Sunday, March 2, 2025

Pegasus OS

Pegasus OS

Web site:
Origin: Brazil
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 18.02 | February 18, 2018

Pegasus OS – a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and Debian. The Pegasus OS highlight the easy and stable operation.

The current version name is Helix Nebula – every point version honors a celestial object, which does not necessarily need to be associated with the Pegasus constellation, which is already honored by the name of the distribution.

The focus is on ease of use and the possibility of being an environment for developing software and learning various tools.
It already has a video editor, IDE for software development, image editors, productivity suite, and others.

The project emerged as a personal initiative to improve learning about Linux, as well as the availability of tools used in the educational field. It is a hobby associated with professional and personal use.

It was decided to use the XFCE environment for its lightness, without losing its beauty, but it also has LXDE for faster access.

The project developer is Arnaldo Vasconcellos.

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