Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu founder

Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu founder

Of course, there are bound to be radical opinions every time such a dramatic change takes place. 

But what does Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu founder, thinks about Unity? 

Here is an extract from an interview by OMG! Ubuntu!, published last week: 

"Q: Are you satisfied with Unity in the recent Ubuntu version? 

Shuttleworth: Yes, though I recognise there are issues, and I would not be satisfied unless we fixed many of them in 11.10. In the end, when we reviewed bug lists, stability and experience, Unity was the best option for the average user upgrading or installing. There are LOTS of people for whom it isn't the best, but we had to choose a default position. I think we walked that line admirably. I appreciated the open discussion that was had, and it made me more confident in the final position; that decision is best taken by the desktop team, and they were arguing in favour of Unity, and they had my support for that." Nevertheless, even with the positive tone, the Ubuntu leader accepts that there are things that will need to be addressed in the next release: "There's lot to learn, that can only be learned in reasonable time by getting code into a wide deployment. Some decisions I regret and we'll evaluate alternatives, some we'll tweak."

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