I love cricket.
West Indies and Australians brought cricket to limelight whereas, English cricket administrators doing their best with the help of Indians to ruin it.
These comments, I have picked up from 80 year old Ian Chappel with my own insinuations.
Just look at a 1970 and 1980 cricket games West Indies against Australia.
Even captain Andy Roberts would play a hard game to run three runs.
There are occasions they have run 4 runs under scorching sunshine.
It was not a bollywood game played by actors and actresses.
1. Long time ago, Cricket grounds were big.
Indians made cricket grounds smaller.
2. Scoring a six was difficult on those big grounds.
Indians made cricket grounds so that six is normal and boundary is rare.
Three runs the rarest of all!
I think Indian must get the Bollywood girls to play on these small grounds.
3. Just look at Vivian Richards.
They used to work hard running between wickets and they were very athletic.
Given current small grounds Vivian would have scored twice as much.
In other words, each run is worths twice of todays runs.
Each six today is equivalent to four runs those days.
Only exception is Glen Maxwell.
4. These guys were not interested in statistics.
They play the game by merit.
5. They never made cricket grounds to suit the guest country.
Getting a team out under 100 was rare.
Getting 300 was rare then.
6. It used to be a male dominant game and balls and bats were made according to a tradition.
7. It is rare to see a wicket cartwheeling!
So me not watching Indian Cricket is a natural phenomenon.
8. I was pleased when India lost.
9. That is what happens when cricket becomes politicized.
10. I want cricket becoming an Olympic Game and a Global Entity.
11. Do not make cricket a bookie game for
Sumathipala, Shammi Silva, Ranatunge and Wijedasa family game.
12. Above all do not make cricket a lady's game!
Thursday, November 30, 2023
How Indians Ruined Cricket
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Rape, Attempt at Rape and Illegal Complaints
I was a medical man but I am a civilian off Legal Entanglements for the past 23 years.
I can talk like a citizen.
1. Legal system should NOT be biased.
There should be equal opportunity for parties both accused and the complainant especially, if the complaint is false and a cooked up story created abroad.
2. Accused is presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
3. Complainant has the burden to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
4. In a case of rape accused should make an immediate complaint to the police and the police should subject her to medical examination as soon as possible to obtain vital information and specimens.
5. It is the duty of the doctor (expert witness) to examine quickly and preserve productions and give a duplicate sample to the victim for independent examination.
6. I have caught a few paedophiliacs in England as part of my duty.
There was a English Prime Minister who was an ace paedophiliac.
There were 37 paedophiliacs in the parliament during my time.
I left UK long time ago and my last case was a policeman.
7. Attempted rape is a ploy to get compensation.
It is always dicy for the complainant.
8. I represent the innocent who are accused wrongly.
This is a political game politicians use to hoodwink the voter.
There are over 50 criminals in our parliament and stupid voters have voted them in.
Voters need not be sent to prison since their life in Ceylon is a living (hell) prison worse than the Palestine under Zionists.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Transgender "Cow Boys" Destroying Women Sports
These "Cow Boys" are born with a man's body and is a disgrace to sports.
I am one who is against Woke Culture of Biden.
Equality and Equity do not apply to transgender guys.
They are genetically males.
As a medical man I say one has to be diagnosed genetically not phenotypically.
I think most Sports Administrators are homosexuals and got confused in the process of identifying their own sex identity and orientation.
It is a very bad thing in administration!
Bed Head Ticket and Diagnostic Tips
This is just to expose the duplicity of medical wheeler dealing in public and private hospitals.
1. Blood picture is one of those tests that can discover many underlying diseases and rarely requested in present day setup.
Coulter blood count is almost superfluous and rarely diagnose disease in early stages.
Whereas, a simple blood picture (by a competent guy or girl) can diagnose liver diseases, kidney diseases and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (advanced stage of shock).
2. Blood count does not help except in an advanced stage of leukaemia.
There is a cell called Natural Killer Cell in the blood picture.
This is the cell that eliminates cancer cells and gives a clue to underlying cancer.
During D.J.V.P. insurrection, I used to go to the laboratory secretly, during lunch time and examine (preliminary screening) all the blood films.
There was a blood film of a GP on the tray.
I examined it and found a lot of Natural Killer Cells (simple staining) and I wanted to talked to the surgeon (our PR guy).
I told him this guy has a prostate cancer and did you do a PR.
He said NO.
He asked how do you know?
I told him you have to put your foot in.
He got the message!
This guy (GP) had been coming to the hospital for nealy 9 months and nobody had considered an underlying serious condition.
He did have a prostate cancer and I did not explore anymore.
It brings me to the next topic.
4. Next important thing for me is the Temperature Chart.
This guy who presented with underlying cancer would have had a consistently elevated basal temperature.
His presentation was PUO or Pyrexia of Unknown Origin.
There is a standard procedure for PUO.
5. Next important thing is ESR.
Things were bad under Sirimavo and NM time.
I did neither had a MLT nor a Microscope at my Base Hospital.
I did not have any facilities and ESR was the only test.
I managed to get a stock of capillary tubes.
ESR had to be mounted everyday by 8AM.
I come to ward at 9AM.
I look at the serum and diagnose hepatitis and I confirm that with the sclera.
Hepatitis was endemic then.
Cholera was sporadic.
Careful examination above the serum would indicate the platelet status (low or high).
Malaria had to be diagnosed with the temperature chart but I took several blood films and sent them to the MRI for confirmation.
List can go on but let me stop here by saying that every test has to be supported with BHT records.
Otherwise, it becomes a hapless routine!
Reliability of the tests is fundamental to the diagnosis.
Specificity and Sensitivity are the key components.
None of the current tests is specific nor sensitive in the 21st century.
I can kick the bucket now in peace and I won't subject to any of these tests except at the Border Zone of a country for a VISA application.
They are only interested in Tuberculosis which is very difficult to diagnose.
In closing, I must state, one of my aunts who was a nurse was diagnosed as a cancer but she died of tuberculosis.
Everybody missed it!
I was never consulted but duly attended the funeral.
"Rare manifestation of commoner diseases are commoner than rare diseases" is a catch phrase in medicine.
She did have all the tell tale signs and a few symptoms.
Perhaps, she would have hid the symptoms to the five girls in the family (fairly well educated).
Uncle I reserve my comments, perhaps he may have had some grudge with my father.
My father of course neglected us and cared for them until they were fully employed.
From them, I have not received even an extra nib for my pen that got me to the university.
Once I made it a point to state that fact emphatically.
He blushed.
I used to love Parker Pens and I still have one as a souvenir.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Playing Games on Linux Distributions
Linux can run Windows games using Wine or Proton.
SteamOS is a game dedicated Linux distribution.
Sparky Linux Gamer is another distribution.
Nvidia graphic cards have proprietary drivers but most new Linux distributions have compatible drivers in their kernel already incorporated.
AMD and Intel GPUs support Linux and one need not worry about the drivers.
1. Search for Steam iso and install it.
2. Proton layer to support games.
3. There is also GE Proton for incompatible games.
4. Epic Game Store.
Needs official client launcher called Heroic.
Download and install heroic.
5. UBSOFT or Origin
User defined script is necessary.
Lutris game manager is used.
6. Battle Neck and Blizzard Games
7. GOG
8. Tools
Science (Practical) Education in Ceylon
J.R.J. thought by giving educational books free to students he would improve education in Ceylon.
He thought by ruining public schools and universities he could start private (fee paying) learning institutes.
They (private partners) were interested in only Medical Schools, so that the rich people have easy passage to medical degrees.
This did not include dentistry.
This lead to protest and students forming students unions.
For over 30 years school books were never updated.
R.W. 24-03-1949
King 14-11-1948
Anura 15.02-1949
Trump 14-06-1946
Biden. 20-11-1942
Putin. 07-20-1952
Boris 19-06-1962
Sunak 12-05-1980
Cameron 09-10-1966
Albanese 02-03-1963
Rajapaksa 18-11-1945
Prabhakaran 26-11-1954
Global Knowledge Index Ceylon is 91st out of 133.
