget assumed it to be.

1. Up to 5 years Concrete Operational

2. 5 to 15 years Formal Operational

3. 15 to 35 years Formal but non Functional

4. 35 to 65 years Non operational

5. 65 to 100 years Concrete (Complete) non Operational

In another way of putting these facts of life is as follows.

1. Up to 5 years Ego

2. 5 to 15 years Accelerating Ego

3. 15 to 35 years Decelerating Ego

4. 35 to 65 years Non Ego

5. 65 to 100 years No Ego

When this theory is applied in a scientific way to politics and science the revealing facts are fantastic.


The politicians also go through the child stage and the dog stage up to about 15 years and having achieved nothing in this period he would go to the stooge stage abruptly (Formal but non Functional Stage) and becoming subservient to his political masters. 

At 35 years he goes to the Killer Stage
By default according to my latest analysis (Non Operational Brain Stage) at this stage they do not get any new ideas and depend on others ideas for survival (for example All Party Conferences). 

In this stage they start killing others ideas within the same party and if they cannot do that they physically eliminate them.
Then they turn to the opposing parties and start abusing and eliminating them until they culminate in coming to the helm by hook or by crook.
The final culmination of all the hard work is that they become the rulers (The President or Prime Minister) without any new ideas or common sense (Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush were now not- functioning shining examples). 

(P.S. Unfortunately in Buddhist analysis this is the AK Stage or the Akusal Kaamma Stage. A good and shining example is Mr. Robert Mugabe, the Zanu PA champion, who cannot remember the good ground work he did to begin with).

They project all ideas of the others as their own and Mr. Reagan is a dead certain example and was a very good actor at that.


Coming to Scientists they go through the Discovering Stage (rather learning) up to 35 years. Then they go to the Discovered Stage. They do some hard work and at the end they find all these have been already discovered by others.
Having discovered this fact at a later stage of their career they have no urge for living and die prematurely at around 65 years of age (looking for a better life next time).

Buddhist way of Analysis

Lord Buddha and Buddhists’ analyze this in a subtle way.

It is easy to analyze this in modern Banking Terms.

There are only three stages.

1. Deposit Account Stage from birth to 15 years – Kusala Kamma (KK for short)

2. Current Account Stage from 15 to 35 years – Kusala Akusala Kamma (KAK for short)

3. Overdraft Stage from 35 to the end – Akusala Kamma Stage (AK-all Kusala consumed)

Then the Brahma takes over and recruits them to the Animal Kingdom again.

His choices and picks have no overrule in life and matters.

The life cycle begins again with fresh vigour.


Edited for posterity and prosperity!
The old scheme is Chandasokas becoming Dhammasoks but the modern trend is Dhammasoks becoming Chandasokas. This is what we call the “Abuddhassa Kale (when Buddha’s influence dissipates gradually and the new world order begins) Labuth Thittha Weyi“!

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