Sabayon Linux
I tried this distribution in the past but had a difficult time and gave up.
Sabayon Linux or Sabayon (formerly RR4 Linux and RR64 Linux), was an Italian Gentoo-based Linux distribution created by Fabio Erculiani and the Sabayon development team.
Sabayon followed the "out of the box" philosophy, aiming to give the user a wide number of applications ready to use and a self-configured operating system.
Sabayon Linux featured a rolling release cycle, its own software repository and a package management system called Entropy. Sabayon was available in both x86 and AMD64 distributions and there was support for ARMv7 in development for the BeagleBone.
It was named after an Italian dessert, zabaione, which is made from eggs.
Sabayon's logo was an impression of a chicken foot.[5] In November 2020 it was announced that future Sabayon Linux versions would be based on Funtoo instead of Gentoo Linux.[6] Sabayon Linux was replaced by MocaccinoOS.
Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce, Fluxbox (Minimal)
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Gentoo
Wikipedia: Sabayon Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 19.03 | March 27, 2019
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Sabayon Linux
Sabayon Linux (previously RR4 Linux and RR64 Linux) – a Linux distribution developed by Fabio Erculiani, based on and fully compatible with Gentoo Linux. It uses the Entropy package management system that was specially developed for this distribution and Portage.
Entropy installs prepackaged packages which shortens the installation process compared to Portage. You can use Entropy with console or graphic user interface Equo or Ringo.
Sabayon supports x86 and amd64 architectures and is a rolling release distro, which means that you don’t have to install it from scratch after a new version is released. There are ready to go Live CDs/DVDs with GNOME, KDE, XFCE, MATE environments, a minimalist version with Fluxbox, which lets you customize the system according to your needs; and a version of SpinBase without a graphical environment.
To install the system on a hard drive, Sabayon uses the Anakonda installer known from Red Hat and Fedora.
Starting with version 16.06, Sabayon is also available for ARM machines (RaspberryPi).
The last version of Sabayon Linux are available for x86_64 machines only.
In November 2020, Sabayon has been rebranded to MocaccionoOS and merged the project with Funtoo Linux.
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