This piece is mainly on use of microscopes.
Most students have never seen a microscope until they enter a leading university.
Most of them have never seen a telescope.
I do not think we have an Electron Microscopes (not a necessity, anyway,) in Ceylon.
When we were students in Peradeniya we had one and it broke down within one year.
I was fascinated by simple microscope as a school kid.
I did spent my own money to by a digital microscope (student type) for my own research work and it is still in working order.
Our students only look at enlarged pictures of microscopic features at school and expect them to see them under a simple microscope.
When they cannot see those features they become confused and agitated.
They have never seen a blood film let alone a malaria (somebody in the internet say malaria is a virus) parasite.
They cannot identify a macrophage, lymphocyte, basophil, eosinophil and a neutrophil.
Laboratory technicians I have trained in Private sector are better than an average doctor in Ceylon.
When I was working in the Dental Faculty we managed to get 25 microscope from Japan and after 25 years none of them are serviceable!
That is the status of higher education in Ceylon.
Regarding advance level practical examinations were cancelled them in 1969 under Education Minister Iriyagolla.
Nanda Matthews and Cyril Matthews ruined our education.
Please do not confuse with Angelo Matthews!
Except the King, I am older than Putin and many of the Western Prime Ministers.
They were born well after my graduation.
I do not intend to volunteer any advice in education reforms including politics.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Beg Bugs, Leeches, Snails, Cockroaches and Vali Gowwas
This piece is not about insects but about political parties in Ceylon.
I am a naturalist like Darwin.
I love nature and they are inhabitants of our nature and these species have adapted their physiology and anatomy for survival.
All these politicians are by default and nature are animalistic in their actions and behaviour.
Now it is evident that N.P.P. is heading in opinion polls, the guys and girls who were dormant for over 4 years are now resurfacing in broad day light.
My advice for the clever citizens is to be vigilant and not to be off guard.
1. Some parties are like snails.
They are putting out their tentacles and are having a go at the available seats.
2. Bed bugs are the ruling party U.N.P.
Having sucked out the economy they add new taxes to bleed the voter fully dry.
3. Leeches are the cohorts of the ruling party who have a meal once a year and then go into hibernation.
4. The cockroaches are the banks and subservient businesses (Milinda Moragoda type).
5. Newts or the Vali Gowwas are the one without an anus. They are the local mafiosi who gobble every bit of remaining economy and get bloated.
6. Mad Gowwa or Newt is the larval stage of dragon fly.
The Mada Gowwa party is the S.L.F.P.
7. Kala Madiriya or the firefighter party is the Ranatunge Cooperative Cricket party which is throwing flash light with empty cricket rhetoric.
7. Silverfish parties are the new parties that are supported by Chandrika and initiated by Kumara Welgama.
They are many new coalitions that are coming up like mushrooms.
They do not look like rainbow parties.
I am running out of insect species to describe the 186 parties at fray in Ceylon.
Do not get caught to any!
Singapore Now
1. It is very expensive.
2. Singapore airline fees have gone up by (6) six fold.
3. Duty free are expensive and very poor selection.
4. Buy your wine from the wine stores outside not at departure lounge.
5. It is very crowded.
6. Airport Hotel for overnight stay is always booked.
7. Sleeping on an armchair after missing a connection flight is not pleasurable.
8. Food at the airport is expensive.
9. Books in bookshops are expensive.
10. Underground train is always crowded.
11. On one of the occasions I had 10 days of delicious English Treats.
They had just opened a new City Hotel.
My luck came indirectly.
I have only one meal a day when travelling since I hate public toilets.
Hotel toilets are reasonable.
Hotel breakfast is ordinary and I love garlic bread (Macdonald type) and they never made a good one in the hotel, I stayed.
So by 9AM I come out for Window shopping.
Also look for a single good meal.
Bananas are my favorites.
Morning dosai at Komala Villa are nutritious and delicious.
I HATE rice.
This hotel made a Open Display" of morning/afternoon English and Italian food in a street corner.
They were expensive until 1PM and after that they sold the balance left, at cut rate to close the shop to save overtime for salesmen.
This was a bonus for me and the items were fresh.
I bought them in bulk for the full day and the next morning breakfast.
For 10 days I had Super English Meals at cut rate and on the 10th day I was flying back.
Regarding drinks, I have a favourite yogurt milk in Singapore (not Greek yogurt) and tea and coffee I made myself from the hotel stuff.
No alcohol at all!
Cake and the Crow or Kaputa Saha Keju Kella
This piece is about my Singapore Sojourns.
I was working at Negambo and on Friday night I go to Singapore and come back on, a week Monday morning for morning work.
I was working at Sath Samudura (father) creator's Dispensary as a hired hand.
It was running at a loss and his son who was a Lecturer in Physiology (MRCP U.K.) in Colombo, University did not know how to manage the place with a big nursing staff.
I took up the challenge with an understanding that he should fire any staff member who does not fit in with the system.
I came home on Friday evening having named two
1. Matron
2. A Labourer who was sleeping on the Operating Table of the small OP Theater.
I noticed all post op cases had a nasty wound operation and V.O.G. was the culprit.
I had a little tussle with him and told him if he is arrogant to any of my staff, I would blacklist him and he cannot come after that.
I made the same threat at a Colombo Private Hospital to blacklist consultants who were arrogant and late in their appointments.
I did reverse ventilate the OP Theater and bugs were removed and no more infections during my time, there.
Within 3 months we broke even and by the time I left to Zew Zealand it was running smoothly and profitable with full bed capacity.
I was studying for NZREX Examination of New Zealand which was held in Singapore while working, there..
I managed to diagnose a case of Histoplasmosis, which was passed as leukaemia by several consultants.
It is called bird fanciers diseases and pet shops and aquarium are common there.
I had over 40 pet fish tanks at home and was trying to breed zebras and pearl gouramis.
I was the only one out of 25 candidates from Ceylon who passed Stage I and II of the 4 part examination.
Part III and IV were held in NZ.
I hated New Zealand and came back after 2 years.
Read the piece here on New Zealand.
In Singapore, I used to stay at a particular cottage hotel off Sarangoon Road.
It was cheap and was run by an Indian Indian (Not Singaporean Indian).
Bed bugs, cockroaches and houseflies were worse than in Ceylon.
I cannot believe, Singapore has come up so quickly and my last stay there in a different hotel was very expensive and I came back home after 5 days.
Mind you, rebooking is expensive on Singapore Airline and you could guess how much I saved by coming home early.
Coming back to Singapore and Kaputa Saha Keju Kella, I visited an Indian lady in Singapore on her invitation for a dinner.
One of my young relatives was staying with her and I made it a point to see him every time, I go there.
He knew better places in Woodlands for cheaper shopping.
I only knew Musthapa and Sarangoon road.
Orchard road was like London Reagent Street and bookshops were my only attraction, there.
This lady put a garden party for us.
On that very same day, she coined a nick name for me.
Kaputa was that nickname!
That's the only Sinhala word she picked from me.
I may have said, "I eat like a Kaputa" (her food was nice and spicy with lot of chillies) and I did not pick the hot stuff.
She had some land in Malaysia and promised to take us there and I could not make it, since my work in New Zealand was heavy.
My other nickname was Singapore Charlie.
That came after a bizarre incident.
My postgraduate roommate who was a distinguished professor met me in Singapore, one day.
He was staying at an expensive hotel and was paying the hotel bill from his meager allowance.
I told him, he could join me and save some money (besides he should learn few tricks and save some money for a bottle of good spirits).
Of course we had a bit of a gossipy chat.
He was coming home on the same flight and university vehicle was waiting for him for the return journey.
I could join a free ride.
