Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thousand (1000) hits, LinuxTracker and Linux Action

Thousand (1000) hits in less than 3 months at Wordpress and 3 thousand (3000) hits at Google after 2 years was not the outcome I was expecting for Linux and never looked at the statistics till recently.
It was not a popularity contest any way.
Promoting something not taken roots in the market is not easy.
Intention was to promote even less fashionable Linux Distributions other than the top 10 to 20 distributions that are used.
The catch phrase was "Linux is not only Ubuntu"
Idea was to hit 100 (a century in cricketing terms and beat Sanath in his game and age and remain not out) and remain not out.
I am not out and would like to remain so unlike Sanath.

100 was achieved in less than six months in spite of the slow download speed in Sri-Lanka and mainly CDs and very few DVDs.

Having achieved the milestone I continued (lot of sleepless nights) and it passed 150 and may be 200 now and I lost count of the number.

Idea was not to achieve number milestone but to bring out less popular Linux Distributions into limelight.

It seems to be working now after I migrated to Wordpress.

Having 24 hits for Knoppix was a major milestone.

Good that I mix the Linux writing (lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes) with other topics and that also has contributed to the increase in the number of hits.

People who browse other topics are free to browse what is available on Linux

The categorization feature and tags are an excellent to way to attract traffic.

In the meantime the download speed in Sri-Lanka went down to 5 to 10 KB per second with the introduction of PEOTV and I had to go to K-Torrent and Linuxtracker.

Last weekend the LinuxTracker was out of action and that is the only weekend I did not have a distribution to test.

I hope LinuxTracker will bounce back with new vigour and vitality.

I will be totally handicapped.

Because of the Cricket World Cup, a minor disruption to my download habit is not unwelcome change.
I can take a respite and watch cricket.
I hope it is not a long respite with Mageia, Mandriva and Suse are putting their acts together and there will be lot to download and test.

In the meantime you are free to visit parafox and asokaplus at Wordpress (categorized topics with Linux given some prominence).
Keep blogging and browsing.
It is the only way to popularize excellent but less popular Linux distributions.

Thank you for hitting thousand hits.

My intention was only 100 and one.

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