Rebirth in Essence
This is extracted from our Walking Encyclopedia Indika Thotawatta.
Abhidhamma Explanation
Depends on the Individual
Buddha and Arhants, no remaining Kamma, so no Rebirth
Ananthariya Kamma one with invariably resulting Kamma, such like hurting Buddha by Devadhatta would result in almost unrecoverable bad result or Kamma effect.
Others fall in between have many degrees of Janaka Kamma that may result in higher (Devas) to the lower (animal kingdom) to the humans.
Human birth is very rare.
Gati Nimitta is the ability to foresee the impending birth in a momentary, flash like instance.
Janaka Kamma
Now the mind or the Vinnana having the speed far exceeding the speed of light, its expression in a moment to moment is unpredictable.
It is far better to forget about the time frame in human reference which is a human construction of an arbitrary value (a kind of concept).
In physics time is not a substantial entity of nature but is comparatively relative to the solar system one inhabits.
In a moment of time, many, many mind instances occur, as if it is in a high frequency flash light.
What it means is Chittha frequency is tremendously fast and one cannot hold onto any one instance since one fades into another, instantly.
In Abhidhamma, (if my memory stands correct) it states in a moment , there are 17 to 18 (I am puzzled how it was calculated) thought moments exist.
In my estimate it is a very arbitrary figure and it cannot be counted as such.
These thought moments have the Chethana base as a component and they are continuous and spontaneous and one cannot grab and hold onto one instance by will power.
In other words Rebirth is instantaneous and holder of the Kamma (unless one is an Arhant) has no control over the next birth.
The that sense the term Antharbhava is superfluous and has no meaning.
I am stating it as a man with a good understanding of physics.
Chethnaham Bhikkuve Kammam Vadhami.
So the last Chethana or Kamma Nimitta (Nimitta means impending event that has not yet come to being) of this life would take us to the next birth instantaneously.
Chuti Cittha (ending of one life) gives way to to the Patisandhi Chittha of the immediately following life, a natural process. Gathi Nimittha is the momentary flash of seeing what is coming next and is not an event of any significance in Rebirth Phenomenon.
These Pali words unlike Sinhala or English have precise meanings.
So knowing Pali meaning is knowing the Dhamma in essence.
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