The understanding was if he gets drunk I would drop him at home, and if I get drunk he should drop me at home.
So we consumed a lot and onboard alcohol was free those days, unlike now.
We were almost dead drunk and when we were about to land in Colombo, an Italian guy who could not read English asked me to fill the disembarkation slip.
I said OK but my fee is Free Alcohol he gets onboard.
So we had a Top Up.
The name Singapore Charley was bestowed on me, on one mistake, I made in my entire married life.
My wife and daughter were waiting to pick me home.
I instead I jumped the University Van.
Half way through, when we were having hoppers at a joint (hoppers are my favourites) I realized the mistake (no cellphones then) and I had to prepare for a "Big Onslaught" of my life.
Came home and told my mother in law, my impending plight, the next day.
Of course my wife had checked the manifest at the airport and verified my landing and went to Negambo Private hospital with my daughter to sleep.
I did go to sleep knowing very well, I may not be able sleep for two nights.
Yes, the onslaught went on for two days and I did not utter a single word.
My luggage was full of presents and we never had a fight after that.
Lessons learnt!
1. No drinks on flight.
2. Teetotaler now.
3. Never forget wish list and presents.
4. Kaputa changed to Singapore Charlie.
5. Never plan short holidays.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Parliamentary VISA Application
This is a simple request from Speaker of the House.
It is very funny in a democracy speaker cannot speak.
Since he can write and my request is simple.
Better still he could publish this data on a web page.
He has to fill only 225 (including himself) VISA Forms giving the following details.
For example he can use Wira Wansa as a model case.
This should be published on or before the 1st of January, 2024 which is our election year.
1. Name of each parliamentarian.
2. His aliases like Loka Hora, Podi Malli, Harak Kata, Boru Wansa, Putta Pul Boru Yaka, Nalla Thambi, Sinna Thambi
3. His birth date and birth certificates.
4. Forged birth certificates.
5. Sex
6. Sexual orientation including Woke Culture.
7. Spouse and spouses of spouses, old and new.
8. Illegal dealing like prostitutes and massage parlours they frequent so ordinary citizens could avoid them.
9. Number of ID cards and Passports old and new.
10. Dual or Triple Citizenship.
11. How mamy criminal offences from birth listed, decade by decade.
12. How many bank accounts.
13. Business addresses
14. Business partners both legal and illegal.
15. How many cell phones they own and the number of SIM cards.
16. Foreign travels and future itineraries.
17. Smuggled items including gems, gold and living souls, including prostitutes travelling with them.
18. Their favorite sports and games.
19. Number of casinos they own.
20. Number of promises
21. Registered party
22. Forged Membership in other parties
23. How many bars they own.
24. How many bars the spouse owns.
25. Income Tax portfolio and declarations.
26. Number loans they have absconded from paying.
27. Name of their Thug Groups and Buvallas
This is like a revolving door and list is expanding.
I will stop at this level, for the time beings.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Sports Fitness and Injuries
Let me start with my own story.
Peradeniya university has a model gymnasium and sports facilities except a swimming pool.
No problem, there is a nice stream that flows to Mahaveli River from Hantana range.
(There is a swimming pool now, but not maintained properly).
We used to have a dip in this stream and on Saturdays, I used to take my car up and have a dip with my kids.
As an undergraduate, I used to do the military drill round the athletic track before, I play at least 90 minutes of hockey.
When there is an invitation cricket game like Kehelgamuva playing against, a foreign team we used to climb the trees to watch the game with a panoramic view.
Then I used to go to the gymnasium and play some TT or badminton.
Last thing was to climbing the rope.
I never did weight lifting or any muscle exercises.
Simple reason is "all build up" muscles disappear within 6 months.
More pertinent point was I knew my limit and tolerance.
I only had muscle cramps twice.
Once in first year and second in the fourth year after Inter Faculty athletic meet.
I think I did 9 events (6 was the limit) including 3 relays.
If one takes the military drill it amounts to 10 or decathlon.
What kept me fit was the military drill and climbing the wall was the most difficult part.
It gives the overall balance and my glycogen store was in trim condition since the food in the halls of residence was better than at home. Muscle glycogen is released during anaerobic metabolism and each individual has a certain capacity to store glycogen.
That is the limiting factor.
There are two types of muscle fibers.
Type I slow type of fibers are seen in long distance runners. The glycogen store is released slowly and hence the endurance.
Type II fast type of fibers are seen in sprinters. They are depleted fast.
Of course fatty acida are also utilized during work load.
I think coconut pol sambol, fish (I stopped eating beef) and beef liver at home were enough to keep me fit.
No vitamin supplements, at all except Vitamin C and a glass of beer on Saturdays with a good friend.
My friends used to change every week lest I was identified as a homosexual.
I have an aversion for homosexuals especially if they are politicians.
We have plenty of homosexuals in Ceylonese politics and in our National Cricket.
Injuries and when to Retire
I have had only three injuries all my life. They were minor injuries but one needed stitches.
1. One on my forehead as a kid hit by a makeshift hockey stick made out of a tree branch.
By the way, I used to make my own cricket bat out of imported wood.
I made several and donated to my cousins and friends.
My father never helped me but may be once he made a table tennis racket which I never used.
2. One injury was on my shin when a guy who never played hockey put the stick around my leg.
We did not have a referee and he was immediately thrown out and I continued to playing after an Elastoplast patch.
3. Third injury was when I was 35 or 37.
I had come home from UK and we were playing a softball cricket game at the university hockey grounds.
We did not have 11 players and I was in placed deep mid wicket.
I got a chance to run out the batsman.
By the way, I was bad both in batting and bowling but my only asset was catching and fielding.
I took the aim and tried to throw hard and I felt a tear coming in one of my upper arm muscles (I have forgotten the name of the muscle) and I decided NOT to throw, in midway process.
I was more concerned about the injury than the run out.
Besides, I would have missed the target due to the impending tear.
It was bit painful but I immediately retired and never played a game again.
Fortunately, the tear was not bad but left a stricture and I cannot shampoo my back of my the chest, at at a particular level.
But I make it a point to stretch the torn muscle every time I have a bathe.
The bottom line is when the time comes one should retire.
Of course that injury did not interfere with my snooker and billiards.
I think with so many crush injuries to his hands I think our Sana (Sanath Jayasuriya) cannot beat me in a game of billiards.
I am joking!
If I meet him, I would offer him a cup of excellent Green Tea with a pinch of Cider Vinegar.
This combination is supposed to be good for scalp hair and I am bit like him with silver grey hair.
My advice for him, if anybody requests him to join cricket administration he should flatly refuse.
Current sports minister is a crook and S.B. is an ace crook.
"Nivan Sapa Labewa" to Cricket.
"Death to Ceylon Cricket" is the English translation.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Diplomatic Immunity
I had diplomatic immunity for one year in 1989.
Nobody wanted to join this institution but I volunteered.
The doctor before me ran away to UK.
Only one guy told me to go ahead and accept the challenge and my family was ambivalent.
The guy who said YES is an alcoholic now but I tried to help him but could not.
I never managed to wean him off from alcohol.
Alcoholic is always an alcoholic!
I will deal with the alcoholic part later.
My attraction was sports.
There was a swimming pool and I was in charge of it.
My job was to keep it free of viral hepatitis.
I did it with chlorine and the cost of one treatment was Rs.500,000/=.
My pay was tiny fraction of chlorine!
We had a tennis court and a squash court and I could play neither with those huge guys.
I did play table tennis and badminton.
After Peradeniya University that was the best sports academy, I ever worked.
Peradeniya did not have a swimming pool, then but I did managed to complete the swimming pool project as a seconded officer.
I was sports president, then and we managed to collect the first Rs.100,000/= and placed it in a fix deposit.
I trained the swimming pool guy to do the chlorination for our safety.
I never had a dip there.
I think it is in run down state under Ra Nil (blue toddy guy). They never reimburse the money for chlorination.
