Sunday, March 2, 2025

Peter Principle

 Peter Principle

Peter principle is an instrument that is used in banking management to weed out incompetent individuals out of the main stream and isolate them in their own islands of safety without embarrassment to the individual or to the institute.

The underlying principle is that individuals go up the ladder of promotions to the level of their competence and once they reach the optimum level of performance there is no way of promoting them higher without substantial risk to the institute. Unfortunately they are not at the age of retirement and the management has to device ways and means of getting them out of the main stream.

In that scenario what the management does is to create a glamorous looking post and sidetracks the individual horizontally in the management structure. This side tracking exercise keep the management and the individual happy mutually and the customers do not see this as a fact, unless they are privy to the internal dynamics of the institute.

I believe this principle is applicable to our politicians. For an example when a politician is running out of his or her own steam they need some recuperation somewhere and in the parliament the post of speaker satisfy the Peter Principle scientifically.

Even though he is called the speaker he cannot speak on his own as long as he occupies this chair.

What a characteristic of democracy?

I thought democracy is to voice one’s opinion.

It is quite an aberration?

My concern is what we do with the aging population of politicians who do not want to retire from the limelight and the TV glamour?

In good old days we had the Senate for them to come and socialize with the rest of those who have reached the level of incompetence.

My belief is that our politicians reach their level of competence or incompetence in the kindergarten itself and some of them become very childish in their likes and dislikes.

Why this is so I do not know for certain but my concern is what shall we do with them?

We cant keep then in cold storage like Stalin and Lenin.

Shall we make them actors and actresses in the local Tele Dramas?

After all acting is a glamorous job and most of them were very good in acting in their real life they need not have any training.

That is only one option.

But I have another option.

Why can’t we make them peace monitors?

They had been talking about peace so much in their political life they must be having a real love for peace. I believe they would really enjoy the challenge of peace keeping and traveling all over the world at no expense to them.

The third option is to send them to space.

They can scan the entire world from outer space with an advantage none of us will have with a camera that enlarges an ant to size an elephant.

Looking for trouble spots.

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