Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Analogy of religion to biological entities

My Creative Phrase;
"Religion widens the blind spot of human thinking and stops creative thinking for life (for good)"

Current events in Ceylon made me to Reproduce this piece which was deleted from this blog spot by me. 
A Knee Jerk Reaction, now!
A Brain Virus describes it better than Opium!

Analogy of religion to biological entities
By strange coincidence I was attracted to a presentation by an author before his intended book.
He left gaping gaps in his presentation of one hour long.
I guess if he did a 20 minutes presentation and left the rest for questions and answers he would have done a better job.
In that case his book would not sale.
His intention was to confuse more than enlighten the audience.

This is the Internet age, the name of the game is confusion and contradictions.

For general consideration, I would analyze the Internet first, Presentations second and analogy of religion to biological principles, the last.
If you are not interested in the general blah, blah skip whatever one wishes and go to the theme of choice or no choice (the better choice) at all.

1. Biological Distribution of the Internet Content.
Internet as it is, if I describe in a statistical sense with the analogy of statistical “Bell Shaped Curve” as a model is never a general distribution at all.
It is skewed to the right or the left to a greater degree and the Bell part is evident by the greater confusion of all.

The left side of the bell is generally skewed to the “Idea Generated” and the right side is more skewed to the contradictory outcome generated by the idea itself but very “Obsessive” in nature.
There is no middle path or middle part.
The middle part of the bell shaped curve is filled with total confusion.
That is not the expectation of a good dialogue which is to dispel the wrong view while giving space for the plausible alternative view, leaving the majority non committal or on neutral ground.
The best way to avoid confusion is to shut the "Internet by Will” but this would never happen in this century and that is the malady.

2. Presentation Technique
Any presentation has to be brief and to the point.
It should not be a kitchen cabinet type with a secret goals and intentions.
I loved the Power Point Presentation technique when it came.
A good presentation should not go beyond 10 power point slides with powerful words and couple of pictures.
Then the ability to insert videos into the power point presentation came and it killed brevity of a presentation.
I think any good message should not go beyond 20 minutes since by then the boredom sets in the mind.

Then, the YouTube came in an the brevity of presentation is known for its absence (of brevity)!

3. Biological Behavior of Religion
The presenter did ask few questions and never gave any answers.
He never gave any social (may be even political) implications or scientific explanation why there are so many religions evolved in human history but only a few stay put.
He said early humans forms made cultural (tribal way) types and may or may not have had their own religions.
The modern religions originated during last 3000 (barring prehistorical civilizations) years and there was no social need for their beginning but once formed they attracted the imagination of the rulers and became almost like “Brain Parasites”to infect the innocent subjects.

There was no escape.
But his analogy of religion to biological entities was pretty good one.
There are cellular life forms of parasites, symbiotic and neutral forms.

But almost all forms of religions are parasitic to our brains and having entered they do not leave us like viruses.
Viruses do not do anything worthwhile but remain and reproduce.
Religions also reside in our brains and never allow a better form of religions (if there are any?) or alternative views to take root.
The parasite rules the host brain not the other way round.

The disorder instead of harmony sets in.
There is no god or religion coding (DNA) in our genome.

Religion is like an epigenetic relationship.
Just as when newer types of flowers take root in evolution butterflies, bumble bees and humming birds come into existence.
Religion was not a necessity in evolution (in that case it would have evolved before the language) and once it takes root this epigenetic existence is parasitic.

Man is never freed from this bondage.
Do we need a religion?

Is it only a creation of mankind that left him entangled without an escape route?

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