But my forte was the billiard table and I used to beat all the white guys at the table.
My charge for winning was only a glass of beer.
Now I am teetotaler but I was not then.
To add to that problem I was in charge of the Bar, apart from supervising the restaurant and the barbecue menu.
Good foreign alcohol was in short supply then.
The bar tender used to break the seals and adulterate it with Pol Arrack.
My clients got the sniff of it and asked me to take over the store.
Gladly, I did.
Key was with me.
The bar tender had to open the seal of each bottle in front of me and record each tot.
The payment is made at the end of the month.
It was similar to University "Water Hole" the money was debited from our salary at the end of the month (we used to drink on credit).
I told him I will sack him if he adulterates even a peg.
I always had my favourite wine never above 2 pegs since my snooker cues go berserk beyond that level.
The guy mentioned above who said I joined the unit used join me for a drink since rest of the places were closed. I do not think I made him an alcoholic.
He could not play snooker.
There was another guy whom I cannot remember (may be an accountant) used to come to the club and trained him to play.
He picked up the game and I use to beat him in the last five minutes.
Being a good sportsman, I let him beat me in the last game (the place was unceremoniously closed) since I owed him a beer for joining me.
Besides, he can brag about that I beat the doctor in the last game.
If I remember right, I took home all the sticks, jumpers and stands home.
It was sad to realize when I was in New Zealand the Mason Basses had used them to do thier work of lining and my mother in law did not intervene.
Hockey sticks were safe.
There was no billard marker. He lost his job.
It was open on Poya Days, too (for me and the foreign guys).
On, one Poya day a policeman on duty came for a drink and he wanted to take a bottle away.
I said NO!
He can drink any amount on my account but he cannot take anything away.
My security was supposed to be guaranteed but I never trusted him.
Billiards prevented me from becoming an alcoholic!
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Indian Bookies, Drug Dealers, Prostitutes and Ceylon Cricket
It is obvious Indian Bookies, Drug Dealers and Prostitutes are involved in match fixing.
At least 18 of our cricketers are involved in this racket, starting from 2006.
ICC knows about these dealing and it is for them to declare these shoddy deals.
If not we have to believe even ICC guys are also bought by the Indian bookies.
Mohan Silva had made a written complaint in 2006 without naming the names.
No proper inquiry was made.
That is how Indians operate in Ceylon.
Not only cricket they operate in Politics and other affairs.
One Shot Doctor of Ceylon Cricket Board
I go as an ordinary civilian and I have the right to criticize doctors.
Sanath had a tear on one of the intercostal muscles and I told him it takes 6 to 8 weeks of normal healing time.
He was probably waiting for a local injection.
It was related to his bowling and I told he is more important as a batsman.
I told him it would worsen the injury.
I was doing some work on management for Navaloka Hospital related to National Quality Award (they got the award in 1994 or 1995).
I hired a guy to write the protocol book for Navaloka while attending 3 months course conducted by the government quality control unit.
The lady who conducted this unit died of a cancer related to chemicals she may have used in chemical analysis.
It is mandatory if females are used in chemical industry they are warned of consequences including liver damage.
I forget the name of the institute.
Standard Bureau of Quality Assurance or something like that.
Air Force attended this course.
I did work at Navaloka Hospital and I just happened to meet him (I did not ask him why he came to Navaloka).
Sanath was a simple man and listened to my simple advise and broke the Brian Lara record next time round.
It is the player who knows the gravity of the injury and not these "One Shot Doctors".
I hear there are 30 odd guys who drain the cricket board's money.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Adult Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
This is a common (missed) disorder in adults.
ADHD or attention deficit syndrome is a behaviour disorder usually first noticed in childhood and often missed.
1. Inattention
2. Impulsive
3. Hyperactivity
4. Short Attention Span
5. Difficulty in focusing
6. Absent mindedness
7. Fidgeting
8. Aggression
9. Irritability
10. Excitability
11. Lack of restraint
12. Persistent repetition of actions
13. Persistent repetition of words
14. Result in learning difficulty
15. Results in problem solving.
Unfortunately these habits may not improve but progressed into adulthood and result in loss of job opportunity.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Father / Mother to Son Politics without Firewall
This is not about Linux but Politics.
Ceylon Politics has no Firewall to protect Family Domination.
It goes from father to son or mother to son.
This trend needs to be destroyed.
I do not agree with Kumara Welgama but he is free to let one of his sons taking up politics.
But I am opposed to Wijedasa Rajapaksa putting his son to the Cricket Board Interim Committee.
This guy with a PhD is the worst introduction to politics by Chandrika.
He is a born Wheeler Dealer.
He is worse than S.B.
He changes his party every 4 to 5 years.
If I am the Ministry of Legal Affairs, first thing I do is to pass a law to unseat a MP who crosses the party lines and move to another party.
No problem becoming independent member and voting with his or her conscience.
Not only that I would have legislation to have a By-Election within 6 weeks after cross over.
These legislations were there and Wijayananda Dahanayake of Galle was a classic example.
There is nobody with conscience in the parliament but prostitutes, betting agents and drug dealers.
There is lot of money exchanged (BRIBES) for a List MP post.
The parliament is a haven for the underworld.
Any MP can be bought for money and that includes Minister of Sports.
For that matter, I hate Sirimavo in power and out of power.
In fact, I was one who was politically active to oust Sirimavo.
We introduced Sick Notes!
We were sick of Sirimavo!
Of course, the replacement J.R.J. was the biggest CURSE of Ceylon.
If he did not come into power L.T.T.E. problem would not have fested this country.
By the way, I was away from this country but happened to be here on the day of the mocked referendum (on 10 day holiday).
In later years, I took a leading role to send Mahinda home.
I need not worry now, Professor Niomal Ranjith Devasiri is more versatile.
I have already named two sons from one party and my friend Rajitha Senaratne's son has had a bad omen.
Please note Rajitha's father was a well established medical practitioner.
I am ambivalent to this father, mother and son or daughter inheritance of politics.
If the guy is a dud one what else the parent can do?
I must state an action I did with the help of the PSU President.
I represented the sports union not politics.
My friend was from the Arts Faculty and he was not fluent in English.
I did the talking.
How come?
It is simple, Sir?
The P.S.U has lot of money.
All the previous Student Leaders misappropriated this money.
We made a proposal to state that, any expense, in excess of Rs.100/=, a valid receipt should be provided to the Bursar for Remuneration.
We signed the proposal and we did not say anything to our mates for over 2 decades.
Yes, for about 7 years there wasn't a single major student's strike in Peradeniya University.
I believe J.V.P. bypassed this by "Tin Kata" or Collecting Tins.
I never put a cent to a PIN KATA.
I think the Cricket Board has a big PIN Katayak which belonged to Sumathipala, Dharmadasa, Shammi Perera and now Wijedasa (Puthage).
Monday, November 13, 2023
Amazing Australian Railways
Australia is not a country but a continent.
Strangely it has only 6 or 8 big cities all along the coast except Alive Springs.
There is wast stretch of land not inhabited.
It has many type of railway tracks from small gauge to standard gauge.
Melbourne of course has underground train.
The biggest anomaly is there are driverless robotic train in the outback.
Do not panic!
No passengers and these trains carry minerals and coal from outback to the ports.
These are maintained by the virtual computer technology.
I am yet to travel by the surface train.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Dimbulagala Nayaka Thero Assassination
Dimbulagala is in Pollonnaruwa.
Dimbulagala Nayaka Thero was a classic figure who was very popular among Tamils.
He has done enough to improve the quality of life for both Tamil and Sinhala civilians.
He has been active there from 1950.
Both Sirimavo and J.R.J. hated this Thero since he was politically neutral.
They feared that he had political ambitions.
Probably not.
To this day both U.N.P. and S.L.F.P together cannot muster 60% of the vote.
Nearly 40% abstain from voting.
This assassination is not motivated by L.T.T.E. and they have publicly declared, so.
There was no political need for L.T.T.E. to engage in such an activity in Polonnaruwa.
However, local politicians may have had a hand in it.
To silence the Maha Thero.
It was apparent they were not professional killers but a rag tag team assembled to score the political objective.
It is said that the killers communicated in Sinhala and not in Tamil.
Reason for my interest is my father in law went there with a team to meditate there.
I was invited to join but I said no.
He was not allowed to go there long before this assassination.
I sensed something nasty would happen having heard his (Thero) speeches.
Unfortunately it did happen.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Ceylonese abroad, how they treat you
This is not about all Ceylonese but the majority living abroad.
Good example is Nagananda Kodituwakku, self acclaimed saviour of Ceylon.
You just ask him with your VISA formalities and he will quote you thousands of rules and regulations, some of them are not yet in the statutory and refuse to help you.
The same guy will ask you to contribute money to save mother Lanka and hoodwink you.
Quite similar is Sepala Amarasinghe who pretends to be neutral but a "Cat Paw" of J.V.P.
I think he gets money from J.V.P.
I call him the Baka Panditha!
Both are playing a dangerous game!
Professor Niomal Devasiri Ranjith is the one who can get US out of the deep political pit but he cannot do it by himself and current university structure is completely dysfunctional due to various reasons.
Please do not get caught to these digital guys.
They come up like mushrooms!
Politics is volatile in Ceylon and I believe
Dharshana Hapangoda is different and he is the First Guy who introduced the independent and alternative channel for Ceylonese.
There is another channel run by a few of Colombo university graduates who have no understanding of Ceylon beyond probably Kaleniya and Ragama.
I call this the Gossip Channel and do not watch them.
I am off the target but generalization is one of my techniques.
1. Do not believe these guys when they come home during winter.
They cannot afford the bills and come home to hibernate.
The VISA probably is pending.
I met a guy in Kandy. He was 2 years junior to me in colleague and could not enter the university.
He pretended not to know me.
I thought, he wanted to have a cup of tea.
He could have easily join me.
I had just finished my cuppa but I did not clear the table for him.
He vanished.
I am planning to write a long essay on how the air industry changed over the past 40 years.
My first hand experience in UK which I cannot include in that essay is dished out here.
My first visit to UK was tense.
My brother had left UK and he was in Kuwait.
He deposited a big sum for me to last at least 3 months in UK but without a job I did not want to go on a spending free.
I did have few friends and none of them were established in their own fields.
Rest of them were in USA and I had no intention of going to USA.
I worked with a guy in Ceylon who was 10 years senior and two of his brothers were in UK.
He said he could ask one of them to pick me at the airport and I could stay a couple of days with him.
He was married to an Irish airline hostess and they were living in near Heathrow in Hounslow.
The Council House was small and I had to share the toilet with the dog.
The place was filthy and after 10 days I decided to move to a residence of a doctor who promised accomodation for a few days.
He was Colombo graduate and he was named "Kota Uda Doctor".
That was his favorite Sinhala phrase when things go wrong.
His wife was a doctor (she craftily joined my unit in General Hospital, Colombo) and she went to UK before me.
Her plan was to get the VISA formalities attended in Colombo while working in General Hospital.
She had no understanding in haematology and I had to do all the bone marrow biopsies and venipunctures.
By the way, by shear accident I diagnosed a case of Red Cell Leukaemia!
Her mother could not speak a word in English and I was coerced to accompany her.
I said yes.
One day this old lady came to me and said Vi Ka Ra Ge.
I was puzzled and the street name was Vicarage Road.
First Kota Uda and now Vi Ka Ra Ge and I kept myself self amused.
On the 10th day this woman (lady part is dropped now) gave me the Eviction Notice (on a Saturday).
I was shocked!
I paid a courtesy call having secured a job and they had moved out of Vicarage Road, Watford.
I never so them again.
I stayed in two other places and I was dished out in 4 days and 7 days unceremoniously.
So never trust a guy who offer you help abroad.
I packed my things quickly and on Sunday morning went out looking for a cheap motel.
I found a nice Italian, Bed and Breakfast Hotel in Surrey Garden and moved in, the same evening.
Then one evening I gave a call to our principal's sister in law looking for a cheaper annex.
She was working when I called her.
She understood my plight instantly.
She asked me to pack the things and you come and stay with us until a suitable place is found.
After work she came with her husband and picked me up.
First lesson was to cook my food and gave me simple instructions like raw milk for coconut milk.
She found me an annex for 150 pounds (half the price of the hotel).
I had to put 50 pense for the heating in the night.
Month's expense with food was 200 pounds.
After the breakfast I come out to spent the day inside the tube (train) for heating.
The tube was filthy those days.
Coffee was the worst and Kentucky and Macdonald were non existent.
Chinese fish and chips with food additives were cheap.
Changed to Yorkshire fish and chips later.
I really enjoyed the two month sojourn in the city of London and all the bookshops, computer shops and stamp (philates) shops.
Tottenham Court Road was my favourite.
It had Indian Kashmir Sari shops from where I bought two saries for my mother and my mother in law for our wedding.
Within two months I found a job in Yorkshire and never had to look back.
I made good friends too.
I went to New Zealand for two decades later.
There I met lovely Ceylonese friends who helped me in various ways throughout my stay.
I do not like New Zealanders and never went back.
Now I am in a third country in my retirement.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
There is no Left (Labour), Left in UK
Labour lost its grip in 1979 after the minors' strike and Winter of Discontent.
Labour Party is sympathetic to the immigrants.
In our time 60% of the NHS was staffed by overseas doctors.
Over the years General Medical Council made radical changes, so overseas doctors were marginalized.
I do not know the current situation.
Politics is about coming to power.
There is visible discrimination of Asians and Muslims in UK.
Labour sympathy for immigrants did help them to win seats in London, Manchester and Bedford.
Keith Starmer shifted more towards the center.
He came to Labour Leadership ousting Jeromy Corbin who was a genuine Anti-american (Vietnam War) and Anti-israel lobbyist.
By the way, Israel is a British creation!
This shift is evident and there is nobody in the current Labour Party who can raise his or her hand against Israel's Genocide in Palestine.
Labour party stood for Two State Solution for Gaza in the past.
Fearing loss of marginal seats to conservatives Keith Starmer would stammer (or tongue in the cheek, approach) when this issue is brought to surface.
This is good ammunition for Jeromy Corbin to unsettle the local support where majority of Muslims live in the inner cities.
I do not think there would be any split in the Labour Party since Keith Starmer sacked all loyal to Jeromy Corbyn.
My guess is disgruntled labour guys and girls would support Liberals (Biden's mix gender type or WOKE culture in UK) and it is going to be a bonus to Liberal Party.
There would be a lot of independent candidates unseen in political history of UK.
If Keith Starmer becomes the P.M. he would be no different from Richi Zunak.
Perhaps he would get some support from disgruntled conservative back benchers.
Glenn Maxwell, the Greatest Knock in One Day Cricket
Yes it is the greatest knock in one day cricket.
13 days ago he scored a record 40 ball hundred in this world cup.
To follow up with double hundred (201 not out) is classic.
Captain Patrick James Cummins contribution is 12 out of 202 in 128 balls and that is how the game should be played. He is the fast bowler.
Australians were 91 with 7 wickets down.
Recovery of Economy NOT Cricket that is important
Cricket is not the ONLY corrupt institution in Ceylon.
These guys who are ALL corrupt on both sides are trying to COVER UP their SORDID affairs with cricket.
Opportunists by default.
Looking for a scapegoat and the found in the name of Cricket.
Yes, it is recovery of Economy and NOT Cricket that is important for Ceylon.
Theoretically, I am happy that we are ousted from cricket stardom and I.P.L.
Only one reason (intermingled with another shoddy political strategy) I can bring out to show how things work in this blessed land of opportunists.
I watched all the pre-qualifying matches we played to qualify for this world cup.
It was Dimutu Karunaratne who restored order in our team.
He is a quality Test Cricketer with correct technique and he did not like being pushed into this arena of 50 over game.
Yet, he delivered results and the young team that came up on top of the table lacked physical fitness and stamina to stand up to formidable opposition.
Then comes Angelo Matthews to spoil the soup!
He is totally unprepared and physically unfit to play 50 overs.
He never bowled 5 overs and come late to bat when the shine of the ball is gone.
He used this strategy for over 20 years.
Dinesh Chandhimal should have been the better player who could bat from 1 to 6 positions.
This was the late Tony Greg Formula.
I am sorry he is no longer with us to help us with this total (cricket) tragedy of ours.
Arjuna Ranatunge and his family is not the solution to our cricketing problems.
All of them including the former administration are greedy of the ICC money.
Proper accounting over 25 years is mandatory and ICC should not dispense any money until this is done.
The minister in charge is a joker who used to bring motor vehicle parts from Japan and assemble them inside a ship as fully furnished vehicles and sell them to Africans.
Former president outsourced his ill gotten money to Africa.
His son was also involved in this spare part industry. The partially assembled vehicle was taken into custody in HIS GARAGE and nobody knows what happened to it.
Probably ended up in Ethiopia or Nigeria.
Regarding Sumathipala he has now formed a betting consortium and he is now dealing with cyber currency.
If this money is confiscated there is some money for the coffers.
Ranil has no guts to take action even though he came in with the promise to end corruption.
His bond deals are still in my memory.
He is aiding and abetting.
He is a SLPP Stooge and was rejected by the voters.
My guess is these guys are collecting money for the next round of general elections.
If the Election Commission has any backbone they should ask the guys and girls to declare their assets before approving the nominations.
This include JVP.
It will never happen.
Senior Premadasa's assets were *audited out* only 2 years after his death.
Ranil is called "Suttara Puncha" or an age old political trickster par excellence.
He is diverting attention of his inability to manage deficit finance, directly to Cricket Chaos!
His strategy is to hide his inability to deal with HUNGER and Diseases of the masses.
There is a Dhammapada saying that states HUNGER and DISEASES are the GREATEST ILLS of Mankind.
There is acute shortage of essential medicine in government hospitals.
Things are going to get worse.
Election might oust lot of corrupt guys but substantial number of corrupt guys and girls from both sides would remain to continue the plunder.
Calling for an early election is not the solution.
The longer they stay in power the bigger is the rejection including losing their deposits to the government coffers.
J.V.P should not consider that they are the rightful owners of the political change.
It was spontaneous and natural rebellion of the youth (J.V.P was indirect contributor) that brought down the regime head of the past but MPS in Sheep Coats are inside the parliament and they were not sent home.
Some of them are marking time until the "Pension Qualification" is satisfied.
Nobody should get Pension or Official Quarters when out of power.
The dissolution of parliament is on the card after 4 years.
My close guess is a parliamentary elevations, since they could not get through the Provincial Council (white elephant) Election due to legal matters.
That is to test the ground reality.
Nobody would get 50% at the Presidential Election. It is possible to abolish the Post of Presidency but Referendum has to be held to confirm it.
J.R.J. the Fox has put lot of restrictions.
Young Premadasa will not "let slip a chance" for another go.
He is building up his image at the expense of the Cricket Board and Adminstration.
The present guy will hang on to the post of presidency without legal rights.
A Hung Parliament is a probability and current Suttra Puncha loves that scenario.
Anything can happen in politics.
I will shut up moment an election is declared and I am away from home and my vote is null and void.
There is Big Hole in the Political Bucket, dear Liser, dear Liser!
Cricket in Summary
Three families and their stooges ruined cricket.
1. Sumathipala cohort
2. Dharmadasa cohorts
3. Ranatunge brothers
R.I.P. for Ceylon Cricket.
4. Latest addition is Wijedasa Rajapaksa.
His son is already in the Cricket Board.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Yaka Model Ceylon Cricket
About todays umpiring decision, I have no issues.
The Law is clear and not ambiguous.
Umpire's Decision is Final.
Inability to stand with that decision by a very old player sets a very bad precedence to younger players.
Angelo is not indispensable to cricket and he should quit cricket now.
My reason for this piece is to highlight the injustice meted out to many of our cricketers in the past.
I may have missed out many.
I am surprised to see a cricketer sentenced to prison due to very bad behaviour.
There are many reason for me to, not to watch cricket.
Cricket is a gentleman's game and not for criminals.
What happened to Avishka (25) Fernando?
Lahiru Thirimanne
Dinesh Chandhimal
Above two were our forgotten cricket talents.
Yaka Model cricketer is Asanka Gurusinghe.
That is his type of discipline in and out of cricket.
Arjuna Ranasinghe says we needs a Yaka Model cricket adminstration to revive Ceylon Cricket Board and its Administration.
The Sumathi Cricket Bookie man has already got cryptocurrency and booking agents arranged in India to ruin our cricket.
Unfortunately Dharmadada family also has some links with Bookie cricket. Senior Dharmadsa is a close buddy of President Premadada (Timber Dealer before Navaloka).
There is an Indian Model nicknamed Desha to handle Ceylon cricket.
We should start rebuilding from our School Cricket. Even at school levels parents bribe the Sports Master to get the child into the team.
Raw talent is disregarded.
There is enough talent available but they are missed by our cricket coaches.
10 year program is necessary without Indian I.PL.
The bottom line is that I.P.L. has long term plan to ruin our budding cricketers.
Just look at what happened to Lahiru Thirimanne (33) and Dinesh Chandhimal (34).
Thisara Perera (34)
Dimuth Karunaratne (35)
Angelo Mathews (35) is good enough to roll the cricket Gal Rola.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Why I LEFT New Zealand?
Reasons are many.
1. Number one it is a racist country especially for Asians.
2. Guys and Girls there are lazy by nature.
3. Salaries are one third of England.
4. New Zealand is a very stingy country.
They want only money to be deposited in their banks, which was a hugh deposit.
I did not deposit any money but kept the money equivalent in a British Bank.
5. It was then, a Labour Government and one has to mandatorily retire at 50.
I just turned 40 and I had less than a decade of working life left in NZ.
6. I left NZ after 2 years and joined the university in Ceylon and worked until 66 years of age.
I added 25 years to my Service Record.
I am still active and alive!
7. I missed the retirement plan that I was entitled due to inordinate delay in processing my Visa Application.
8. Had I entered 6 weeks earlier, I would have qualified by default for a retirement pay and Immigration Guys deliberately delayed my entry to disqualify me.
Before I enter into any contract, I study the rules and regulation in depth.
9. I had a job offer confirmed in my hand and I threatened to sue the guys, if I lose my job.
10. They are jealous of medical guys.
11. While I was discriminated in broad day light, South African Apartheid guys were given priority in Visa.
In action and intent New Zealand practice an Apartheid Policy.
12. I was the last one to be cleared from the airport and that was after I made a complaint to the senior Immigration Officer.
I waited 3 hours in the lobby patiently and did not want to create a scene at the entry point.
13. The VISA was generally processed at Singapore at that time and the Chinese woman deliberately delayed the processing.
This office is no more.
I immediately booked a ticket to London and put a new Visa Application there.
In other words I paid twice.
13. Woman in London stamped the Multiple Entry on my old Passport instead of my new passport.
That was an act of vandalism.
14. I had Indefinite Visa for UK.
I had already decided to quit UK.
I could have applied for a job but I hated English weather.
15. In retirement in NZ Ceylonese guys play poker to support their income.
I could never put a poker face and I was the first to be thrown out of a poker table.
16. Some of them play golf and golf equipment are expensive for a retiree.
17. Play Grounds were soggy and within two years with the help of Mr. Graham Bone we managed to lay an artificial surface, play hockey.
18. I trained young NZ kids to play hockey.
19. No Clubs and I could not play a single snooker game in New Zealand and that is the main reason for leaving this stingy country.
20. They have enough Chinese brothels.
There are many other reasons and I have included them in details with names in one of my books at Amazon's.
21. An average New Zealander both male and female is not bisexual but homosexual..
I missed a case of massive perianal abscess (presented as knee and hip pains) of a young guy of 25.
I failed to do a Per Rectal Examination and failed to look at his back.
Couple of days later on a Sunday, he was admitted and the young New Zealand consultant discovered the a huge perianal abscess.
I was told that the guy was a homosexual.
By the way, same nerves that supply knee and hip have branches supplying the perianal region.
This is generally called referred pain and this young guy presented with referred pain.
If you do not put your finger in (Per Rectal Examination) you have to put your foot in, is a medical jargon, which I knew in theory but did not practice!
That is the bottom line.
22. I am making this entry on the 16th November after the semifinal match which NZ lost.
I am a sportsman and I play the game fair unlike Angelo Matthews.
This is to illustrate REAL lifetime incidents.
Number 1 Episode
I was doing shopping in local NewWeek (did not have good shopping centers) shopping center with my family and kids.
I wanted to buy a little present for my daughter and was doing window shopping and found a little language dictionary in the tradition of a calculator but bit bigger.
I paid the sum and did not forget to buy a present for my son,too (I cannot remember, may be a musical pod).
Having come out, when I checked the shopping bags to give it to my daughter and it was not there.
Double checked, no luck.
It dawned on me that the young sales woman forgot to put it to the bag.
I reported the missing item to the manager and they could not find it.
I distinctly noticed that the sales woman was bit fidgety and told him that she had stolen it and you better do an investigation and I need my money back.
He refunded the money.
I said if this woman is there when I come next time round, I would boycott your shop.
I did not get the "language modem" but she was not working there anymore.
That moment I decided I would not ask for full immigration in NZ.
Number 2 Episode
I bought a ticket by Singapore Airline for my mother in law from Colombo to Christchurch.
She was supposed to attend to her Visitor Visa and the same Chinese woman stopped her at Singapore.
We had a friendly Singaporean lady and she took my mother in law home and gave a call about her plight.
I took a call to the Immigration Office in NZ.
The woman answered was by the name of Williamson (hope she not related to the cricketer) and she gave me a cock and bull answer.
I said I will give (you may record) verbal and written assurance that she would return in 6 months.
She refused and I blasted her for about half an hour and gave a call to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and he said he does not get involved in immigration matters which was a BIG Lie.
From Minister to the Head of Immigration to Immigration documentation officer in Singapore were biased and racist and I decided not to extend my stay after two years.
At Christchurch the pile of files at the Immigration Office was the biggest pile.
My job contract was for two years and the South African Recruiting Consultant who offered me the job was sacked.
He told me so (Dr.Van Dyke).
My wife and I did travel to UK (my annual holiday) at least once during this period to do shopping in London.
My favorite places were Summerfield Stamps center and Foyles Bookshop.
By the way, Singapore Airline gave the full refund and I booked a ticket for her to return after 2 weeks.
I do not think I will ever visit NZ again.
By the way, many years later after my retirement from the University I decided to pay a visit to England.
I went through the VSQ formalities and send the Visitor Visa Form to the Office in Madras and for 3 months I did not here anything.
I did a survey and I found that the L.T.T.E guys at Madras Office deliberately delay Visa application forms from Sinhala guys from Ceylon.
I did give a call to Assistant Secretary of Immigration in Ceylon and told him the above issues and if you all are acting as racists, I do not need to travel to UK and there are other countries I could travel but please give a call to Madras and get my passport back within two weeks lest you get a notice from my lawyer.
My Tamil lawyer Arudusothie is no more.
Yes, I got my passport back in double quick time and I made alternative travel arrangements.
My favorite Airline towards London is Emirates and its services are pretty good, if one is travelling towards London.
By the way, I got an email yesterday, from Emirates quoting the prices from Auckland to London.
The prices have gone up by 3 to 5 times and for old age people discrimination is the norm.
Age discrimination is a criminal offense.
After the landmark decision by the Supreme Court on the 13th it is high time that judges give due concern for old people.
Lalith Kotalawala case and his death under suspicious circumstances is worth probing including Shafter case.
I do not think, Brian Thomas had anything to do with this murder and this Shafter guy was trying to frame (insurance guys should not be trusted) for his own gain and ultimately paid the full price!
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Veteran's Day
Veteran's Day
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 was the day armistice was signed between allied forces and Germany.
This is remembered as the Veteran Day.
Memorial day is remembered on the last Monday of May.
May Day is celebrated on the 1st of May in most countries.
In America Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September.
Ranatunge Cooperative Cricket
It is obvious Ranatunge Family is trying to build a Cooperative Cricket Council under their protectorate.
Under Sirimovo Bandaranayake Regime this family became rich.
N.M. Perera and Sirimavo regime were very corrupt.
Felix Dias Bandaranayake, the Finance Minister was a neurotic.
As a young undergraduate, I had to make a shirt out of female " Chettha Redi" to wear.
This was my formal protest of this regime.
Luckily my brother was in UK and I could get a few Van Hussein shirts and a Seiko wrist watch.
Everything including milk powder, dhal, sugar and rice had to be bought from the COOP with a token card.
I had to come home on the Friday evening and wait in the queue on Saturday morning to get the weekly ration.
I used to buy Ponds Cream for Rs.1.25 and that is also from the cooperative store.
We had butter and cheese only in the university residence.
Went down to String Hoppers in the second year in the university.
All the COOP managers used to steal and this stealing habit goes in the family trait.
They could not afford to go to Ananda College without money in hand.
The principal when these guys were in school was well known to me. He was not an old Anandian.
Ananda swimming pool was built during his time.
Money donated to the pool were stolen by various guys.
Thoracic Surgeon R.S.Perera was very helpful getting the donations for this project but some old Anandians were pocketing the money donated.
By the way, as the captain of the university hockey team we beat Ananda by 12 goals, Nalanda by 10 goals and Dharmaraja by 14 goals (to nil).
Just to remind that cricket is not the only game in this world.
I never played cricket except soft ball cricket and we were local soft ball champions.
One of my relatives who was the principal then took me there and I lasted only one week.
I said mosquitoes were my problem.
They wanted me to become a doctor.
I told them I would do that in Kandy.
The teachers in Kandy were horrible and they told me, I will never enter the Medical Faculty.
I proved them wrong!
The Cricket Board has money to steal and some families want to posses them.
One of the siblings is under criminal investigation and he is absconding.
I gather this family was trying to destroy Dasun Shanaka, the cricket captain.
They give calls in English to individual cricketers who come from remote villages who do not have fluency in English.
That is how they insinuate!
English is not necessary for cricket and it is a game of runs and wickets.
This family tries to destroy the moral of our cricketers and are stealthily trying to get in to the cricket administration.
Game plan is to steal the remaining money.
Internal auditing in cricket was not done for over 25 years.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Helicopter Ride
Helicopter Ride was a dream of my life.
This was all about applied physis.
How it ascends, how it turns and how it remains stationary and how it descends were my interests not flying per say.
It consumes lot of energy even to stay afloat.
Since we cannot see air currents, unlike the water currents around a boat one has to feel it by being inside the helicopter.
I went to an Engineering Exhibition in a Ceylon university, expecting them to show me real flow dynamics and I was disappointed.
I, only saw an old dysfunctional helicopter on the grass on its pads.
Going some years back in New Zealand, with my family we went to a helicopter airshow and booked a ticket in advance.
We were waiting for sometime and we were told that we could not fly due to poor visibility.
Disappointed, I drew the car to the top of the mountain as far as I could go until I saw snow on the road.
Got down from the car and had a few photos and waited until I could not see anything in front of me.
I knew we will be blinded in no time and descended carefully to a lower level until I could drive safely.
I did not have chains behind my car to avoid slippery ice.
I checked and double checked every component if the second hand car I bought in New Zealand.
If I remember right, I spent more money than the purchased price, on the Honda for all the repair work.
It was in perfect condition when I retuned it back to the seller.
The cost of exporting items were prohibitive and I instead, sent only my books (not available in Ceylon) and magazines home.
We retuned home safely, and I decided never to ride a helicopter.
Months later we went to see, sea lions on a cloudy day.
I took the baby walker beyond an emergency point and could not see anything due to mist.
Mist was a blessing and being a mountaineer from Ampitiya in the hill capital, negotiated the slippery slope without a tight code in hand.
It was a very STUPID IDEA crossing the warning sign!
I was much wiser after the incident.
Why Australia should ban Chinese Economic Refugees
Chinese are global economic refugees that should be banned from every country.
They are like proverbial leeches who suck a blood meal and go into hibernation for one year.
1. During hibernation they invest that money earned on projects that an average Australian shun.
For example they take over hospital refuse system (everything including Australian faeces and urine and grow tomatoes in what is called Organic (Giant Peanuts, too) Farms and sell them back to Australians.
They also cultivate giant cockroaches and cell their meat as Protein Rich Food items.
There are thousands of similar projects globally and I won't waste my time here.
2. In Ceylon they use Chinese Prostitutes in massage parlors named as Ayurvedic Treatment Centers to cater for sons of political giants.
This is where they do spying sessions on the government projects like building a Circuits for Motor Racing.
How they operate in Australia I haven't got a clue, since I have no intention of visiting any of their brothels.
Their homosexual exploits of males, I haven't got a clue.
They know Australian weaknesses.
The Woke Culture of Biden Era is a bonus industry in America for Chinese.
Do not beware Muslims but beware Chinese smooth operation strategy.
5. They spread diseases and their personal hygiene is always below standard.
I will give you a few examples.
A) We visited a coffee joint in the remote part of the city and this Chinese girl with nasty upper respiratory track infection, in broad day light contaminated all the plastic cups with saliva and breath.
Never used a paper towel to wipe!
We threw the cups to the dustbin immediately and went to a better coffee parlour.
We are Tea Drinkers and we could not find a suitable place.
B) During the Halloween day, Chinese Boys took (stole) our stainless steel container along with the sweets.
We decided NOT to leave any sweets in future, if there are Chinese boys and girls in the neighbourhood.
C) I was a Chinese Food Restaurant addict in United Kingdom in 1980s.
I was without a job and living on my paltry saving in UK in a cheap Italian " Bed and Breakfast" in Surrey Gardens in London.
Most of my time was spent on Tube Stations for heating adjustments and a Takeaway from Chinese joint near King's Cross was my fish and chips luncheon and dinner combined.
They add addictive to Chinese Takeaways and I got addicted!
I avoid Chines Restaurants by default now.
D) Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
This is similar to Sick Building Syndrome (along with asbestosis) in UK at that time.
We used to get headaches and diarrhoea after a meal in Cheap Chinese Restaurants in London and Midlands.
We did a survey and found that the food additive were the reason for headaches and diarrhoea and switched to Italian restaurants.
I thought alcohol (beer) and chillies were the reasons and I was proven wrong.
Pancakes with corn syrup honey in an Italian restaurant were our favourite after marriage!
When they won World Cup Football in 1982, all the Italian Restaurants dished out free meals with alcohol and I never forget Parlo Roti
Pizza is my favourite.
I won't go to a Indian Restaurant during this cricket world cup.
In fact, I am boycotting cricket in total.
E) We went to chocolate factory and we were playing games for bonus chocolates.
Four Chines boys who could not read English were trying to peep over our shoulders and I for good reason showed my annoyance by stretching my shoulders wide behind our team of family players.
We left the difficult game for them!
They lost twice and were trying to break the game machine to get the tokens.
We never saw them again during our entire walk around the chocolate factory.
These are descendants of One Child Policy of China.
They are juvenile delinquents.
I have been avoiding Chinese from 1982.
I have been avoiding Indians all my life.
They are bit worse.
I hope and pray for a fourth World War between China and India.
That is the best Population Control not the Palestine Israel war.
F. Chinese and Indians do not have the patient to wait in queues.
They are always in Rat Race.
Beat the other guy and prey on vulnerable is their life time goals.
G. They last Chinese guy at the airport immigration was a nut cracker neurotic.
I never carry anything illegal when I cross ports.
I do not even carry the legally allowable tobacco and liqueur except only once.
I went to Singapore after my retirement and brought at least 8 bottles of wine.
6 in my big bag with the laptop.
Two in my hand luggage.
I bought 3 equivalent of bottles of wine from the store for one duty free bottle allowed.
Duty free guys cheat a lot!
Buying from a local wine store is cheaper and they have the full variety.
I dished out all to managers in the Banks, Telecoms and couple of other guys nicely wrapped in cardboard or brown paper so that they can take them home, safely undetected.
I would not be able to do that anymore in my retirement.
Coming back to this Chinese Australian guy in immigration, he was in panic mode.
I knew my rights and he had no right to RUSH me and old guy.
He wanted to clear me like an inanimate object.
To annoy him I went to deliberate Slow Mode knowing he cannot coordinate the visual display and his eyesight.
He had to check me thrice.
I pretend not to understand his English.
He was treating me like a Chinese criminal in Australia.
Of course, as usual I uttered an English vulgar expletive loudly so that all the Australians around me could hear me, the moment I cleared the immigration.
I had only chocolates and tissues in my pockets.
I took them out one by one.
After he said OK and let me out, I pushed out another chocolate.
I used to do this at Amsterdam Airport.
Pull out a tooth paste, tooth brush, parker pen and a pensil, until the final call message was on.
This connection plane was late in London for 20 minutes and the plane had to circle for 45 minutes for a landing spot.
Mind you a plane lands every 30 seconds at Heathrow, and I knew what I was doing.
I told the European guys next to me if they treated me like one of you, you would not have missed your connections.
This was before the emergence of L.T.T.E. violence and after 1984 I was doubly careful at airport crossings.
I must FINISH with an encounter with a Singaporean Chinese woman at the NZ immigration counter.
NZ immigration office was in Singapore, then.
I handed my passport and the application the day before, stating I need Entry Visa in 24 hours.
When I went there the next morning and it was not ready.
I said I want the passport back with a new application form.
I bought a ticket to London and handed over a new application at the London Office and told the documentation officer, if my passport is not ready by 24 hours you would hear from my lawyer.
There was a long queue South Africans fleeing from SA after Nelson Mandela came to power.
I got my Multiple Entry VISA and it was pasted on my old passport deliberately by the woman in immigration as a "tick for tack".
I did not make a fuss and landed the plane same evening.
Apart from this neurotic Chinese woman in Singapore New Zealand Immigration officers are nasty to the CORE.
It was Work VISA and decided NEVER to apply for NZ residency.
This is the only country I have not visited twice.
By the way, I would not go even to Hong Kong, if somebody gives me a free air ticket.
Another pandemic is looming.
Beware of Chinese!
I am planning to visit Moscow before I kick the bucket.
I have to learn Russian and Russian economy is booming, thanks to the Israel War.
The Muslims want better weapons and drones from Russia.
They are getting them through third parties.
What a miscalculation of American War machine?
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Returned and Services League of Australia
Retired and Services League of Australia was initiated in 1916 after the First World War.
This was to help the returning soldiers or sailors to settle down in the country of domesticated.
The idea was to help with medical problems and medical facilities were primitive then.
Anglophile organizations
Monarchic organizations
Sexist organization where women were excluded.
They organized the ANZAC celebrations.